Today on the podcast I’m talking about our recent trip to Tulum, all the fake butts I saw, the shooting that happened the day we got there, my May forecast from my astrologer, and then I ponder if I’m the only person who is not best friends with their mom? Based on all the instagram posts over Mother’s Day, the answer is yes.


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  1. Stephanie says:

    I feel the same about my relationship with my mom. I saw many people posted and I’m sure my mom would have liked me to but we just don’t have that relationship so it would have been fake.

    Butt implants have nothing on yours!

    1. juli says:

      bless you, Stephanie!!

  2. Erica says:

    This podcast resonated with me. I don’t have a close relationship with my mom, we barely get along and have nothing in common. It was hard to see everyone posting about their mom being their best friend. Thanks for speaking about this.

    1. juli says:

      i’m so sorry, Erica

  3. Brittany says:

    I am so with you on the mom topic! My early teens my mom made some choices I didn’t agree with and I just have never had a close relationship with her, it makes me so scared to have kids that I will end up being the same kind of mom she was! Luckily my MIL has a similar relationship with her mom and we were talking about that the other day and how it has made her try really hard to have close relationships with all her kids so I guess there is still hope for me when I hopefully become a mom someday! I don’t really do social media but I do listen to a few different podcasts and hearing them talk about how great their moms are just makes me feel like I missed out.

    1. juli says:

      that’s so great that you have a close relationship with your MIL to talk through everything with! that has to really help!