Today on the podcast, I’m talking to Jennie Hoglund from the Enlightened Homeopath. I’ve been on my own journey to better understand homeopathy so I can not only help my own daughter as she goes through different stages of life, but also empower myself on my health journey. I hope listening to Jennie gets you excited to learn more about homeopathy and empower yourself in finding the right remedies for your own health journey.

Find about more about Jennie on her website
Follow Jennie on instagram

Use code JULI to get 10% off the Coming Home to Homeopathy Course
Use code JULI to get 10% off the Homeopathy Intro Bundle

Find all Jennie’s courses here

Check out her free Intro to Homeopathy video on YouTube

Research on the efficacy of Homeopathy:

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  1. Patty says:

    Juli, I have seen your post on the 2 collagen powders you liked from 2017. What do you currently like for collagen powder?
    Thank you so much!

    1. juli says:

      I honestly haven’t taken collagen in a while. I just kind of forgot about it so thank you for the reminder! If I was going to use it again, I would buy Equip Collagen! I use their protein and love it since they use such great ingredients! Code PALEOMG will get you 15% off!