Today on the podcast I’m talking through why we should stick up for people we don’t know then it’s all about my experience with excessive exercise and how it actually hindered my progress and led to inflammation that took years to fix. If you want to also read my blog post about it, you can check out it here –


Don’t forget to check out my fitness programs on and use the special code for podcast listeners UNCENSORED10 for 10% off at any of my programs! Power Program 2.0 has launched with 12 weeks of intermediate and pro workouts! To find out what program is right for you, check out this post –


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  1. HD says:

    Check out living in the Cayman Islands! No covid and there’s a global citizen program where you can come here and pay no tax!

  2. Sofie says:

    1. LOVE Ree Drummond. God bless her.
    2. Totally resonate with your over training / under eating struggles!! Thanks for sharing. Love hearing other’s experiences because it is such a great reminder that I’ve put myself on the right path moving forward. Moving from tracking every gram of food you’ve eaten to an intuitive eating approach can be so scary. Especially while also completely overhauling your level of activity. Thanks for opening up more over the years and sharing your stories!

  3. Lillie Cole says:

    Tell your BIL to make the jump and move! I felt complacent where I was and always wanted to move and start over so I just said fuck it, made the jump, and came to Denver barely knowing anyone and taking a risky career move. Scary as change is… it’s good for the soul! And hell we only live once! I’ve been here 4 days so I can’t tell him if it was worth it, but he wouldn’t be the only one out there crazy enough to risk leaving roots to switch things up!

    1. Lindy says:

      Thank you for this Podcast episode. I truly needed to hear this message. I have been all or nothing for so long on “diet” and exercise. I’m either all in all the time or nothing. It’s been exhausting….and impossible. I’m going to start practicing what you spoke of in this episode. I will listen again and take notes. I just followed jessiemgolden on Instagram. Thank you again for recording this…I REALLY needed to hear it.

  4. Laura says:

    I’m glad you didn’t edit any of the random stuff out at the beginning! It made me laugh. Also, we didn’t get any neighbor update this week??? 🙂

    I grew up in Littleton, CO and moved to St. Augustine, FL 6 years ago. If you want to live near the ocean and the inter-coastal and live in a golf cart community check out Nocatee in Ponte Vedra, FL. It’s like the Highlands Ranch of Florida. The hurricanes were not as bad as the media made it seem and the best part about a hurricane is that you get lots of advanced warning unlike other natural disasters.

    Loved the episode and the topic of listening to your body and tailoring your training for yourself. Also, your point about people cutting others down because of their insecurities.