Today on the blog post I share Jackson’s current health scares, why I have to take a break from my obsession with true crime podcasts, and the trash TV that’s giving me life right now while I’m currently stuck at home making sure Jackson doesn’t jump off the couch.



Ned Full Spectrum Hemp Collection is made from organic, whole, and/or natural ingredients. Their hemp oil is extracted from the finest organic hemp plants that are grown in Paonia, CO. Ned’s full spectrum products only use 2 ingreidents – CBD and other phytocannabinoids from the hemp plant plus Non-GMO MCT oil. Hemp oil is well known for a huge range of benefits such as a sleep aid, as an anti-inflammatory, pain reliever, to help treat anxiety and even depression, and treatment of serious conditions such as epilepsy, parkinsons, alzeimers and more! I personally use it for sleep and now my husband uses it for anxiety and headaches and I even add it in my dog’s food! If you’re ready to give Ned’s Full Spectrum Hemp Oil a try, click here to get 15% off your first purchase!


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  1. Becca says:

    I just went to Maui and LOVED it. We got lucky and had perfect weather almost the whole week. I was prepared for it to be stupid expensive but it actually wasn’t terrible. Restaurants were more or less what you’d expect to pay at a restaurant in Denver (I live here too), obviously some restaurants were nicer than others and cost more, but nothing seemed outrageous to me. Not sure where you’re staying but we were in Lahaina. The feast at Lele (luau) was great (and reallllyyy accommodating with being gluten free – my friend has Celiac and was totally fine). We went surfing via Goofy Foot Surfing School and really enjoyed it, also my boyfriend went scuba diving. We rented a car and drove all over the island on our own – Paia, Road to Hana, Waihee ridge, and more. Hope you have a great time!!!

    1. juli says:

      just wrote down all these recommendations! thanks so much Becca!

  2. Callie says:

    I’m sorry about the length of this, but I feel it would be helpful. Hearing your dog screaming in pain is honestly the most gut-wrenching and heart-breaking noise. We have two pups, Aussie and German Shepherd, who are our first babies. Our GSD was diagnosed with advanced Hip Dysplasia this July at the age of 5.5 because of an irresponsible breeder decision that he falsified and lied about. She screamed every time she changed positions, tried to get up, run after a ball. She went from being an active agility dog to one that could barely make it up the three porch steps. We were told euthanasia was imminent, and we should go ahead and prepare ourselves.

    I dove into research and found a local animal hospital that specializes in a more holistic approach. Dr. Heather Owens, with Animal Acupuncture in Tulsa, OK, literally changed our lives. There are a series of podcasts on her website that she has done that I think would be helpful to you as well. Through her guidance, she started our pup on a series of supplements that weren’t going to cause further damage, acupuncture, and water therapy. I will be the first to say that I was more than skeptical when we first started all of this. The combination of everything we have done, but ESPECIALLY the acupuncture has completely changed our dog. She is now able to move, run, perform almost exactly as she was pre-diagnosis. Of course, there are certain things that she still needs a little help with, but we are confident that acupuncture saved her life. I know that what Jackson is dealing with is different, but I encourage you to give acupuncture a try. Ours was completely unbothered by the pricks, and the outcome has been so awesome. I know how difficult the waiting game is, I genuinely hope you get some good news. Hang in there; you’re being such an awesome mom to your little guy. Hugs!

    1. juli says:

      thank you so much for the recommendations Callie!! i’ve heard so many great things about acupuncture so that’s definitely a route we will be going once he’s back home

  3. Kayla says:

    I’m really sorry to hear about Jackson. I hope everything is resolved quickly and he is on the mend soon. I saw you talking about him potentially having to have surgery due to disc issues. I’m assuming it’s due to IVDD? My French Bulldog, Albus, (three years old at the time) has IVDD and had surgery (on his back) in 2018 after I came home from vacation and found him unable to walk. The good news is after surgery he was able to walk again. Anyway, I just wanted to give you a few resources in case you find them helpful. In the beginning of our journey, it was really hard not to be overwhelmed with all the information overload and to try to figure out what the heck we were supposed to be doing for our pup. There is a website called and also a facebook group called IVDD and other Back Disorders in dogs both of which are a wealth of information for dealing with a dog who is dealing with/recovering from disc issues. There is also a French Bulldog specific IVDD group on FB as well. I know first hand how scary this can be with our beloved frenchies so I’m sending you guys lots of love and hoping Jackson feels better soon!

    1. juli says:

      thank you for all the recommendations Kayla! i really appreciate it!

  4. Heather says:

    I just finished your latest podcast and first sending happy thoughts for Jackson, your so good to him and I can’t imagine how scary all that is!
    So the whole time you were talking about the Bachelor I was thinking, OMG YOU NEED TO Watch Love Island! I feel the same way I just need some mindless fun stuff sometimes. I started with love Island season 5, UK And it’s freakin fantastic! You need to watch the UK one! And then after the show I listen to the LoveIsland cast which they also do the Australian ones too if you wanted any after cast, it’s two guys and they are super funny!

    Hey thanks for being you! Good luck with Jackson!


    1. juli says:

      omg I’m so damn obsessed with Love Island right now!!

  5. Mary says:

    Have you tried an Easy Walk harness? It attaches at the front, similar to a collar, but doesn’t pull around their neck. My dog is about 33 lbs and it’s the easiest one I’ve found to prevent him from pulling excessively and hurting himself or me! Just thought I’d share: