OMG. We haven’t chatted in FOREVER. Where have you been!?! Oh wait, it’s me. I’ve been gone. I’ve missed you.
So if you ever read my blog, you know I went to California over the weekend. I only mentioned it in every blog post for the past 2 weeks. I was kind of excited. It was the first vacation I had been on in a looooong time. And the funny thing of it all was I mostly was looking forward to going to CrossFit South Bay. I work in a CrossFit gym EVERY DAY and I absolutely couldn’t wait to go hang out in another one while on vacation. Effin cult. Just sucking me in like a weirdo.
And that’s what I did. Sergio and I got to Manhattan Beach, we went out to eat a lot, then spent a bunch of time at CFSB doing wod 12.3 then danced. It was pretty much my life in Colorado except having to eat at restaurants and pick sand out of my butt crack. I love cooking for myself so much more. Eating at restaurants sucks. I swear my food tastes better. But that makes me conceited and less fun to listen to. I’m sorry, but I’m not changing my opinion.
But I kind of lied to you all. I said I was going to video everything I did and ate in L.A. annnnnd I didn’t. Literally didn’t even pull my video camera out. I’m the worst tourist ever. My b. BUT I did get some pictures of what I shoveled into my mouth. I definitely gained some weight over the weekend, but that was by poor choices. Including alcohol. How do people drink alcohol regularly and stay thin? If I drink 1 glass a wine or 5 glasses of wine, my ass will still grow an extra inch and muffin top be plopping over. Bullsh*t right there. I also had too many nuts. Damn you nuts, DAMN YOU. It’s such an easy source of nutrients when you’re on the run, but I had like a milli. It’s all about choices people. And I was good at making the wrong ones this weekend.
So let’s take a quick look at my food over the weekend. I didn’t get all of it because I kind of forgot a couple times. The only person that texted me was Laura (and that was probably twice) so my phone wasn’t exactly blowing up enough to look at it more than once a day.
We also ate once at Sergio’s friend Jon’s house. He grilled up a bunch of sausages, steak and chicken and veggies. So eating paleo was perfect there. Ummmm real quick….holy balls Sergio’s friends are good looking. Seriously, every dude was good looking. WTF. None of them were interested in me OR fell in love with me. WTF. Guess Manhattan Beach isn’t the place for love either.
So other than eat, I just worked out. It’s funny because even though Sergio’s friends were wicked cool and I got to stay with my friend Ashley who is amazing, the place I felt the most comfortable was the gym. I just love CrossFit gyms. And especially CrossFit South Bay. Forrest (the owner) was incredibly welcoming and friendly and so were all of his athletes. Here were some shots he got from WOD 12.3. 18 minutes of fun 🙂
To sum everything up, it was a great weekend. I ate too much but had a ton of fun with truly fantastic people. I figured out how everyone is so skinny in L.A…..they walk everywhere. Too bad it didn’t work for me. And there are a lot of hot dudes in California. I need to move there soon. Like seriously.
Sorry there’s no recipe posted today. You’ll have four more throughout the week to look at. Just had to use my usual narcissism and talk about my boring life for a bit. Since it is my blog.
Moral of the story. You can totally eat paleo when you’re on the road. Just takes a bit of work and self control. Which I lack sometimes. Whatever.
Oh yeah & you cook bad a$$ food too
I love food.
Lady – you crack my sh*t up. I read your blog first thing at work – and usually get a few looks from coworkers here as I am laughing to myself.
keep it up.
Oh yeah, and just started CF here in Vegas!
That’s awesome! What gym Holly?
CF 702…I am just a newbie but I was impressed that they wouldn’t let me join without completing the elements course. Everyone must get through the course and a pass from the coaches before moving into regular sessions – regardless of personal fitness.
It may be just me – but crossfitters seem like some crazy happy folks…
super crazy happy!!
holy crap your abs are ridiculous. like, seriously.
man. i’m in awe.
i’m glad you found ways to eat paleo on the road…it’s inspiring…i’m about to leave on a 6 week roadie and i’m worried it’s going to involve far too many sandwiches and pasta…gah.
no no no, they are not!! go with burgers instead!!
ohh what is your tattoo of?!
I girl doing a split jerk!
How did you go with the pain on your ribs Juli? I have a sleeve that Im about to finish & have always wanted a rib piece too….but I’m worried I’ll wuss out from the pain.
My sleeve hurt, but not bad enough to be scared about my upcoming sessions, tell me im a big girls blouse & man up to the ribs challenge
Ummmm it sucked ass. I almost cried
bugger, figured you’d say that
I’ve always been a fan of your blog and love every recipe. But seriously???? Your abs!!! Your my fricken hero! I would kill for some abs like that!!!
hahaha no no no, pictures are different
Not only did I not get to the gym this am, but I was supposed to be at work already but…I got sucked into your blog.
I laughed…hard…and spilled coffee all over me. Success Thursday….success.
Lol all that matters is you were laughing!
email sent! looking forward to chatting!
You will get an email back soon Nick!
OMG you look hot. I will trade you your workout face for mine. Picture something along the lines of being in pain but trying to hide it (you are supposed to be a BAB after all) with a hint of oops I think I might have pooped my pants. Not pretty!
HA! I wish