I need to be honest here, for most of my 27 years here on earth, I haven’t cared much about sleep. It was just something I had to do in order to function somewhat properly the next day. In college, I would go out boozing all night, fall asleep at 2am to wake back up at 5am that same morning to head to work. After college, I would work until 9pm, blog until 12am, then wake back up at 4:30am to work again. I barely slept and I thought I was “just one of those people” that didn’t need much sleep. Boy was I hella wrong. After about 6 years of playing this terrible/no sleep game with myself, my adrenals were pretty shot. I was constantly stressed, gaining weight, depressed and honestly, I just felt plain terrible. Something had to give.

After changing my work schedule and rearranging some of my priorities, I was able to begin sleeping AT LEAST 6 hours per night. I would constantly wake up drenched in sweat and sometimes my feet would have fallen asleep because of the shape of the mattress, but I was feeling better and better as I got more and more sleep. I was finally losing some weight, becoming a happier person, and feeling less anxiety. It was the first time I actually understood the importance of a good night sleep.

As you’ve dabbled in paleo and probably read all of the benefits of eating grain free and gluten free, I’m sure you’ve stumbled upon a couple websites or books pressing the importance of sleep. I know when I first started eating paleo and read The Paleo Solution by Robb Wolf, I noticed that he wrote a good amount about proper sleep. Of course, me being the idiot that I am, ignored this important fact thinking I was “one of those people” who it didn’t pertain to. I’m so annoying. It’s taken me 27 years to finally understand I’m not “one of those” because no one is. Ok, I’ll stop making finger quotes now.

Everyone needs a good night sleep, everyone deserves a healthy sleep, but not everyone knows the importance of both these things and how they related to each other.

So let’s talk about it. Let’s talk about sleep. Because even though it may be the most boring thing on earth to talk about (unless you’re talking about your weird ass dreams…I dreamed about zombie hunting me last night) it’s super important to know more about it so you can make an informed decision when choosing a new mattress. Let’s get to some facts. We have to talk about the elephant in the room: why spring and foam mattresses aren’t the best choice (and I’m not even talking about how they break down over time and begin to sag – ew, nobody wants a saggy anything, let alone a mattress):

  • Toxic Sleep: Honestly, I never knew any mattress could be toxic. I didn’t know toxic was a word that would even be used in the same sentence as mattress. But after doing research and finding out some of the chemicals that are used in making a mattress flame retardant, I was astounded with what I found out. Most mattresses are sprayed with a flame retardant cocktail that can include a mixture of: Non-Toxic-Image

But you know why this is all so gross? Because over time, the mattress can off-gas these chemicals which you either breathe in or absorb through your skin. That means that you’re literally breathing in formaldehyde. WHAT? That’s some crazy sh*t right there.

  • What Toxic Sleep Means for Pregnant Women: “Research has proven that significant exposure to toxins during pregnancy can be harmful to both the woman and the fetus. Another study found that toxic chemicals actually pass from a woman’s bloodstream, through the placenta and to the fetus. Toxins were also identified in breast milk. (Harvard School of Health/Centers for Disease Control)” Via.
  • What Toxic Sleep Means for Infants: You ready for a crazy freaking fact about a link to off-gassing and SIDS? “Recent studies examine an infant’s sleep environment as a possible contributor in Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, or SIDS, cases. Two doctors in the United Kingdom and New Zealand concluded a decade-long study that linked toxic crib environments to infant health issues, including possibly SIDS. The resulting awareness campaign caused the number of SIDS cases in both areas to drop dramatically.” ViaLearn more about the evidence here. Read it, it’s insane.
  • What Toxic Sleep Means for Adults: 1 in 5 Americans suffer from a sleep disorder. But what is even worse is that the toxins in normal mattresses can be correlated to asthma, allergies, and even cancer. Find more information about toxins and cancer here.

Ok, I have to stop saying the word toxic. Because it’s a sad word. And it’s sad that the place we rest our heads at night, the place we stuff our slobbery face onto for around 8 hours, is the place that we are continuously breathing in toxins without the right mattress. It’s just crazy. Crap, I said it again. Man, that word sucks.

Why Intellibed is Different:

When I found out about intellibed, I was more shocked about all the crap-bed statistics out there that I didn’t totally concentrate on all the benefits of an intellibed. They concentrate on four pillars to help their bed stand above the rest:

  1. Pressure Relief
  2. Back Support
  3. Safe Materials
  4. Superior Durability

Intellibed’s gel technology uses a patented gel-matrix that keeps the body balanced and comfortable while sleeping. This reduces pressure points on the shoulders and hips so they don’t get irritated and tell the body to move, which wakes us up from a deep sleep. Because their beds have a firm foundation under the intelli-gel, the hips and shoulders are able to stay in proper alignment with the rest of the body, therefore staying in a comfortable sleep longer.


Intellibed’s gel technology is a co-polymer made from food grade material. I won’t even act like I know what the word co-polymer means, but I know that it is proven to be non-toxic, hypoallergenic, and doesn’t generate heat. Because of this, intelli-Gel is used in hospitals to help with bed sores and even burn victims!

Paying a Little More to Keep You Healthy:

Ok so I know you’re totally asking yourself right now, why the hell is JB telling us about a mattress? She blogs about food. Oh, and workouts. Oh, and fashion finds. But that’s pretty much exactly why I’m telling you about a mattress. After beginning paleo about 5 years ago, I really only concentrated on the food side of things. I thought that food was all I needed to make myself a better and happier person. But over time, I figured out that not only did I need clean and delicious food, but I also needed my workouts for a happier mind and body, outfits that made me feel good in my skin to keep a happier spirit, and a better night sleep to keep me kicking ass every.single.day. Paleo began all about food, but it’s now become all about a better way of life. Keeping our bodies as well as our minds, as healthy as possible.

But I know what you’re thinking right now… so what is this intellibed going to run me, Juli? I get it, I’m a thrifty spender and I’m always looking for deals. When looking at intellibed’s different bed choices, they have king size mattresses that run on average about $3,500. But what’s so cool about Intellibed is that they promise you and warranty their beds to last for 30 years, meaning you’re paying about $116 per year for your mattress. PER YEAR! For me, not having to think about buying a mattress for another 30 years is quite a relief and completely worth $116 per year. Our last spring mattress was bought about 10 years ago, for around $3,000 and has completely sunken in in the middle. And I can’t imagine what kind of gases it was releasing.

And since Intellibed is so awesome and has agreed to work with me, I get to bring you a deal today! For the next month, until June 18th, when you purchase a therapeutic bed with Intellibed, you’ll be getting 10% off your order when you use the discount code PaleOMG. BUT THAT’S NOT ALL *in a game show host announcer voice*. When you purchase a bed using my discount code, you’ll also be getting:

  • 10% off your order (I know, I said that already)
  • 2 intelliPillows for FREE (a $299.90 value)
  • 1 Dreamfit Sheet Set for FREE (up to $189.99 value)
  • 1 Mattress Protector for FREE (a $90 value)

That’s a total value in savings of $579.89 plus the 10% off your order! Pretty rad. And if a bed isn’t in your price range right now, they also have mattress toppers that have the gel matrix inside and you’ll still receive the 10% off discount with the PaleOMG discount code! If you’re nervous about getting a bed you still haven’t tried out, know that you have a 60 day in-home trial to test out the bed the bed to make sure you absolutely love it! If you have any questions, feeling free to leave a comment below and I’ll make sure to answer all of them as quick as possible!

Click Here to Find Out More About What Intellibed Has to Offer and Get 10% Off Your Purchase with PaleOMG Discount Code at Checkout!


Disclosure: Links in the post above are affiliate links. This means if  you purchase the item through my discount code, I will receive an affiliate commission. I only recommend products I use personally and believe will add value to PaleOMG readers.

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  1. Jeanne says:

    Are the boxspring and frame just the standard you can get anywhere? Also, if I finance it do I still get the discount and the freebies? Thanks. Looks like a very nice bed.

  2. Alexa says:

    I’m joining the throng of Canadian followers who are eagerly awaiting a Canadian-applicable discount code. Fingers crossed!!

  3. Lissa says:

    I was wondering if you had a current promo going for the intellibed. I love your blog. Thnaks

    1. juli says:

      just the 10% off right now!

  4. Kimley Duncan says:

    Hi Juli me and my wife were thinking of a new comfortable platform and Intellibed seems great. Is the 10% offer still applicable on orders ?

    1. juli says:

      yes! just not the gifts!

  5. Lisa says:

    Hi Juli,

    Seriously considering this mattress, are you still loving it?

    1. juli says:

      I am!!

  6. Meagan says:

    Hey Juli have you had any issues with this mattress being too firm?

    1. juli says:

      not at all! it felt a little weird for the first month since i like my bed really soft but i love it now!

  7. Michelle says:

    Hey Juli!

    Your post on this mattress is from a couple years ago, but after waking up feeling like I’ve slept in chemicals (oh the smell!) after purchasing a memory foam mattress…I just feel like I can’t do it anymore! It’s only been three nights, but I just can’t handle the smell. Even my pj’s smell like the mattress! Why did we fall for the “black friday” deals and order this mattress????? Gah!! Wondering how you’re liking the mattress a couple years later, still enjoying it? Would love to hear your feedback before we spend the $$ on another new mattress…eyecarumba!!

    ~Michelle @backporchpaleo (sorry about the frigid temps in Denver today, I’m sure the pics will be great…but oh the goosebumps!!)

    1. juli says:

      i still love it!! it’s great!

  8. John says:

    After reading your review Juli, I can see that this Intellibed mattress is something that I should consider in my soon to be quest for a new mattress for myself. I like the fact that Intellibed used non toxic materials to produce their mattress but what is more interesting to me is the IntelliGEL.
    It seems very interesting and appealing to me, knowing that this mattress can support and align my body in a right way. I need to try one out and see how I like it.

    Juli are you still using this Intellibed mattress?
    If yes, how does it perform after some time, is it still as good as when it was new?

    1. juli says:

      yes, i’ve loved it the whole time i’ve had it!