Today on the podcast I’m recapping our entire trip to New Zealand and why I cannot wait to go back!



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Episode 112 Transcription Coming Soon!

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  1. Bethany says:

    Gurrrrl, the New Zealand Tourism Board should sponsor your next trip to New Zealand. I never had any desire to go to NZ and because of your podcast, I now want to book the first skycouch I can 😀 I’m so glad you had a great time! And YAY for the bungee jumping!!

    And that CrossFit coach? WTF!

  2. Austin says:

    I went to the North Island several years ago, and loved it! Unfortunately, I didn’t get to see much of the South Island when I was there. This podcast makes me want to go there even more now!

    1. juli says:

      you definitely should!

  3. April says:

    Just listened to this podcast, thanks for sharing your trip! I’m going to both islands in February and appreciate the info, esp the food stuff. Really looking forward to it!

    1. juli says:

      omg you’re going to LOVE it!

  4. Allison Miller says:

    If you’re looking for some Indian to cook at home we have found that the “Paleo Takeout” cookbook has some bomb ass recipes. Just FYI 🙂

    1. juli says:

      i have and LOVE that cookbook! so many great recipes!

  5. Ashley says:

    Hey Juli! That trip sounded amazing just listened to your podcast episode. Bungee jumping naked is ballsy hah. Random question for you, have you ever been to New Orleans? I am going for my 30th bday and wanted to know if you had any recommendations. Maybe I won’t drop in at a CrossFit gym.

    1. juli says:

      i’ve still never been sadly! it’s definitely on my list!

  6. Colleen says:

    Hey Juli, I was just wondering how you made out with the snacks you took on your trip. Did you have any problems at customs??

    1. juli says:

      i had no issue at all. i threw away any snacks that were opened so i wouldn’t run into issues and kept all the snacks in a big plastic bag so they could look through them easily. just make sure your snacks not opened and you should be fine!

  7. Lindsey Gottardy says:

    I am having trouble listening to this on the apple pod cast app, it keeps saying it is unavailable and I have tried a few things. Any tips!?

    1. juli says:

      iTunes does that sometimes for no apparent reason!! you can also listen on stitcher!