I’m off to the CrossFit Games – Southwest Regional today. Don’t worry. I got up extra early, drank my coffee, and thought about vomiting for a while. I’m kinda nervous. I get either really quiet or really rambunctious when I’m nervous. I often dance, awkwardly. And then get really sweaty hands. I hate having sweaty hands. It’s not good for meeting new people. Or doing pull ups. If you’ve ever seen me workout, I chalk my hands every 10 pull ups. I literally HAVE TO or I will slip right off the bar. I need to get the sweat glands removed from my hands. That’s weird though.

I went to register in Castle Rock yesterday. I literally can’t stop smiling after being there. It’s so damn exciting. So many athletes there, all with the same goal in mind, all that have worked their asses off the entire year. Just so freaking cool to see. These kind of events are where I feel the most myself. I always feel so awkward in social settings, except at CrossFit events. Because everyone looks like me. All the girls have big shoulders. All wear spandex. And all love food. I love CrossFit girls.

So today I will be competing for my second time in Regionals. I want to do well, like everyone else out there. But I want to do well for certain people. I want to make a few of my friends proud because not only have they believed in me, but they have inspired me as well. And the person who has inspired me the most is my roommate and best friend, Laura.

Not only did Laura start doing CrossFit after Regionals last year, but she keeps getting better every single week. It’s absolutely amazing to watch. Because she just wants to get better. She wants muscles, she wants to lift more, and she will do whatever it takes to get better. It’s freaking awesome. This girl never gives up. She never complains. And she will always push herself, never taking the easy road. It’s amazing.

And Laura has done seriously everything for me. She will be taking off work today to come see me compete and will be watching all 6 workouts. She’s watching me workout. How boring is that?! But she loves it. She knows what I struggle with. She knows what frustrates me. And she wants to be there for all of those moments that come up during the weekend. She’s been with me at every step in this CrossFit experience and I could not be anymore grateful to have someone like her in my life.

My inspiration for doing CrossFit is my best friend, Laura.

What’s yours?

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  1. Amanda says:

    GOOD LUCK!!! Random fact, I heard of people injecting botox in their armpits to reduce sweating……

  2. Chelsea says:

    Good luck this weekend. I just competed in the Canada West Regionals last weekend and had a blast. I am also obsessed with the Hunger Games trilogy soooo good!!! Have fun.

  3. Riss says:

    I’m a new reader… but good luck!

  4. rachel says:

    I’ve been checking the leaderboard all day to follow you. You are amazing, Juli! And seriously, this might sound silly, but your posts about working out and your dedication levels have motivated me to lift heavier and work harder this year. Good luck tomorrow!

  5. mac says:

    people like you are my inspiration. people who dedicate themselves fully to an ideal. people who give all for the betterment of themselves and others. those who climb the mountain then once they reach the summit look back down to see who needs a helping hand or encouraging word.

    Good luck! I’ve enjoyed reading your blog and I’ll be cheering for you. Also tell Chris Spealler he’s all that is man.

  6. hjcharlet says:

    Go get ’em Juli!!!

  7. Chrissy says:

    You’re gonna do awesome!!! What a sweet post!

  8. Maura says:

    Juli, found your blog and love your recipes/commentary along with them! Good luck with your competition! Loved hearing about your inspiration. I just recently got into CrossFit. My inspiration is my husband in Afghanistan – he does his WOD daily thousands of miles away and I do mine here at home. Thank you for all your recipes and I’ve collected many to make for when he returns!

  9. Lyndsay says:

    Juli, saw you on one of the Regional vid’s repping PaleoOMG, you and your scores look awesome! Keep up the good work! We’re all rooting for ya!

  10. Christine says:

    Kick ass! I hope you know how inspiring you are via this blog. I don’t CF (you have me thinking about it) but your recipes and awesome posts have inspired me to get more strict about paleo eating. I got away from it during this school year, but I’m back now! Can’t wait to hear of your successes at Regionals.