I have had an obsession with Sole Society for a few years now after finding one of my favorite pair of booties of all time there. Even after years of wearing them, I still wear them on a regular basis because they are super comfortable and never go out of style. Ever since then, I check their website on a regular basis to see what amazing pieces they are coming out with and I have LOVED that they have expanded into clothing as well!

PaleOMG Summer Favorites with Sole Society

I got this hat, off the shoulder top, purse, earrings, and wedges ALL through Sole Society. They have shoes and bags for any occasion, but they are now showing us that style can be incredibly comfortable and stylish with easy outfits like this off the shoulder dress and affordable tank top.

PaleOMG Summer Favorites with Sole Society

With Sole Society, you’re able to build an entire outfit on one website. Which is exactly what I did here. I found a top that I truly loved and built my entire outfit around it with these amazing ear crawlers, this crossbody purse and these wedges that I ended up wearing all weekend long in Vegas!

PaleOMG Summer Favorites with Sole Society

The purse is amazing because not only is it crossbody so it’s easy to carry along anywhere, but it has different compartments to keep all your stuff in a small area! Ever since I got it, I’ve been pairing it with all my outfits because the color goes with everything!

PaleOMG Summer Favorites with Sole Society

But we have to talk about these wedges! Because I completely adore them. I took these wedges and a pair of platform heels with me to Vegas and ended up wearing these wedges out all night long! Not only did they look adorable with a skimpy little Vegas dress, but they also held up the whole night. I didn’t have to walk the strip barefoot like 85% of the other females around me! I also wore them all day traveling through airports without being miserable! That says something!

PaleOMG Summer Favorites with Sole Society

Next time you’re wondering where to find the perfect shoes or the perfect purse for whatever travel or day-to-day activity you have, look no further, Sole Society has you completely covered. You are going to be so excited with the stylish and affordable pieces you find through Sole Society!!

Shop This Look:

Shop My Other Sole Society Favorites:

PaleOMG Summer Favorites with Sole Society

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Sole Society

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  1. Alyssa says:

    You look darling! Thank you for sharing. How is that gray purse only $39!? Ordering today!

    1. juli says:

      right?! so awesome!!

  2. Kara says:

    LOVE Sole Society! I had bought a pair of booties after one of your Fall/Winter fashion posts. The quality of those booties was amazing – far exceeded my expectations! And like you said about these wedges – their shoes are so comfortable!

  3. Sarah says:

    Love their stuff! What shorts are these?

  4. Bryanna says:

    Never heard of Sole Society, excited to check it out!
    So, I’m in Denver too and with the heat lately my sticky bra has not been very sticky, and that is super uncomfortable! I know you’ve linked to the one you like in the past, does it hold up pretty well in the heat? I think I’m just a super sweaty lady..

    1. juli says:

      it definitely doesn’t do well in the heat so i try to think about my outfits depending on what my day is looking like and if i’ll be in air conditioning or not. but they are all pretty much the same with not sticking in sweaty conditions

  5. Emily says:

    i need a hat like that! i feel like i might look like a twerp. wait do people say twerp? also – random – are your nails acrylic? i’ve been toying with the idea of getting fake ones, mine aren’t horrible, but with working out so much i feel like i’d destroy them..

    1. juli says:

      yeah they are! and i never mess them up in the gym!