Today on the podcast, I’m talking about why I’ve changed up my own fitness routine and some of the positive changes I’ve experienced from it. It’s always hard to transition to something different and can feel a little daunting or scary, but I’ve been so happy with what I’m experienced in 2019 so far and can’t wait to see what’s to come!
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Episode 125 Transcription Coming Soon!
Thanks for another great epsiode!! It’s great to hear that you’ve been seeing the results that you have been looking for. Thanks for sharing all of your workouts on the blog and Instagram – they are challenging and fun! I know a while back you were posting that your crossfit gym was doing more bootcamp style classes, do you still like to do those classes?
Thank you for a great few episodes this year. The recap is a nice little addition at the beginning of them!!
Thanks again!
i haven’t gone to those classes in quite a while and they’ve changed their format a bit so I can’t really share anything about them. but i know a ton of people love them!
Hey Juli!
I needed to hear this podcast today! It resonated with me so much that I felt compelled to leave you a comment.
First, thank you for sharing so much of your life, experiences, workouts, travel, food, etc with all of us. We are merely strangers on the internet, yet I’m so grateful. It’s that phrase, “If I can help one person by sharing my experiences and what works for me, then it’s worth it”. I’m that one that is thankful for you talking about the topic of weight training, heavy training, functional movement, split workouts, etc.
YEARS ago, after I had my daughter, I jumped back into fitness too quickly and worked with a trainer that left me overtrained, over fed, and with a torn meniscus due to improper technique and form. Fast forward, I started carb cycling and decreased my workouts to THREE per week. Lower, upper, lower, then upper, lower, upper, every other week. My body responded so well and I found myself at my leanest. But how could that be with less workouts and a balanced diet?
Then I got sick (autoimmune diagnosis, thyroid, and celiac), and rather than BORE you with details, I have now gained about 20# on my 5’4″ frame. SUCKS! I’ve been lifting heavy and total body workouts 6xweek plus cardio and AIP template diet for past 5 months and guess what? WIDE HIPS, growing butt, tight calves, and giant quads plus just feeling “thick” all over. Overstressed, over worked, and unattractive… I know you get the picture.
THANK YOU!!! THANK YOU for this episode because now I know what I need to do (or shouldn’t do aka over train) to get back to my sweet spot and favorite lulu shorts. You kick ass, Juli!
P.S. You are so smart to keep that husband of yours off the internet. Good for you!! <3
life is definitely this constant cycle throwing us different experiences throughout. every time we think we have something figured out, life makes sure that we are humbled. i hope you find that sweet spot again and continue to throughout life. in my experience, it will never all feel perfect. it’s all about adapting and finding a new normal and new happiness with what you’ve accomplished!
This was LIT-RALLY a fabulous episode. Chris Traeger approves ?
he’s the best. thanks for the love on the podcast!!
Thank you so so much…for everything that you do, but especially this recent podcast episode! I am so grateful that you shared your experience with pain/imbalances from Crossfit. I’ve been an avid exerciser of all kinds (distance running, hot yoga, weight training) since I was 14 (so going on 16 years now), and have definitely experienced glute, knee, elbow, shoulder issues. I always wondered why everyone else was getting along just fine with all these intense exercises and never seemed to injure themselves. It’s a nice reality check to hear that someone as (physically & mentally) strong, fit and disciplined has had similar experiences. And seeing you scale back and/or switch it up gives me the courage too to not make pain my new normal. Hope you continue to feel good and see great progress in 2019!
it’s a hard place to get to. if you are any sort of athlete, you get used to being in pain constantly. but it really doesn’t have to be. you can actually feel good every day while still feeling sore and feeling your hardwork. glad my own experience could connect with you in some way!! i feel the same way with cf – how does no one else have issues?!
Long time lurker here (and a fellow Coloradoan :)). I am looking to transition away from CrossFit but am at a loss on how to personalize a program for myself. How do you decide what to do day to day?
PS. I am sad to not have the social aspect too! I might get lonely in my basement gym…
i use to program workouts for myself and the gym i coached at years ago, so i enjoy creating workouts. i just look different moves up online, try them out in the gym, and create the workout from that. and i usually split up my upper body and lower body days then add in some HIIT days and classes sometimes.
Thanks Juli! I get so many ideas from your workouts. Worth checking these guys out if you are ever in Miami: E-mail me if you want a referral. Great post: Same applies to squat technique. May help with the discomfort you’re having.
Juli, I can’t tell u how grateful I am for so many of your podcasts. I’ve learned so much, grown as a person and informed on so many amazing topics because of u. This particular topic hit home for me. I will be 50 in 3 weeks and have been doing Crossfit for 11 years (started in a garage with a group of women before anyone had heard about it) This past year I constantly question my commitment to the sport. I have constant neck and shoulder issues, my back aches on the regular, and I generally feel broken down. I spend just as much time on chiropractic, massage, cupping etc to combat the issues I feel from CF. Unfortunately I’m having a hard time leaving. It’s as much a social, support system as it is exercise. And I will miss the people and commradry so much. I also love not having to think about what to do at the gym and just following coaches orders.
I love that u are so motivated on your own and courageous enough to do what’s right for your body, despite having to change your routine and step into a new place. Thank u for showing your strength both mentally and physically. You r such a mentor to me and I’m grateful for everything u share and the way u empower me. xoxo
wow thank you so so much for the kind words. i definitely understand how you feel. and it took me a while to get to the point that i felt comfortable mostly leaving and creating a new workout for myself, as well as felt motivated enough to do that. you’ll definitely find that sweet spot, too. thank you for listening to the podcast. i often feel like whatever i’m sharing is totally pointless and not helpful at all so thank you for saying you enjoy the content!!