Helllllooooooo there. Here we go, with another ‘what I ate in a day’ post. I’m going to get some real hell for this one. It wasn’t the cleanest day of eating I’ve ever had. Buutttt I don’t really care. Moving is stressful, I tend to eat when I’m stressed, and hang out with friends who like to eat, as well. I mean, I work at a CrossFit gym. Most CrossFit people like food. The good ones, at least. But I like to share posts like this to show that I don’t stick COMPLETELY paleo 24/7. Because life is more fun with tasty treats once in a while.

So anyways, I started my morning off the other day with a cup of joe. In my coffee, I use heavy cream (about 1 tablespoon or less) and 3 drops of stevia. (disclaimer: heavy cream is not paleo. I use it because it doesn’t bother me). While I drank my coffee, I recorded a podcast with Low Carb Conversations. I drank 1/2 of it. Like usual.


After our podcast, I was STARVING. So I snacked on 5 plantain chips while I made my breakfast. When I made breakfast, I made enough to eat at lunch too. So for 2 meals, I made 2 pieces of bacon, 1/2 pound of ground chicken, 1 head of broccoli and topped it with some Steve’s Paleo Chef Sriracha. (psssst. If you use the discount code ‘PaleOMG2014’ at checkout, you’ll get 10% off your Steve’s Paleo Goods order. Good until Sunday). After I removed half of it concoction from the pan, I topped the breakfast meal with 1 egg and a couple chunks of raw cheddar cheese.


After I ate part of it, I wasn’t hungry. So I didn’t finish my meal. Cool story, huh?


Once I got showered up, I grabbed a 1/2 full Suja Juice on my way out the door. It’s my new favorite one. I like drinks carrots more than eating them.


When I got to the Sugar Bakeshop, I got myself an almond milk latte. Isn’t it pretty? Again, I drank half it. Then I ate my lunch that I had made at breakfast earlier. Again, I didn’t finish my meal. I suck.





While I worked on the new cookbook, a friend came into the bakeshop and we chatted and caught up with each other’s lives. He asked if I wanted to split a popster. I’ll explain what a popster is if you’re unsure. A popster is similar to a pop tart but homemade a way freaking better. Definitely not paleo. I think I had strawberry one with a homemade strawberry filling and strawberry frosting on top. It’s pretty much the best thing ever. I had 2 bites of it. After my friend left, he left part of it behind for me to finish. I threw it away so it wouldn’t haunt me. My 2 bites were glorious though.


After 3 hours at the coffee shop and finishing up cookbook stuff, I grabbed a paleo pumpkin muffin at the Bakeshop to go. I was getting a tad hungry and wanted my stomach not to be pissed at me during my workout. I ate half of it while I stretched. I’m a good multitasker.photo-46

Then I worked out at CrossFit Broadway. This is what I did:

5 min Clock

500 m Row then amrap of:

6 Power Snatch (135#/95#) – my coach made me do 85#. I pouted for a good 16 sec because I would have been  fine with 75#

8 Alternating Front Rack lunges (135#/95#)

3 mins REST THEN

5 min Clock

500 m Row then amrap of:

6 Burpees

8 Toes To Bar

3 mins REST THEN

5 min Clock

500 m Row then amrap of:

6 Power Snatch (135#/95#)

8 Alternating Front Rack lunges (135#/95#)

After that workout, we did 4x200m sprints. My butt is sore. Wait, no. Only left butt cheek is sore. My right one is dumb.

After the workout, I coached 2 classes at the gym and put them through lovely lunges and sprints. Once I finished coaching, I was putting my jacket on and my friend Jeremy offered me a gluten free cookie. I’m not one to ever turned down something sweet, obviously, so I ate half of one and they were AWESOME. I told him I wanted to sleep on a pillow made of those cookies.photo-47

Once I got home, I ate the other half of my paleo pumpkin muffin. So good.

Then the roommates and I had a little roommate night. Since I move out tomorrow, we wanted to all hang out at the house, eat food, and watch the Bachelor. So we ordered some dinner from Park Burger and ate at home. I ordered a Turkey Bacon Guac burger on greens that was topped with some ranch. And we got sweet potato fries. I wasn’t super into the sweet potato fries that night so I just had a handful.


After dinner, I had a piece of Eating Evolved vanilla latte chocolate to end the night. It was delicious as usual.

I finished my night off watching Shameless. I think I’ve given up on Breaking Bad, but we will see what the future brings. I love Shameless though. Pumped for the new season. It has some huge downer moments, but it still has humor tied into the series.  I need humor in sadness. I just do.

Ok, I’m going to go move. kluvyoubye.

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  1. Jaclyn says:

    What I can’t handle is eating chicken and eggs together! I’ll give you hell for that cus it always weirdos me out lol 🙂

  2. Sarah says:

    Hi Juli,
    First off wanted to start by saying that I not only love your recipes (obsessed with the lemon poppyseed muffins right now) but I’m also so motivated by your blog. I like so many other women can relate to your experiences. I find that my battle with my body and food relates to yours and I was hoping to ask for your advice… I am currently in grad school and working and doing lots of Crossfit. I try and eat strict paleo but often find myself looking to “healthy” protein bars for a quick fix throughout the week. I cook almost all my meals but like to have little “cheats” here and there. My problem currenylu is that Even with my hours of Crossfit and cardio and my healthy eating, Im still struggling to reach my goals. I know recently you have cut back a little on the heavy weights and have added more running, but how about your eating patterns? I’m constantly feeling hungry, but wondering if I need to be more strict and program myself to 3 meals and 2 snacks or some kind of pattern? I am looking to lean out a bit and get past this stubborn stage of just feeling “ok”.. I want to feel great!. Any thoughts/ tips would be appreciated!! (Oh I’m 5″4, “athletic frame”, 135 lb..disclaimer:. I don’t believe I am out of shape, but looking to feel better and to gain confidence)

    1. juli says:

      nowadays, I’m not running as much. Just CrossFit 5-6 times per week. And I just eat when I’m hungry. I never restrict myself anymore. I feel like if I’m hungry, I should be eating, so that’s what I do. Since I’ve been eating more, my body has actually lost some weight. That’s just what I’ve experienced.

  3. Jan says:

    I like drinking carrots more than eating them to 🙂 When you drink it you really get to taste the sweetness of the carrot, I think.

    Greetings from Denmark! 🙂