Today on the podcast I talk with my friend Jessie Golden and answer your questions on instagram stories. We talk body image, getting to the root cause of how we see ourselves in the mirror, and why the scale is a bunch of bullshit. Take Jessie’s online quiz here to find what your eating type is!



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  1. Liza says:

    This was my favourite podcast of yours of all time. Really enjoyed it. Thanks!

    1. juli says:

      yay!! thanks for listening Liza! Jess is the best!

  2. Christine Gimbar says:

    Loved this! Esp re: the scale. Ditch it. I just want to feel hot in my birthday suit and the scale doesn’t tell me that. Loved the interview, and looking forward to another alone-in-the-closet episode next week!

    1. juli says:

      thanks for the listening Christine!

  3. Sonia says:

    Hi Juli

    I’m 56 years old, the last 2 years I had an herniated disc. I would like to begin a program to help my body to recovery and try 🙂 to have some muscles! Which of your program do you recommand? My health is very good and I have a healthy diet.


    1. juli says:

      my beginner power program is a great place to start!!