Merry Christmas, you lovely PaleOMG readers! I’m guessing approximately 5 of you will be reading this blog post today. All of you other people will be stuffing your face with Christmas cookies instead. Who cares about paleo when you get Christmas cookies once a year?! Am I right or am I right?! I wish I could say I will be one of those people, but since I am hosting Christmas this year, the only cookies I will have at my house are mini gluten free chocolate chip cookies. The only real dessert I’m making is a flourless chocolate cake from my cookbook because it’s my absolutely favorite dessert ever. So I’m hoping to keep my cookie consumption to an all time low this year. Sadly.

But who cares about cookies, let’s talk about outfits! This week was full of all different kinds of outfits because there were all different kinds of events going on. The first one: an engagement. I swear I saw at least 20 people on my FB feed get engaged in the past week. It’s kind of genius, you know, with seasonal depression and all. Watching two of my friends get engaged outside of Union Station sure helped me pull me out of my funk. My outfit included comfy and casual, with a slouchy beanie since I had washed my hair in 4 days. I swear, dry shampoo doesn’t actually work. But washing my hair every day doesn’t work for me either. So slouchy beanies will definitely be happening all winter long. This one is the softest one you’ll ever own and comes in a handful of different colors!


{ Green Jeans (40% off) | Top (only $20!) | Similar Scarf | Slouchy Beanie (25% off) | Similar Booties (45% off) | Purse }

I know, boobs be out and about. Honestly, this dress was way more boobalicious in person. I tend to not wear super low cut things very often, but when I found this dress at a boutique in town and had our gym’s annual Christmas party that same night, I just HAD to get it. When else are you gonna show boobs if you can’t show them in your gym!? And I definitely plan on wearing it again in the summer when I have tan legs again! I have scoured the internet trying to find this exact one for you guys, but haven’t yet so I linked a handful of adorable and semi similar dresses below that would be great for any upcoming party!

Dress from Hailee Grace Boutique

{ Here are more fun holiday dresses, perfect for New Year’s Eve! }

The other day, I talked about being completely over expensive fitness apparel that just falls apart and pretty much sucks. You know who I’m talking about. So I’ve finally found a brand that never move when you workout, is inexpensive and is great quality! These exact two pieces are sold out, but I linked a ton that are on sale right now and you absolutely need to try!


{ More Affordable Fitness Apparel! }

More slouchy beanies! I found this one when I was in KC and the weather had done a 180 on us. It turned from warm and cozy to completely miserable windy. So I grabbed this adorable pom beanie and my life was instantly better! I love it so much, I think I’m gonna grab it in red too!

{ Top (only $10!) | Coat (25% off) | Similar Jeans (35% off) | Boots | Purse | Slouchy Pom Beanie }

Colorado decided to have a warm day the other day. Not warm enough to melt all the ice that’s built up EVERYWHERE. I’m so glad I don’t have my honda civic anymore and moved on to an SUV because driving through this crap has sucked lately. How I lasted 12+ years in honda civics in Colorado seriously makes no sense. Anywho, since the weather warmed up, I pulled my favorite sleeveless trench out of the closet to layer up with a super soft and flowy shirt and a chunky blanket scarf!

IMG_9352 IMG_9321

{ Top (40% off) | Sleeveless Trench from Zara | Jeans (40% off) | Boots | Scarf | Similar Purse | Similar Sunglasses }

HAPPY HOLIDAYS, EVERYONE! See you next week with some delicious New Year’s Eve Fingerfood!

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  1. Erica says:

    Thanks Juli for posting today! LOVE your style! Thanks for allowing us to steal some ideas! And your scarf from Nordstrom is backkkk in! Woohoo. I kept checking and finally they got the hint! 🙂 Merry Christmas! Thanks for your shining light!!!

  2. Michelle Hunt says:

    Love those green jeans!!! You’ve such shapely legs, you should be a “jeans” model! 🙂

  3. Stacy C says:

    Hey I’m reading it now! Anyway, you look great. I wish I could say I stuffed my face with cookies but all that sugar kills me along with being gluten free. I made truffles and buckeyes (both Paleo) and did plenty of face stuffing with those. By the way, it has been fun watching your life change over the years and see what appears to be success coming your way. Stay real! Don’t become Bethenny Frankel – lol jk -kind of ;). Your post about the Eggnog Glazed Gingerbread Cake – made me laugh and think about your older posts…and want frosting.

    1. juli says:

      lol making bethany frankel type money would be pretty rad! but i’ll just stick to being little ole’ me! thanks for sticking around for the long road I’ve been on!

  4. Maggie says:

    You need to try Living Proof’s dry shampoo. It’s the best one I have ever used!

    1. juli says:

      sweet, i’ll have to look that up!

  5. Christina K. says:

    hahaha I don’t know why but that first picture makes me think of a very stylish bank robber. Might be the hat. LOL But I still love it, and of course you pull it off famously.

    Hope you had a great Christmas!

  6. LauraB says:

    I love Zella clothes too! I heard that at least one of the designers used to work at Lululemon, hmmm!
    I also like Fabletics. I don’t belong to the website, they have a retail store near me. The leggings/capris are good quality and don’t move when I work out.

  7. Katelyn says:

    FYI– Victoria’s Secret is having their semi-annual sale right now and I saw some of their sports bras on sale… 🙂

  8. Tara says:

    I was catching up on older posts and I don’t think the link for the workout clothes works… Or I can’t figure it out!

    1. juli says:

      i’m not sure what you mean…did you click the picture of the workout apparel you are hoping to shop for?