Since the 4th of July is TOMORROW, I thought it would be the perfect time to give you a dip that you can feel good about devouring in 3 minutes. Dips are my FAVORITE thing to eat at a backyard BBQ and this is an elevated version that is completely dairy-free! I love it so damn much!
But enough about dip, we gotta talk about what’s important here – The Bachelorette. I just love it. Becca says dumb stuff constantly that her producers have fed her. And the guys say dumb stuff constantly that they just conjured up in their own minds. It’s just pure gold. The episode starts off with Becca saying that Richmond, Virginia is for lovers than is closes in on a shot of her playing with the geese. Does she knows that those birds are geese? It doesn’t seem like it. Have you ever tried to play with a goose? Things can go horribly wrong with that plan. Believe me.
The episode starts off with Jason getting his first one-on-one. Chris, the guy who looks like Chandler’s roommate Eddie from the show Friends, starts to sh*t the bed with his insecurities. Insecure guys are some of my favorite people to interact with. And I dealt with a lot of them when I use to coach CrossFit. They just work their hardest to look like they have their sh*t together, but as soon as you give them a barbell, everything hits the fan. That’s the same thing for Chris. But his barbell is 8 other attractive buff dudes. And as we find out later in the episode, Chris use to be 300 pounds. It’s all becoming clearer. Especially when he says Lincoln is body shaming him. I’ve never heard a guy say body shaming and I’d prefer to never hear it again.
So Jason’s date is suuuupes weird. They start it off in a cemetery where they visit Edgar Allen Poe’s mothers grave. Haven’t you just ALWAYS wanted to go there?? Then after being around dead bodies for a good chunk of time, they head to a donut shop. Nothing gets me famished like a gravesite. Then they visit the Poe museum where the scene starts up with Becca in an upright coffin. They love death this episode. THEN they have to go to some unhappy hour where goths talk about death and dying. It’s all so romantic, I can barely stand it. Luckily the date ends in a cute way with Becca surprising Jason with 3 of his best friends at a bar…and Jason gets all choked up. I can forgive a man for his slicked back hair choices when he gets emotional about his bromances. That was cute.
Now for the group date. All the dudes have to debate each other in front of the capitol. Chris Harrison has to work his 4 hours of the week and all he does the entire time is say, “Do you have a rebut?” Is rebut a real word? I’ve heard rebuttal but I’m not sure that the shortened word is appropriate. Kind of like saying Hell instead of Hello. It just doesn’t make sense. But what do I know? A woman in South Carolina asked if Colorado was a blue state and I almost said it was a green state. Get it? Come on. I mostly just got super annoyed with her for wanting to chat politics while I’m trying to kayak. GO AWAY RANDOM WOMAN! The episode is mostly Chris falling apart, telling the debate audience at the capitol that Lincoln called him a fat f*ck and audience sh*tting their pants about the word f*ck. They would not like my blog or podcast. Chris continues to unravel into the evening and reminds all the women out there watching the show to not hit up his DMs when he finally gets kicked off. He’s a little manipulator with an anger issue. Not a great combination. BUT he does dress really well and I’m proud of his weight loss journey. You go Glenn CoCo!
Last date is Leo, the stuntman who also has a soft porn video out there. What an interesting life he’s had. The date is my nightmare. Becca is upset because Chris is the worst so she’s pouting most of the time. Which is totes understandable. Dating one psychopath was always challenging while I was in the dating world, but dating 9 of them at the same time – that’s psych ward status. They have to go shuck oysters in the freezing cold and she looks miserable the entire time. If you want to force me into cold water during cold weather, I will make a scene. The show has proved that Virginia is not for lovers – it’s for miserable days and lots of death.
After Leo gets back from his date, Chris immediately gets up and storms off to Becca’s hotel where Becca is somehow still in her fancy dress from the night. What woman in their right mind keeps on her dress the second she gets home? My dress and shoes are already in our front door entrance by the time I step foot in the house. Chris is getting super pumped up about Lincoln saying that he eats 12 eggs a day and that his cholesterol must be through the roof. Sweet burn Chris, sweet burn. He tells Becca that he can see himself marrying her after just last week when he said he wants to go home. It takes a special woman to want to deal with a messy dude like that. And Becca just isn’t that special woman. She lets him go and he looks like he’s talking himself down from punching a hole through the wall, Andy from The Office style. Speaking of, I’m going to put that show on right now.
The episode ends with no cocktail hour and Becca kicking off Connor, the dude who never had a real date but always impressed the nation with his full head of hair. And Lincoln, the Nigerian Prince who was mentioned to have sh*t on the floor, but none of us ever witnessed that. I hate when the editors show you something at the beginning and it never comes to fruition throughout the show. EDIT BETTER, YOU F*CKS. Sorry, Chris’s anger rubbed off on me. The most upsetting thing about this entire episode is that Lincoln has no exit interview. Where did it go? What did it say? Did his steroid-filled biceps finally explode so he had no time to talk? I need answers. And I need to hear his very feminine voice once more. Maybe he was whisked to Bachelor in Paradise. If that’s the case, I’m cool. If not, I need to know if he’s in a hospital somewhere we deflated biceps. Someone do some research for me!
Caramelized Onion Bacon Cream Cheese Dip
- 1 8oz container of almond milk cream cheese*
- 1 5oz container of almond milk greek yogurt*
- 1/2 pound bacon
- 4 tablespoon bacon fat, divided
- 1 yellow onion, diced
- 2 garlic cloves, minced
- 2 tablespoons chopped chives
- 2 tablespoons chopped dill
- salt and pepper, to taste
Serve with:
- plantain chips
- sweet potato chips
- bell peppers slices
- cucumber slices
- Place cream cheese on the counter to soften and come to room temperature.
- Add bacon to a pan and cook until crispy. Set aside and pour bacon fat in a jar, leaving behind 2 tablespoons in the pan.
- Add onions to the pan with the bacon fat and cook for 6-8 minutes, until soft and brown. Then add garlic cloves and cook for another 2 minutes.
- Add cream cheese, greek yogurt, 2 tablespoons bacon fat, diced bacon, onion, and all the rest of the ingredients and mix until combined.
- Cover and set in fridge for 30 minutes or longer.
- Serve with chips and chopped veggies!
*I used Kite Hill brand to make this recipe completely dairy and soy free!
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I may be compensated through my affiliate links in this post, but all opinions are my own. This compensation helps with expenses to keep this blog up and running!
You had me at bacon. Okay, gonna make this one this weekend.
hope you like it JC!
Thank you for this delectable dip! I had just recently discovered Kite Hill plain yogurt and cream cheese in my local Publix and fell instantly in love – even got my non-dairy-allergic, non-Paleo friends to try it and like it. I missed the 4th for this, but the summer is just getting underway so there will be lots of opportunities to enjoy this again and again 😉
glad you guys liked it Sylvia!
OMG this looks amazing! Can not wait to buy! Where do you buy your kite hill from?! xo
whole foods!
Juli! This dip is so damn good I just can’t put it into words but I will tell you what I did put it in…your air fryer chicken thighs! I didn’t have the garlic spread you recommended so I made your, as I call it, “Damn Good Dip” and shoved those thighs full of it. Can I tell you how much I appreciate you and helping me remember eating right can be so good!
awesome!! so glad I could help in some small way!
This looks wonderful. Where can I buy Kite Hill products. I have never heard of it before. And the bacon that is sugar free and nitrate free where do I get this.
i get mine at whole foods and natural grocers. but almost all brand websites have a store locator to find the closest location to you