In case you missed my email this past week, I’m here to make sure you don’t miss out on any free food! Free bacon to be exact! If you’re not paying attention to where your meat is coming from…it’s time!! And ButcherBox is ready to make that easier than ever! ButcherBox delivers grass-fed, grass-finished, antibiotic and hormone free chicken, beef and pork right to your doorstep!

I’ve been using ButcherBox for almost a year now and I have loved every box that has been delivered to my doorstep. Almost every single meal I make at home is made with their humanely raised meat and it always tastes amazing!

And ButcherBox wants you to get a special gift to kick off the New Year so they are giving away free bacon for the rest of the year! That’s 12 months of free bacon! ButcherBox bacon is uncured, sugar/nitrate/hormone free, made from pasture raised, heritage breed pigs AND its whole30 approved!

If you’re finally ready to try ButcherBox out, do it now while this special offer is still available! You’re going to be so happy with your breakfast sausage, burger patties, chicken thighs, pork chops…and I’ll make sure you know how to cook up all the different cuts of meat! And now, you’ll be even happier with your ButcherBox bacon every month!

Free Bacon

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  1. Elena says:

    Right, now I am in the middle of the yearly Nutrition Challenge at my Crossfit gym and this meat delivery will be the perfect thing to help get me through it. Hopefully the meat will taste better than what I have been purchasing at the grocery store and the bacon is compliant to the Paleo part of the challenge! Thanks. -Elena

  2. Taylor Ostrander says:

    wish this was in Canada, looks amazing!

  3. Jessica says:

    Juli! I want to start ordering from ButcherBox but wanted to ask you first what you think is a sane amount of meat to order for one person? I was thinking the big box every 60 days? From your experience do you think that is too much? It is at the top of my budget, so I don’t want to order more than I need. Thank you so much!!

    1. juli says:

      i don’t think so, but i’m also a person who eats a lot. so if you like to eat and you’re cooking multiple meals, then i totally think it’s a good idea. but you can always start with a smaller box and change it if it’s too little

  4. Dani says:

    Yay!!!! Finally after about 6 months of trying to convince my husband of the importance of the meat we are consuming…he finally caved when I told him to look at the ground beef and tell me how many cows are probably in there. He made a discussed look and a comment about how he wishes we could get meat we could trust. TA-DA!!!! We receive our first box next week and bacon for a year!!!! Tried to use PALEOMG as a discount, but that must’ve been an old podcast I had listened to.
    Thanks for all the suggestions and the kick ass blog/podcast/IG

    1. Dani says:

      Disgusted* not discussed

    2. juli says:

      yayyyyyyy!! ButcherBox is the absolute best!!