Isn’t it funny how we like to know what others are eating? I’d like to act like I don’t care what people are eating, but I do. It’s interesting. My friend Jaelyn and I always talk to each other about our diet changes, pretty much every week. I strive to be stronger and better at CrossFit like her so I always wonder what she’s chowing down on.

So after a few people asked what I ate in a day, I decided to instagram it! Why wouldn’t I instagram?! I freaking love it. I take so many unneeded pictures, it’s just stupid. So if you follow me on instagram @paleomg, you’ve already been bored to tears with my food and JOKES ON YOU, you get to see it again.

So this was my food intake on Thursday. It was a rest day so I did absolutely no sort of exercise. It was awesome.

5:30am – Grande Americano from Starbucks with a side of heavy cream. I’m guessing I added about 3-4 tablespoons of heavy cream to my coffee….maybe drank a tablespoon or so from the cup. Whatever. I probably drank half of it. I get bored quickly.


8:00am- Breakfast included about 1/4 cup of blueberries, a ground bison burger with homemade paleo ketchup, mustard, and avocado on top.

10:30 – 12:00 – Shopping for girl clothes. This is how clothes fit. I need shorts. Blaaaaahh. Effin CrossFit. I found jeans though!! At Old Navy. Go there CrossFit women, go there.

12:00 – WHOLE FOODS TRIP!! I snacked on 5-6 dried figs

12:30 – Lunch from Whole Foods- shredded chicken, marinated mushrooms, artichokes, and roasted red peppers.

well that looks like vomit

1:30 – I ate 2 failed pumpkin raspberry muffins. I guess the first failed one didn’t fail enough, so I had to try a second one….what? I’m dumb. They still tasted good, it was just like eating batter in the middle…which I guess I’m cool with.

5:00 – 3 glasses of iced tea at Happy Hour at Delite.

8:30 – For dinner, I ate a tuna steak. My crush cooked it up. I’ve always thought I hated tuna steaks and raw fish, but I loved it. Expanding my taste buds with a dude cooking for me! NBD.


Wow. Bored yet? I am. I have recently started to try to eat more, but kind of failed on this day. Trying to eat more protein, more frequently.

Sorry I just fell asleep…from boredom. Sorry my food and life aren’t more exciting. Shucks.

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  1. Sarah says:

    Where did you try on those shorts? I do not have any kind of a CrossFit body, so I’m wondering if they would fit me? 🙂

    1. juli says:

      Old Navy!! They are super cute!

  2. Jenna Ramsey says:

    JULI!!! you are AWESOME!! enough said! Love the post, would love to see it more often. Maybe try Joey Jeans from true religion, there definitely worth the try, I’m not 100% sure but i think they also have joey shorts as well.

  3. Cate says:

    So, for big thighs I learned an awesome trick. Cut the outside seam of your shorts and sew in some fun fabric or lace. It makes the legs bigger and it’s cute!

  4. Jessica says:

    Your recipes are awesome. Just plain genius. I’m laughing at the old navy pick because all of my clothes are too big for me now and I went to old navy to buy shorts and they fit me like they fit you. I took 10 pairs of pants and shorts to my tailor to be taken in the waist. My tailor tells me to do more shopping so I can give her business.

  5. Stephanie says:

    Do you drink dairy creamer in your coffee?! If I’m missing anything it’s some cream in my coffee 🙁 I can handle stevia to sweeten it up a bit but I’ve been without coffee all together cuz it just isn’t the same!

    1. juli says:

      Yes I do heavy cream at coffee shops or coconut milk at home 🙂

  6. Aaron says:

    Ab/shorts pic…awesome! To all the women posting on here about your clothes fitting like this. You’re awesome too! I LOVE the way CrossFit and a good diet makes women look. Having the muscular thighs, butt and abs to make your shorts have that much room in the back is sexy as hell!

    Thanks for the rest day food intake post Juli. I often blow it up on rest days for some reason so this is motivating. Keep up the Rando Rants!

    I’m also happy to hear that one of the men in your life opened their eyes!