After being in Cabo for a week and spending every day in my swimsuit, it made me think of all the moments I missed out on when I was growing up and constantly hating myself. I know that sounds harsh, but it’s how I truly felt. I hated my hair, I hated my legs, I hated my skin, I hated my butt, I hated anything I could think of. And because of that hatred, I spent most of my life covering up and missing out on moments with friends and family. For me, Cabo turned into more than just a vacation. It became a time to reflect on my own personal growth and those missed opportunities in the past when insecurities held me back.

PaleOMG - Never Missing Out on Those Moments You'll Never Get Back

When I look back on my childhood, even through my teenage years and most of my 20’s, I wish I would have have taken responsibility for my own happiness instead of just hiding inside from the world. But I didn’t have anyone at the time to look up to or a place that made me feel comfortable and confident. And it honestly wasn’t until I found ModCloth in 2012 that I finally was able to find clothes that fit my body type at that time and made me feel incredibly confident with every box that I opened. And with that confidence, I was able to take control of my life and stop hiding.

PaleOMG - Never Missing Out on Those Moments You'll Never Get Back

It’s amazing what a pair of jeans or the perfect top can do for a person’s personality. And for me, it made mine soar. I remember during that time, I had just started dating my now husband and was dealing with some pretty bad skin issues. But when my ModCloth box was delivered to my house and I was able to find a top that fit me perfectly or a pair of shoes that gave me all the confident in the world, I was finally able to come out of hiding. I stopped obsessing over the weight I wanted to lose and stopped looking in the mirror at my acne. For once, I was able to walk out of my house with my head held high and I was finally able to experience life. I stopped letting insecurities hold me back and I started living. And guess what? I fell in love with my husband while we began experiencing life together. My personality was finally able to shine because of the confidence I found in one little box of clothing.

PaleOMG - Never Missing Out on Those Moments You'll Never Get Back

And through the years, no matter how my body has changed or if my confidence has wavered, ModCloth has been there. ModCloth believes every woman should feel comfortable and confident in what she is wearing, no matter her size. And that’s why they carry sizes XXS-3X in most of their clothing so anyone can find the perfect outfit for that special occasion. Whether you’re looking for a stunning one piece bikini for your upcoming vacation or a high waisted bikini for the summer pool, ModCloth wants you to feel amazing, confident and glowing no matter where you are.

PaleOMG - Never Missing Out on Those Moments You'll Never Get Back

My point is, even though my weight has gone up and down through the years and will probably continue to do so, I now know that I will never let that hold me back when it comes to experiencing life and enjoying every moment. No beach vacation, no pool party, no special event…none of it will ever be missed out on again because I know I can find my own inner confidence through a simple ModCloth, an amazing workout, and a healthy meal. Those things have brought me happiness and I can’t wait to see that happiness improve even more as I get older. Cabo was a time for frolicking on the beach in a fun high waisted bikini, it was a time for drinking a few too many dirty bananas, but it was also a time to reflect on how I’ve grown as a person. And how I can’t wait to grow even more in 2018! Cheers to a more confident and radiant 2018! It’s time to never miss out on any amazing moment!

PaleOMG - Never Missing Out on Those Moments You'll Never Get Back

Shop My Favorite ModCloth Swimwear

PaleOMG - Never Missing Out on Those Moments You'll Never Get Back


This post is brought to you by ModCloth. It contains some affiliate links and I may be compensated for this post, but all opinions are my own. This compensation helps with expenses to keep this blog up and running! Thank you for all your support!

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  1. Sydney says:

    Such a great post. I grew up feeling this same way. I am glad that with age I have been able to gain the confidence I was sooo lacking in my youth. I don’t think I loved myself until I was 27+. I love your blog!!

    1. juli says:

      thanks for the love, sydney!

  2. Kate says:

    Hi Juli! Love the sentiment of this post. I listened to your podcast with the Mind Pump crew this week and it really came at a perfect time for me. I love the messages you are promoting – consistent work for years = results and we should want to workout and put our health first! From the podcast, I also totally knew what you meant about not talking about weight with friends. I try to do the same thing! Anywho, I kept meaning to leave you a note of thanks after I listened to that podcast and this post reminded me to do so. Thanks for being awesome! 🙂

    1. juli says:

      thank you so much for taking the time to write me! and for listening to the episode! i wish more people would take the time to understand that consistency is key!

  3. Raji says:

    Hi Juli,

    I think you have always looked great and always been so athletic and fit! I do have a question for you though. I did notice over the last few years that you have leaned out quite a bit but still lifting great amount of weights. What do you think changed for that to happen? What was your method of doing so? Both looks are great on you but I was just curious.

    1. juli says:

      i definitely don’t lift near as heavy as i use to or as often. but i think multiple things changed- i stopped stressing and obsessing about my weight (stress leads to cortisol issues which leads to weight gain), i cleaned my diet up and stopped eating as much sugar, and i started working out less and taking more rest days!

  4. Jenn says:

    This suit is such a beautiful look! Thank you for continuing to put such a real no B.S. message out there. I’m just starting your podcast for the first time ever and I’m so addicted. Literally. I’m binge listening. Is that a thing? …So many good tips for being a gluten intolerant, Paleo, professional musician constantly on the go constantly tryna look hot on stage (but not too hot because people are creepy amirite?). Keep doing you and f$&k the haters xo!

    1. juli says:

      yay!! thanks for listening! xoxo

  5. Laurie says:

    Your attitude rocks! Happy New Year! Can you share what size you ordered in this suit? You look freaking adorable!

    1. juli says:

      a small in both sizes!!

  6. Kelly says:

    I relate to this so much and still trying to find the confidence at age 34. It’s a daily battle but eating clean and working out consistently has given me more hope and relief. Thank you for always being open and honest with your journey! It helps other women with the same struggles and gives me great comfort. Not to mention you have the best recipes and cutest Frenchie in the world!