This week on the podcast I give a therapy update, interior design experience update, share what my SIL learned from her latest astrology reading, and then I answer some questions that someone had about blogging and starting a podcast!



Ned Full Spectrum Hemp Collection is made from organic, whole, and/or natural ingredients. Their hemp oil is extracted from the finest organic hemp plants that are grown in Paonia, CO. Ned’s full spectrum products only use 2 ingreidents – CBD and other phytocannabinoids from the hemp plant plus Non-GMO MCT oil. Hemp oil is well known for a huge range of benefits such as a sleep aid, as an anti-inflammatory, pain reliever, to help treat anxiety and even depression, and treatment of serious conditions such as epilepsy, parkinsons, alzeimers and more! I personally use it for sleep and now my husband uses it for anxiety and headaches and I even add it in my dog’s food! If you’re ready to give Ned’s Full Spectrum Hemp Oil a try, click here to get 15% off your first purchase!


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  1. KARI WASMUND says:

    Ok, this may have been my favorite podcast! I laughed out loud while walking my dog and my neighbors probably thought I was a psycho. Especially when you were talking about the “live, laugh,love ” sign. When we moved into this house, we got new bedroom furniture and I wanted to get a sign above it that said, “Get Naked”. (I’d seen one in a bathroom by a shower). I just wanted to put it up and see what people said…I’m also not a fan of the all white kitchen. When we built this house, every person and their dog asked why we weren’t getting white cabinets. We got a deep, dark espresso color and we love them.Also I put turquoise decor in my kitchen for color and it looks amazing. Thank you for this podcast- you made this wannabe blogger laugh and get inspired to start writing more.

  2. Bethany says:

    Live, Laugh, Love…..ugh. I can’t stand those generic signs! Great response to the unsolicited -advice people, too.

    This may be a way-too-specific topic to address, but as a fellow Coloradan, I struggle to find beauty products that help with the bone-dry air. My hair is so dry (despite washing only twice a week and using coconut oil on the ends), my hands are always cracked, my heels are cracked despite pumice stone/moisturizer, and my skin is ashy despite daily moisturizer. I just cannot seem to find products that are natural AND effective! I’d love any recommendations you have for products that work for you. Thanks, Juli!

    PS Have you listened to The Catch and Kill podcast with Ronan Farrow? It is so great!

    1. Jo LoVaglio says:

      Julie, I just found you about a month ago and I’ve Ben listening to Your podcasts and this one cracked me up so much so that my dog got scared when I LOL’d too hard….I would LOVE to know who your web developer is / who hosts your site / ads etc (like all of the things bc I have no clue) as I’m looking to get my own blog up and running! Love your awesome posts and recipes like that Dutch oven chicken (OMGEEE!!)

      1. juli says:

        Hey Jo! I work with Jim Sabellico for my web developer, my host is Big Scoots, and I use AdThrive for ads!

        1. Jo LoVaglio says:

          Thanks for the info Juli! I have a meeting with Jim for Monday on Zoom!

  3. Julie Thom says:

    Hi Juli! Just want to let you know, you are the one that inspired me to start my blog years ago. My question is regarding ads. I spend A LOT of time creating recipes and workouts and would love to make even 20$ a month for all my work lol. I’ve been at it for years and although it’s mainly close friends and family visiting my site, I really want to make it a business. Would you recommend an advertising company for starters? Do you think it’s a good idea even if I don’t have a large audience? Lots of love, (another) Julie

  4. Katie says:

    I’d like to know your favorite top 5 recipes for dinner/ lunch and dessert (duh). Also, you could totally do some sort of a competition where readers submit paleo friendly recipes and you and your SIL judge. That would be interesting…. prizes could include one of your cookbooks for the winner or some exercise apparel. Who knows

  5. Julie says:

    I don’t think my last attempted comment posted :(. My question is regarding ads on your blog. Would you recommend we start using an advertising company even if we have a small following? If so, which ones would you recommend?

    1. juli says:

      absolutely!! if you are a small site, ads can still be helpful supplemental income

  6. Erin says:

    Is your house a Work Shop home?! I thought it was from the pictures you’ve shared, then you mentioned Brad! Obsessed with them and their homes 👏🏻

  7. Jess says:

    Hi Juli!! I just got a tula package of the glow getter’s set at your recommendation and the packaging is beautiful and I’m so excited to use it 😍 I’ve been freaking loving your content lately!! With the podcast back, all your home inspo and CANT wait for your workout program to drop tomorrow!!! You’re my favorite ~influencer~/blogger and just want you to know at least one person is effing loving everything you’re working hard to put out there!!! PS: would LOVE to hear a short bachelor recap on your podcasts if other people are into that 🤗

    1. juli says:

      you are SO FREAKING SWEET, Jess!! thank you so so much for the kind words! And I TOTALLY need to do a bachelor recap. I’ll start up some little recaps on the podcast this coming week!

  8. Lauren says:

    This was an awesome podcast! I just got you awesome program and I’m so excited to see how improved my fitness is in 3 months. I just went through some seriously rough patches with life and I’m picking myself back up. Your program and your authenticity bright personality is just so welcoming! I would enjoy hearing your opinions on all different types of trends from home decor, fashion, and even the wellness (or is it suppose to be the well-being now…) industry. I think that would make for a solidly epic episode!

  9. Carla says:


    I enjoyed listening to this and I have been thinking about quitting my job (so unhappy with it but it makes me good money) and going in full time on a food blog. I’ve done all the calculations of how much I need to live off of and been saving so that I can go towards my passion. Do you think an 8 month safety net of expenses is enough. I keep on saying I’ll quit but then I’m like let me save 5k more and then when I do I’m like wait another 5k more. Love to hear your thoughts – I’m a single gal so I’m not relying on anyone else to help me out.

    1. juli says:

      i think having over a year is a safe place to start. i’ve had my web developer on the podcast before and he recommended people being prepared to not make money for at least 2 years, but i can only speak from my own personal experience. if you can begin doing both at the same time for a while, that can always help, as well. i blogged and worked for quite a bit before going completely full time with blogging