Something I love to do on a daily basis is workout. It’s the best. You know what I don’t like to do after? Clean myself up. Who has time for that? I don’t have time to shower, get my hair together or even get myself smelling semi-fresh. So you know how I deal with it? I don’t. I go about my day smelling less than fresh, then find myself stinking up our living room. Thank goodness my husband has a pretty poor sense of smell. We’re a great match.

PaleOMG + lululemon Self Care

But that post-workout stink issue can all change now with lululemon’s new Selfcare Line! Just this past week, lululemon released four brand spankin’ new selfcare products to help you stay fresh long after you leave the gym. These products are all sweat-tested by lululemon’s athletes and ambassadors who spin, run, train, and of course, kick butt in yoga on a daily basis. And the products were created with a combination of natural ingredients and technology-driven synthetics to both enhance product performance while still being gentle on the skin. All of the products avoid any known irritants like aluminum, gluten, parabens and sulfates. Plus they are cruelty-free! But something I love most about all the products is that they smell AWESOME, which is the whole reason I’ve started using them in the first place!

PaleOMG + lululemon Self Care

Now after you finish your workout, whether it’s a run in the park, a sweaty yoga class, or a lifting session at the gym; you’ll have products to help you freshen up before you conquer the rest of your day. The products come in full or travel size to make sure you smell and look your best no matter where you are in the world. Here’s what you’ll find in the new Selfcare Line

  • Basic Balm – I don’t know about you but my lips get SO dry whenever I work out. I always have to load up on chapstick before and after. And this new balm locks in moisture, even through high-intensity breathing.
  • Sweat Reset Face Moisturizer – If you’re a person who gets a bit of a flushed face after a sweaty workout, this face moisturizer will help reset the color by cleaning, calming and hydrating! Such a cool idea!
  • Anti-Stink Deodorant (Black Pepper Sandalwood and Aloe Lotus) – I’m an excessively sweaty person. Always have been, always will be. And this new natural anti-stink deodorant has ingredients in it that allow your body to sweat, without smelling like it. And since it comes in a cooling spray, it’s like a quick, cold shower for your pits!
  • No-Show Dry Shampoo – Now this really is a women’s best friend, especially for my dark haired friends out there. This aluminum-free and non-whitening formula cleans sweat, dirt, and oil from your hair so you can get back to baseline and back out into society quickly.

PaleOMG + lululemon Self Care

I’ve been loving the travel size products because I can easily fit them in my gym bag to ensure I clean myself up after a sweaty workout. The deodorant goes on clean without leaving any residue and the dry shampoo truly leaves your hair looked refreshed. My biggest tip for dry shampoo is using it at night! I normally spray a little bit in my hair after my workout just to grab some of the excess oil, but then I use a bit more at night before I go to bed to really clean things up by morning! It’s a total game changer for your hair!

PaleOMG + lululemon Self Care


If sweating is holding you back from getting in the gym knowing you have to head back to work afterwards, know that this line can clean you up and help you feel fresh as ever before you walk back into your office! And these are products you can feel good about using! The dry shampoo has natural ingredients like tapioca starch to remove excess oil, and argan oil to help keep hair soft and shiny. And since the deodorant has pre-biotics to reduce bacteria, zinc to absorb odor, and coconut oil to soften the skin. All these products were made to work with your body, instead of against it like many over-the-counter products. Now all you have to worry about is crushing your workout and lululemon will make sure you’re set afterwards!

PaleOMG + lululemon Self Care

Shop The Full Self Care Line

PaleOMG + lululemon Self Care

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PaleOMG + lululemon Self Care


This post is brought to you by lululemon. It contains some affiliate links and I may be compensated for this post, but all opinions are my own. This compensation helps with expenses to keep this blog up and running! Thank you for all your support!

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  1. Laura says:

    Hey Juli, longtime reader/sometimes commenter here. As always, I enjoy your content but I wanted to let you know that something’s been happening lately (the last few months?) that makes viewing your posts really hard. I don’t know if it’s all the little videos playing, or if your pictures got bigger, or the little scroll boxes of purchase links or what, but all my devices have a hard time loading your site now. My (admittedly elderly) ipad crashes every time so I’ve stopped coming to paleomg on the ipad, and my up-to-date desktop takes F O R E V E R to load everything, and sometimes it hasn’t even loaded everything by the time I’ve finished reading. This is not a critique or a complaint, but I wanted to let you know because other readers may be experiencing this difficulty as well, and the result is that I’ve not been reading paleomg nearly as often as I used to (or would like to), just because I can’t, which is not what any of us want! I don’t know what the solution is, unfortunately, but hopefully there is one!

    1. juli says:

      hey laura, thank you SO much for your feedback. my ad agency is always trying different types of ads, including video, and this one obviously isn’t making the cut. i reached out to the ad agency this morning to get that ad taken down! thank you again for letting me know!

  2. Becky says:

    Sadly I second Laura’s comment! I love your content and work but the actual blog website is tough for all of my devices to load! I wish I could be more specific about what causes this latency but I’m not sure what it is. Just good for you to know and pass along to whomever is doing some of your backend techie stuff – might even be more of a designer or website/software design issue!