Book Tour 2015 for Juli Bauer’s Paleo Cookbook has begun. And I’ve hit the ground running…ok not really, I’ve actually hit the ground wobbling. So get this…on Monday, I thought it would be a good idea to do calf raises, because well, I haven’t done them in probably 10 years. So my friend Lacey put together a workout with weighted calf raises. Cool, no big deal, I do hundreds of reps in CrossFit all the time. Well, we did 100 calf raises with a 45# barbell on our back. To say it politically correct: my calves are f*cked. I have to use the f word here, it must be used. I can’t put my foot flat on the floor while standing up straight. My knees are constantly bent. I’m so f*cked up. So imagine me while traveling, trying to figure out my way through that giant ATL airport, while walking/running like a velociraptor. Google velociraptor right now so you can visualize what I look like. The only time I feel semi-comfortable is when I’m in high heels. And I effing hate high heels. Doing 100 calf raises may have been the stupidest thing I’ve ever done. Seriously ever. I hate myself.

Will it ever get better? Not looking like it so far. I keep rolling them out, walking as much as possible, and drinking plenty of water and it’s just getting worse. HELP ME!

Ok, get over your stupid self, Juli. Back to Fashion Fridays. This week it’s all about on-the-road and book tour outfits. I still have Boston, New York, Pittsburgh and Chicago to hit on this first leg so there will be many outfits next week as well! This first outfit was one I picked last minute and I’m so glad I did. I’ve had both pieces for over a year, but have never worn this top because it shows a good amount of boob. But since I started my book tour doing a pre-release party at my own gym, I said screw it and let the boobs be free. It’s hard to see in this picture, but I have a body chain on that actually goes underneath the shirt, between the boobs and down to my stomach. It’s so fun!


Top | Skirt | Shoes | Necklace }

While I was packing for my trip and figuring out what exactly to wear, I pulled out all the shoes I wanted to take with me on the trip. Most of them are for tour outfits, but I threw in my favorite flats and sandals to wear around town for the days I have extra time in certain cities.


Shoes – From top moving clockwise: Black Pumps | Pink Pointed Flats | Sandals | Stud Heels | Black Pointed Flats | Strap Heels | Sandals (no longer is stock) | Camel Booties

I got this two piece matching outfit a couple months back at Inspyre Boutique and knew I wanted to wear it somewhere special. So I decided that since I was starting my tour in Denver, I would wear a piece that I bought in Denver! I never thought I could pull off a set like this, but I loved it and felt super comfortable in it! And I ended up packing the shorts with me so I could wear them with a white flowy top while trekking through cities! Just FYI, I got a small in both the shorts and top.


Blue Print Two Piece | Camel Booties | Print Oversized Clutch

I talked about this jacket last week because I’m seriously OBSESSED! I got it for a light transitional jacket to wear while the fall months came on, but it was perfect to wear on an airplane when it cools down and the goose bumps begin. Ugh, flying is the grossest. Wait, I need to talk about something real fast. Atlanta airport…wtf. That place is a complete zoo. Their trains have people getting on and getting off through the same doors, at the same time, but the doors close incredibly quickly with no apologies. I literally saw 3 old woman, over the age of 80, try to get onto the train while almost being trampled by other people and then being close to getting crushed by the doors. It was a terrible sight, terrible. I dislike that airport. #keeptheoldtravelingladiesalive


Top | Shorts | Jacket | Sandals (out of stock) | Similar Suitcase

Even though this outfit was long sleeved, I just felt like it belonged in Atlanta. I have no reasoning behind that, but whatevs. Before my signing, I walked around downtown Atlanta (walking about 2 miles) and was literally drenched in sweat. My armpits and back sweat were out of control. And there go these business men walking by me, cool as a cucumber. The door man was even weirded out by my sweat stains. The man wearing all black and standing outside the entire day, HE was disgusted with ME. No sweat on his brow. I think I’m just a sweaty person. Anywho, This romper is so comfortable, long so it’s not creating a camel toe, and will be great to wear with some booties and a light jacket as the fall months come on! Below I’m sharing a few more adorable rompers that will be great for the next few months! AND all are super affordable!


RomperShoes }

Now I’m off to Boston, where I’m SO pumped about my dress. I’m seriously obsessed with it. Can’t wait to share it with you guys!

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  1. Shinnola says:

    I love the adore the skirt and crop top combo. Definitely my favorite!

  2. Michelle @ Unbound Wellness says:

    The skirt and the crop top are so adorable! I love love love the studded heels too. I tried to grab the halogen studded flats from the Nordstrom sale but they were out of my size. Love the heels so much!

    1. Claire says:

      Hey I just wondered how you get your name to be linked to your website? Thanks in advance!

    2. Claire says:

      Oh and also how you get photo to show! thanks x

  3. M says:

    Juli – I read your blog often, but never comment. I did the spontaneous too many calf raises thing once as well – the day before my high school graduation. I totally and completely understand your pain! Having to walk on stage to receive my diploma and multiple awards in my dress and nice shoes while not being able to move my legs. The whole thing was ridiculous. Laughing with you on this one!

  4. Tracey says:

    Juli all your outfits look stunning on you.
    Don’t know what a calf raise is so I can’t relate. (Sorry though) I hope you are enjoying your book tour, I am a bit sad that you aren’t coming to Canada, but I get it! I tried to message you on your Contact me page and it didn’t like my email address? It said it’s already been used? ?? I would like to contact you not via THIS (bloggy thing) if at all possible. Is it possible?


  5. Jenna says:

    Bagaha, I never comment but just HAD to on this one! My gym partner and I did a milli calf raises a couple months ago and I legit couldn’t walk normally for a week! I thought I’d actually injured myself, haha. It WILL get better…eventually! 🙂

  6. Jen @ Chase the Red Grape says:

    Urgh calf pain is the worst! And you get the strangest looks from people!
    I love the top and shirt combo, so cute! I have just moved from Scotland to Australia – it’s winter here right now so I cannot wait for the heat to come so I can go shopping for outfits like this!

  7. Sharayah says:

    How do you find the perfect shoes that won’t hurt your feet?? Do you have that problem? Gosh, I can’t seem to find a great fashionable pair of shoes that are work appropriate without them killing my feet!! You always have the best shoes!!

    1. juli says:

      haha i don’t. to me, some shoes are worth the pain so i just buy what i love!