Last week I asked you guys if you had any questions for the podcast and I ended up getting A LOT of questions about the shoes I wear for workouts. So I thought I would just compile it all into one post and chat a little bit about all the different sneakers I wear!

Sneakers are the shoes I buy the most. Because I honestly wear the sh*t out of them since they are the shoes I wear daily. I wear them to the gym, to the grocery store, on walks with my dog, around the house, while running errands. Sneakers are my favorite and my go-to. And my obvious addiction. I use to have a lot of foot issues when I was competitively crossfitting – my feet and ankles would hurt so bad from all the stress and weight that I was baring on them daily. It got so bad that I actually got expensive ass prescription orthotics that didn’t do sh*t except make me pissed that I was out a couple hundred dollars. Luckily, cutting back on lifting heavy not only made my ankles more flexible but my foot pain went away completely.

I mention all this because I know many people have issues finding the right shoe and the right fit, but I don’t really have that issue anymore. Most shoes fit me just fine and I feel comfortable in them whether I’m running on the treadmill in an Orange Theory workout or doing a squat snatch in a CrossFit workout or simply running errands. So if you’re looking for advice on arch support or pronating, I’m not the best person to answer those questions. I think reading the reviews and the descriptions of the individual shoes will be a tad more helpful!

So let’s get it going! Let’s chat about my favorite sneakers! This first shoe, the Nike Free RN is honestly my favorite shoe probably ever. It’s so pillowy soft inside and comfortable AND it goes with anything. So not only do I wear this shoe for OTF and CrossFit workouts, but I wear them a lot when I’m traveling because they look cute with comfy jeans! I wear these shoes the most because they are so cushiony around the ankle and don’t rub on your achilles or heel. I love these shoes so much that I will probably buy them again once they are falling apart AND I’ll probably buy them in another color. I seriously adore these sneakers. And they come in different colors like blue, pink, grey, navy, teal and all sorts of other colors. Below this photo I’m linking a couple of different sites that have this shoe, some even have a couple different colors on sale!

PaleOMG Fashion: Finding The Perfect Shoe For Any Workout

These next Nike Free RN Flyknit were sent to me a while back and I was unsure about them because of how turned up (I totally want to say turnt right now…) the toe end is. But surprisingly they became one of my favorites that I wear all.the.time. And because of the colors and the threading, they don’t look super dirty, even when you’re wearing them constantly! I loved these ones so much that I bought them in neon yellow, too (which are on sale right now!). The flyknit material form to your foot and it feels like you’re simply wearing a sock. I like to wear these sneakers on running days, but I still feel comfortable in them during CrossFit workouts!

PaleOMG Fashion: Finding The Perfect Shoe For Any Workout

I just recently got these Adidas Ultraboost sneakers and I’m walking on clouds everywhere I go. They are seriously so damn comfortable. Here’s the thing, I don’t really run much. I mean, I run at Orange Theory and whenever we have it in a CrossFit workout, but I don’t just go out for a run. But if I did, these are the shoes I would wear. They feel like you’re walking on pillows, like for real. And the knit material fits to your foot, so it’s pretty much a pillowy sock. I don’t know much about arch support, but I know my arches feel extra supported in these!

PaleOMG Fashion: Finding The Perfect Shoe For Any Workout

I got these Nike Free Run Commuter shoes a while back mostly because they were lavender but also because they were on sale. I find these a little bit narrow for my feet and they aren’t as cushiony around the ankle as other sneakers that I own, but they are nice and flat so they are comfortable through any CrossFit workouts I’ve done! And I found them in 8 different colors all on sale here! Sometimes sales determine what shoes I’m wearing that week. Just being honest here!

PaleOMG Fashion: Finding The Perfect Shoe For Any Workout

I just got these new Nike Metcon DSX Flyknit and I like them. Here’s the thing, I’m not a hardcore CrossFitter anymore. I skip the days that include rope climbs or heavy lifts or really anything I’m not in the mood to do. Like bar muscles. Boooooooo 17.3. So I don’t care much about the rubber middle piece that helps with traction. I just need it to get me from point a to point b, and it does that. And I really like the upgrade to the flyknit material because it forms so much better to the foot. And the laces on the first metcons always came untied and these ones don’t, which is a plus because shoes coming untied during a workout is THE WORST! I really do like these shoes for lifting. I have actual lifters and I prefer these…for the minimal lifting days I do!

PaleOMG Fashion: Finding The Perfect Shoe For Any Workout

Last but not least, these Nike Air Zoom shoes! Being honest once again, I bought these totally for looks. Mostly because I loved the strap across the laces. No worrying about double tying or the laces coming loose during double unders! I find these shoes a tad narrow and they press into the ball of my foot a bit, but since I’ve broken them in, they don’t bother me quite as much. They still aren’t my absolute favorite, but I do like them and they feel great for any CrossFit workout I’ve worn them in! Just FYI, I got these a 1/2 size smaller than all the other Nikes I own! And another FYI, they come in all sorts of different, fun colors!

PaleOMG Fashion: Finding The Perfect Shoe For Any Workout

I know a lot of CrossFitters wear Reebok Nanos and I use to, but I just don’t love the look of them. No offense to Reebok or anyone that loves them, they just aren’t my favorite looks wise. And just FYI, this isn’t a Nike sponsored post, Nike just seems to have a ton of shoes that I love. And now Adidas is winning me over, too! And in case you’re wondering, I always wear no-show socks with my shoes and I love these ones. I don’t have any issue with the socks slipping or falling down probably because I have THE SWEATIEST feet of all time. TMI? Sorry, facts are facts. So they are pretty much glued to my feet the second I put them on and they never move. But these ones are truly the best!

Jackson can’t seem to figure out which one is his favorite between the Nike Free RN Flyknit and the Adidas Ultraboost. It’s a hard choice, guy.

PaleOMG Fashion: Finding The Perfect Shoe For Any Workout

Hope this post answered some of your shoe questions! Just a reminder – I may be compensated through my affiliate links in this post, but all opinions are my own. This compensation is used to keep this blog up and running!

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