For any of you that missed my IG Live this week, the topic was marriage and my thoughts on children. Sharing the audio on my podcast and video on the blog!


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  1. Cassie says:

    Thank you!!! You’re the best!

  2. Elizabeth says:

    Thank you for posting it like this! I will probably never sit and watch an IG live so this was a perfect way for me to catch up!

    1. juli says:


      1. Kaitlyn says:

        Hi! Do you have the Wednesday live regarding paleo/food saved somewhere? I can’t find it ?

        1. juli says:

          i do not. i didn’t know you could save IG Lives on my first go so that one wasn’t saved sadly

  3. Tancy says:

    Completely unrelated to the live, but I know you said at one time you take spironolactone for acne. My dermatologist wants me to take it, and I’ve read side effects and know it’s a diuretic and can lower blood pressure, but just curious how an actual person who uses it feels about it.

    1. juli says:

      i’ve been on it for quite a while now and i’ve loved it! i still get breakouts sometimes, but it’s normally just around my period. and yes, it does lower blood pressure so sometimes i’ll feel light headed, but those symptoms have gone away the longer i’ve been on it. it also makes you have to pee ALL THE TIME, so be ready to constantly be going to the bathroom. it’s not very helpful on long car rides lol

  4. Hillary says:


    1. juli says:

      glad i was able to figure it out haha!!

  5. Lauren says:

    This was amaze balls! As a 30 year old and single I get asked all the time really awful personal (and utterly irrelevant) questions like “how old are your kids?” “How do you keep you husband happy?” Or the worse one “What do you mean you’re not married with kids at 30!?” I also agree about the dog mom idea – it’s weird and I just can’t. I think it’s incredible of you that you want to keep part of your life private and honestly that’s very thoughtful of you. OH as someone who lives with two dogs – that play fight crap only ever stops cause they’re sleeping and then it’s a crap shoot – but still wouldn’t trade it.

    1. juli says:

      jesus!! 30 is so freaking young! and who asks questions like that?! what weirdos

  6. Vanessa says:

    Thank you for posting! I’m married & 32 years old and I don’t feel like I want children, in my 20’s I started feeling this way. There is a lot of family & societal pressures and it’s really refreshing to hear your view ?

    1. juli says:

      the societal pressure is REAL. it’s frustrating for sure

  7. JOJO says:

    Thank you so much for doing this podcast on being childfree. Your insight is so refreshing! As a fellow married woman without kids, I am so tired of the pressures of society. I don’t want kids and I choose to think for myself, instead of being pressured to live a life I really don’t want. People should really think for themselves instead of letting others influence their life-long decisions. I love my life with my husband and no kids. And like you, I sometimes feel lonely in my decision as I only have one friend that doesn’t have kids. Oh well, I will just bask in my awesome life!

    1. juli says:

      that’s exactly why i shared those feelings! glad you can connect with those viewpoints since not many people can haha. i’m here to make sure you feel a little less lonely in your amazing life!