It’s a new year, but it doesn’t have to mean it’s a new you. How about a better version of yourself that just continues to get better over time? Instead of rushing into a gym to workout nonstop and crash dieting for 30 days, it’s time to create a healthy relationship with exercise that you can finally stick with. And I’m sharing the 3 ways that have kept me on track the past 9 years and how I’ve been able to stick with an exercise plan that I actually enjoy and look forward to, day after day.



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Episode 117 Transcription Coming Soon!

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  1. Bethany says:

    Stop trying to make DILF happen, Juli. It’s not going to happen! ;-D

    Congratulations on your timeshare! It sounds like a dream come true. Good for you and your hubs for working hard and making it happen. I’m really happy for you guys! Cabo is amaaaaaazing.

    1. juli says:

      hahahaha!! and thank you so much, such an exciting fun chapter of our lives!

  2. Becky says:

    Just wanted to stop by here to say that I absolutely love these podcast episodes where you talk motivational fitness / your journey! Please keep sharing this kind of thing 🙂 – that chick who emailed you about making a ketofied version of your amazing buffalo chicken casserole 🙂

    1. juli says:

      you got it!

  3. Amber says:

    Agree with Becky above, really enjoyed this podcast and the message. Looking forward to trying some of your suggestions and mindset shift.

    1. juli says:

      yay!! glad you enjoyed it amber!

  4. Amy says:

    I just finished this podcast and loved it (as I do all your podcasts)! It was a great message to help get my ass back in gear after too many months off from working out.
    And, as a side note, I wanted to let you know how much the content you’ve shared and put out on your battle with your skin, specifically cystic acne, has helped me. I’m 34 and for the first time in my life started developing painful, cystic acne about 6 months ago. I’m working with my dermatologist to get it under control but it helps to hear others stories and what did/did not work for you. So thanks! And, you’re the best and absolutely hilarious!

    1. juli says:

      awwwww yay, i’m so glad i could help in some way. i felt so lost when i was going through and wish i would have had someone who went through something similar to talk to so this blog has definitely become that place for other people!