Cookie dough ice cream reminds me of childhood. I ate A LOT of ice cream when I was a kid. Health food was not part of my vocabulary. I mean, was it part of anyone’s vocabulary in the 90s? If it was for you then you were a pioneer of your time. Me…not so much. I STUFFED my face with sugar. Especially at those ice cream shops where they made the ice cream in front of you on one of those marble slabs. You would pick your ice cream, then add your fixings like COOKIE DOUGH, and they would smash it all together until it become this ever-so-slightly melted chunky ice cream mess. It was magical. I think I have a lady boner just thinking about it.
Did I really just say lady boner?
What I’m trying to get at but continue to get distracted by with thoughts of cookie dough and lady boners is the fact that we shouldn’t have to give up cookie dough ice cream now that we are more health conscious. Sure, sugar is bad for you and we need to stay away from it most of the time, but all life calls for a little celebration sometimes. Especially a celebration that includes cookie dough that is grain-free and tastes like magical unicorns. And now that we finally have summer temps (well, not us…it snowed in Denver last night), ice cream is now a daily life staple. That’s how summer works, right? You get a warm day and you eat your bodyweight in ice cream? That’s how my life works, at least.
Speaking of magical unicorns, I leave for France soon!! Two more days! Are there magical unicorns in France? When it comes to magical desserts, pastries and anything else the French make to eat, yes, yes there are magical unicorns there. I’ve been really trying to stay away from alcohol and sugar at home, but since pastries and wine are a way of life in Europe (from what I’ve been told since I’ve never been!!), I’m going to have to throw those goals out the window for a week and embrace the lifestyle. I even messed up my flights so I’ll be there a day early and embracing the sugar an extra 24 hours. I’m annoyed with myself for screwing up my flights. That’s something my husband would do…and has already done twice before…but not me. I’m suppose to have my sh*t together. I guess you just start to lose it at age 31. My youth has left me.
We also just booked a trip to Key West this month!! I should really look back over those flight details. One of our friends use to live there and now lives not far from there so we are taking a little trip to visit him and visit the ocean. Since my husband is currently unemployed and enjoying his summer for once in his life, we are trying to fit in as many friend visits as possible before he gets a new job. I kind of wish he could stay unemployed forever. He’s so damn fun right now! Anywho, you guys gave me lots of French pastry recommendations the other day on the blog…now I need Key West restaurant recommendations! And South Beach Miami restaurant recommendations. If you could just plan my itinerary, that would be greeeeeat. And double check my flights.
The only thing that sucks about traveling so much this month is the fact that I don’t get to snuggle with my pup every morning. Or eat cookie dough ice cream while in my pajamas watching episodes of The Office for the 1600th time. How does that show never get old? I guess it’s just like ice cream – you never lose a taste for it. And if you do, you’re dead to me. Now excuse me, I have a suitcase to fill and a minor panic attack to have. Traveling is stressful.
Cookie Dough Ice Cream
- Prep Time: 10 minutes
- Cook Time: 10 minutes
- Total Time: 50 minutes
- Yield: 2 pints 1x
For the ice cream base
- 2 (14-ounce) cans of full-fat coconut milk
- 3/4 cup maple sugar
- 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
- 1 teaspoon vanilla bean paste (optional)
For the cookie dough
- 1/2 cup softened coconut oil or ghee or grass-fed butter
- 1/2 cup maple sugar
- 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
- 3/4 cup cassava flour
- pinch of salt
- 1/2 cup mini chocolate chips
- Place coconut milk, maple sugar, vanilla extract and vanilla bean paste in a saucepan over medium heat. Cook for 8-10 minutes to reduce and thicken slightly. Remove from heat and pour into a shallow dish then place into the freezer to cool for 10-15 minutes, until completely cooled.
- While the ice cream cools, make the cookie dough – Use a hand mixer or stand mixer to cream together softened coconut oil (ghee or butter), sugar and vanilla extract until combined.
- Slowly add the cassava flour while the mixer is running until all of the flour is combined. Then fold in salt and chocolate chips.
- Place a piece of parchment paper down on the counter and scoop the dough into a ball, place another piece of parchment paper down on top then use a rolling pin to roll out the cookie dough into one flat sheet, about 1/2 inch thick. Place in the fridge to cool for 10 minutes then use a sharp knife to cut the sheet into small pieces – I cut sheet into 6 strips then another 6 strips cutting in the opposite direction to create 24 squares.
- Pour the cooled ice cream mixture into ice cream maker and follow directions for that specific ice cream maker. Once mixture has churned and thickened, add then cookie dough pieces, leaving a few pieces behind for topping.
- Eat as soft serve straight from the ice cream maker OR pour soft serve ice cream into a bread pan and place in the freezer to harden for 2-3 hours. Remove from freezer about 20 minutes before serving, then scoop and serve!
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Hi Juli! Do you have a good substitute for the cassava flour in the cookie dough recipe? Both the ice cream base and cookie dough sound freaking AWESOME to create! I am obsessed with both vanilla ice cream and cookie dough. These definitely will feed my cravings but in such a wholesome way!
i haven’t tried the cookie dough any other way, but you may be able to make it with a paleo baking flour!
This is probably a super annoying question but I’ma ask it anyway bc it doesn’t seem QUITE as bad as the people who ask about subbing almond flour for coconut flour lol.
Do you think heavy cream would work instead of coconut milk?
My stomach just kind of revolts anytime I use coconut milk in anything.
Both are super high fat so I figured…maybe?? If so would you try it as a 1:1 sub, or maybe less Heavy Whipping Cream???
Or just tell me to f*ck myself if this is not okay to ask. LOL ?
This is AMAZING! I can’t do dairy or gluten anymore (it’s a new thing for me) – this hits the spot! I did scrape a real vanilla bean since I didn’t have the paste and I used coconut sugar. Worked great. Thank you!
awesome!! glad you liked it jillian!