This week on my instagram Live, I talk about CrossFit, why it changed my life for the better, and why I’ve taken a step back from it over the past year or so. Audio available on the podcast, video of the live below.
on Jun 29, 2019, Updated Feb 01, 2020
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This week on my instagram Live, I talk about CrossFit, why it changed my life for the better, and why I’ve taken a step back from it over the past year or so. Audio available on the podcast, video of the live below.
Can you put this week’s CrossFit one in the podcast app? It’s not on there yet.
hey lara, done!! so sorry for the delay. i thought i did add it to the podcast, but it didn’t seem to update!
Hey Juli! I listed to this episode and it brought me right back to the beginning of your CF journey when you were dating Jon and would workout with us at CrossFit Parker in the summer months. Oh, and do you still remember our double date when we saw Daniel Tosh in Denver?? I still have great memories of watching you compete at regionals and cheering you on. I love how your fitness journey, business and success has evolved over the years. CrossFit will always have a special place in my heart, but as I’m aging (I’ll be 50 next year), I’m learning to listen to my body and am realizing that those unilateral/bilaterial movements and machines at “globo gyms” still have their place. My physique goals have changed now and I’m okay with not having the highest deadlift or back squat anymore. Who gives a f*ck anymore? I do many of your workouts my globo gym and will drop in at a CF affiliate now and then. Anyhow, just wanted to thank you for a great episode and for bringing back so many memories!
awwwww Liz!! you’re so sweet for following along for so long now! it’s crazy to think back on the days at CF Parker! and so funny you brought up Daniel Tosh because I just thought about that the other day! thanks for the continued love and support!!