HI!!! Remember when I used to do posts about what I ate in a day?? I haven’t done one of those in a minute. That means a long time. Well, I thought I’d kick off the new year by posting what I ate in the day. I do this because people are curious creatures. And they are super curious about what people eat. Especially a person who runs a paleo website. Well, I’m that person and I’m the first person who will tell you I don’t 100% paleo all the time. I’ve been there, I’ve done that, and I now know what my body can consume and what I need to stay away from. So that means I’ll eat corn sometimes. Or eat a little bit of rice here and there. Or even, A REAL COOKIE. Gasp. I know, it’s f*cked up. This person (me) who calls themselves a paleo enthusiast actually eats non paleo things and lives a wonderful, healthy life?? Gasp 2. Well, I’m here to show you what I eat, why I eat it, and how I stay healthy. If you have any questions, please ask below in the comments!
Let’s start the day off. I wake up normally around 7:30am when I don’t work the morning shift at my CrossFit gym. I then made my normal breakfast of eggs, breakfast sausage (I sometimes buy it at Whole Foods or through US Wellness Meats), and kale with some salt and pepper. While I made breakfast, I had 1/4 of a Perfect Foods Bar, the carob chip kind. Those bars are not 100% paleo but they are 100% amazingly delicious and I love them. Once breakfast was done, I ate it while I watched the news. Local news is awful. Sorry guys, it’s just true.
Once I ate breakfast, I turned on my car (because I got an automatic starter for xmas and it’s the greatest gift known to man) and made coffee. I use a Keurig to make my coffee. I added 1 tablespoon of heavy cream to my coffee with 2-3 drops of Stevia. Heavy cream doesn’t bother me and I like the little hint of sweetness that Stevia gives. I packed my coffee to go in my little camera lens coffee mug from Laura and went grocery shopping. Just so you know, I finish my full cup of coffee about 3% of the time. I had 4-5 sips of coffee this morning then forgot about it. Which is what I do every day.
Once I went grocery shopping, I got to cooking. I made sloppy joe meatballs from my favorite cookbook Primal Cravings. Then I made muffins, roasted broccoli, a spaghetti squash dish, annnnnd I think that’s it. So while I cooked, I ate a couple little florets of broccoli, a couple bites of acorn squash, and then tasted the batter of my muffins. I could eat roasted broccoli for hours. It’s seriously like a drug to me. People always comment about my broccoli obsession on instagram and say that I must clear a room, but it’s not true. I have never once had to excuse myself or apologize to the public or friends after consuming broccoli. Why does it make some people fart? I don’t get it.
After my muffins baked, I ate 1/2 of a muffin. Totally for blogging research. I can’t be putting out crappy muffins on the internet, now can I?
Then I ate an actual meal. Two big meatballs, broccoli, and some lovely avocado on top. I actually didn’t finish the whole thing. Nowadays, I try to stop eating at the first little sign of feeling full. I’m good at overeating so I try not to do it as much.
After lunch, I got back to cooking, making another recipe. Then I ate half a muffin while taking pictures of the muffins. It’s hard job, but somebody has to do it.
Then I drank a lot of water. Because I was thirsty. And because water is good for you.
Workout time!! Around 5:30pm, I headed to a workout at CrossFit Broadway. I don’t usually eat anything pre workout, unless I’m hungry. If I’m hungry, I will eat something small (like part of a Perfect Foods Bar or part of an RxBar). But today, I wasn’t. Facts are so exciting. This was the workout I did:
6 min AMRAP Of:
12 Burpees
6 Deadlift (275#/185#)- I used 145#
6 min AMRAP Of:
12 Pull Ups
6 Power Snatch (135#/95#)- I used 75#
10 min to find a 2 Rep Max Power Snatch (touch and go)–I hit 105#
I tend to not eat or drink anything post workout. Why? Mostly because I don’t think I really deserve a post workout shake. I don’t train like I used to when I was competing, so I don’t think I really need the extra fuel. I tend to only have shakes on long workout days or just when I want a shake because eating isn’t really exciting me (which rarely occurs).
After about an hour, I was lucky enough to get to have some dinner with my friend Patrick from AgainFaster who lives in Boston. I took him to my favorite restaurant in town, Cuba Cuba, and ate WAY too many plantain chips with some avocado and garlic dipping sauce. Then I ordered the Ropa Vieja. Along with plantains on plantains on some rice. I had a little bit of the rice, but was so full from the plantain chips that I didn’t make a huge dent. I still had half my meal to take home with me. WHICH IS AWESOME.
Then I drank A LOT of water. I usually have one piece of dark chocolate from Eating Evolved after dinner, because it’s the greatest chocolate in the world and doesn’t make me crave more, but I was too full that night. So I just drank more water. And peed a milli times through the night. Good note to end a blog post on.
I love posts like this, thank you!
{{ Chelsi Elle }}
Recently posted: 7- Day Lifestyle Makeover Plan
it’s nice to read that you are not obsessive about paleo. When i first started out i was strict about it and I kept falling off the wagon full force. Now that I allow myself a “cheat” from time to time, it’s easier to stick with. however, never never do i try the wheat. Kills me.
Can you be my paleo coach? You frequent right by my house and I need a cheerleader.
I thought I was the only person who forgot about their coffee. I’m a serial coffee neglector.
Pretty awesome, Juli. I love the breakfast and some of the treats you’ve made. I’ve got an acorn squash sitting on the counter that was calling for soup, but it might be muffin making time.
I loved this post! So cool getting a glimpse of your day :). I’m impressed with your muffin restraint–I usually eat at least 2 anytime I photograph muffins, cookies, or cupcakes.
I dunno this might sound weird but I wanna do burpees with you. haha.
i love checking in on your blog for food inspo (love that you aren’t cray cray strict). also love see Denver references! cuba cuba is amazing. and, fyi, natural grocers on Colorado has great “exotic” natural meat selection– from ostrich to elk.
Just did the WOD you posted. It was a sneaky one! Kicked our butts and we liked it
Step Away From the News JB! I stopped watching years ago and never looked back. If it’s something THAT important I’ll hear about it from someone or see something on Yahoo but I usually just look away. If we’re eating like cavemen, well cavemen/women didn’t know all the awful shit that was going on across the globe. Or past the next mountain. Just happy lives & healthy eating. I’m just sayin’ J . . .