This week on the podcast, I’m changing up my normal listener questions episode with my sister-in-law partaking and asking the questions!
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Episode 89 Transcription!
This is Juli Bauer from PaleOMG and you are listening to PaleOMG Uncensored.
1. Listener Questions: Food [4:21]
2. Listener Questions: Beauty [16:54]
3. Listener Questions: Fitness [35:24]
4. Listener Questions: Travel [43:22]
5. Listener Questions: Random [50:42]
Juli Bauer: We’re just going to get going. We’ve got to get going. You know why? Because I have a sick panda. I have a goddamn sick panda on my hands.
Carra Roth: Pukey panda.
Juli Bauer: Pukey panda. Welcome to another episode of PaleOMG Uncensored. Carra is back for another episode. We have a listener questions episode, because I haven’t done one in a while. And Carra is going to read off the questions. I’m going to answer them.
Well; a lady brought our golf magazine.
Carra Roth: I for sure would have thrown that away.
Juli Bauer: Yeah, god bless her. This lady just brought our mail from like 2 blocks down. I would have thrown that sh*t away.
Carra Roth: Yeah. She was easily 80 years old.
Juli Bauer: Yeah.
Carra Roth: She’s like; I’m walking from two blocks away.
Juli Bauer: Yeah, that woman was very kind.
Carra Roth: I got a magazine from somebody on two floors below me and I legit threw it away.
Juli Bauer: Yeah, no way!
Carra Roth: Sorry guy.
Juli Bauer: So anyway. Carra is going to ask questions, I’m going to read answers. I leave out of town tomorrow, again. Goddammit. I have to go to another f*cking airport.
Carra Roth: Without me this time.
Juli Bauer: Yeah. With an airline I’m not a huge fan of.
Carra Roth: With better luck, hopefully.
Juli Bauer: Won’t speak any names.
Carra Roth: Rhymes with … Mom tier.
Juli Bauer: Mom tier? Yup. Rhymes with mom tier.
Carra Roth: {laughs}
Juli Bauer: Anyway. So I leave out of town tomorrow, and of course, as soon as I’m about to leave out of town, Jackson decides to go f*cking AWOL. He was puking all last night on our white rug. Rest in peace, white rug. You are going in the trash this Friday. And then, I left him alone for a good 4 hours today, and he puked all over our couch, all over our rug. That’s about it. No wood floors in site have been puked on.
Carra Roth: At least it’s just throw up and not like throw up and diarrhea.
Juli Bauer: For real. That’s the mom life I’m not prepared to live. So he is going to the emergency vet. Since it’s an emergency and they’re not getting us in. So he’s going in an hour and a half, so we’re fitting this podcast in.
Carra Roth: Come back in an hour and a half.
Juli Bauer: Yeah, I was like; this is an emergency vet! If you want me to come back. But I guess they’re fitting me in so how can I complain.
Carra Roth: Just like that.
Juli Bauer: Yeah, exactly. On a podcast for them to never hear. Ok, so we don’t have a Bachelor recap because we haven’t watched it yet. We’re watching it tonight. If I can force Carra to hang out with me longer. We are supposed to watch it tonight. Family dinner style.
Carra Roth: Family dinner.
Juli Bauer: We’re going to have tacos.
Carra Roth: Taco Tuesday!
Juli Bauer: Taco Tuesday! And I am going to emotionally eat because I am PMSing like a real son of a b*tch.
Carra Roth: I’ll help you.
Juli Bauer: My poor husband. Your poor brother. God bless his little soul. Because I can’t tell you that I’m not a See-You-Next-Tuesday. I’m a real cunt. I can’t lie.
Carra Roth: {laughs} I think he would definitely vouch for you on that.
Juli Bauer: Oh man. That poor guy.
Carra Roth: Yeah.
Juli Bauer: He’s so nice. And we’re test driving cars, and he brought me home a car yesterday to test drive. And I’m like; eh. Like, pissed about anything I can think of.
Carra Roth: Well you came around. I gave you peanut M&Ms and then we went for a nice little test drive.
Juli Bauer: Yeah. Peanut M&Ms make everything better.
Carra Roth: Beautiful sunset.
Juli Bauer: Oh my god, it was the best. It was like Cabo.
Carra Roth: And all was right in the world.
Juli Bauer: Lovely. Ok, anyway. We’re going to get to questions that you guys asked. Thank god some of you guys asked questions, because I feel like no one is going to ask a question and I’m going to look like a real dickhole asking people to ask questions with zero questions. So thank god for you guys out there for being involved and…
Carra Roth: Inquisitive.
Juli Bauer: Inquisitive. Wow. You are so smart. You are so smart. Ok, what section are we starting with.
Carra Roth: Food.
1. Listener Questions: Food [4:21]
Juli Bauer: Food! We’re starting with food.
Carra Roth: I think it’s appropriate because yesterday when we were test driving this car, Juli looked into the console, at the arm rest, and she was like; it’s so small. This isn’t going to fit all my snacks!
Juli Bauer: {laughs} Yeah! I was like, what the f*ck is this. It can hold a pint of ice cream.
Carra Roth: {laughs} So that might be a deal breaker. We don’t know yet.
Juli Bauer: For real. I’m not happy about that. But really, where am I going to hide my snacks?
Carra Roth: I don’t know.
Juli Bauer: Safety snacks.
Carra Roth: Emergency snacks.
Juli Bauer: Yeah, so I don’t call my husband and f*cking chew his head off for living.
Carra Roth: {laughs} Ok. Well.
Juli Bauer: Get to it.
Carra Roth: Let’s get to it. {laughs} Ok. First question is from Katie K. She wants to know, “What is the best nutrition tip you can give for someone who has a lot of weight to lose? What are your pre- and post workout fuels?”
Juli Bauer: Ok. So, if you are a person who needs to lose a good amount of weight, that has to do with your diet. And more than anything, just concentrate on a clean diet of good sourced proteins, clean proteins, lots of vegetables, a ton of vegetables in your diet, and stay away from sugar, alcohol, stay away from baked goods because I know we all want to go to that. Especially when we’re eating paleo and we just want to make baked goods instead of just eat real food.
And I’m not honestly a big pre and post workout person. I usually have half a Larabar to settle my stomach if I haven’t eaten a meal. And then I eat a meal as my post workout snack. So I just have a little thing to settle my stomach, and then eat a full meal.
But if you’re a person who needs to lose a lot of weight, just concentrate on clean food at the end of the day.
Carra Roth: Yeah. And good luck.
Juli Bauer: Good luck.
Carra Roth: Lynn says, “I know you don’t count calories or macros or anything, but do you change what you eat on days you workout versus days you don’t? I.e. more carbs on workout days, less carbs on rest days. Extra meal for your post workout meal?”
Juli Bauer: No. I don’t think about that whatsoever. I probably eat more on my rest days because I have more time with my day.
Carra Roth: {laughs} To snack.
Juli Bauer: Yeah, more time for snacks. And working out suppresses your appetite a lot of the times. So I just find myself hungrier on rest days. But I really don’t think about carb intake on rest versus workout days. I just don’t care enough to think about that.
Carra Roth: Ok. Julie.
Juli Bauer: Yes?
Carra Roth: Julie W.
Juli Bauer: Oh, Julie Dubs.
Carra Roth: Wants to know; “How do you store your ghee? I put mine in the fridge but it always seems impossible to scrape it out when I need it to cook.”
Juli Bauer: I store it in the pantry.
Carra Roth: {laughs}
Juli Bauer: Period.
Carra Roth: McKenzie. “What supplements do you like? I put collagen in my coffee every day, but that’s it. Do you take anything else daily?”
Juli Bauer: No. I only take collagen. I should take more things, but I just don’t care enough to.
Carra Roth: Same.
Juli Bauer: Collagen is the best. Your toenails are just so cute.
Carra Roth: Thanks.
Juli Bauer: I’m so jealous of them.
Carra Roth: {laughs} My toenails specifically.
Juli Bauer: Well, the toes in general.
Carra Roth: That they don’t overlap each other?
Juli Bauer: Yeah.
Carra Roth: {laughs}
Juli Bauer: I’m so jealous.
Carra Roth: Alecia. “Hi Juli! I grew up on the same diet as you; processed and artificial everything. My family hasn’t really broken away from the lifestyle. Just curious if how your parents’ diets have changed since you’ve started your blog.”
Juli Bauer: No. My dad started eating paleo when I was in high school, and that was my first introduction to paleo. When he was really ill and had to lose weight to work off some of the steroids that he was pumped with in the hospital. Then once I started paleo, they were both not into paleo at all. They still aren’t, but I finally broke through to my mother, because she has fibromyalgia and she’s in pain all the time. And f*cking eating grains does not help whatsoever. So I finally broke through to her, and she’s cut it down by like 80%, and she’s gotten way better with that. But they don’t eat paleo. And they don’t care. {laughs}
Carra Roth: {laughs}
Juli Bauer: But hopefully I can get them more into it. And my mother-in-law will not eat paleo, either. She refuses to.
Carra Roth: They eat paleo on Thanksgiving when Juli makes Thanksgiving dinner.
Juli Bauer: Yeah. Exactly. And they’re like; what is this? When Carra’s mom stayed with us once, and I got beets and like quinoa salad, and they were like; what the f*ck is this?
Carra Roth: In her defense, beets seriously. I’m on her side.
Juli Bauer: They’re so good. For you.
Carra Roth: Yeah. For you. Ok, Hannah wants to know, “What’s your favorite wine?”
Juli Bauer: Do not like wine. It tastes like vinegar.
Carra Roth: I feel like you can get behind every once in a while one glass.
Juli Bauer: Yeah. But it’s just like I’m being social. I’m not like; I don’t want to waste my calories on wine so I never drink it. If Brian is ever drinking anything, I’m eating chocolate next to him.
Carra Roth: {laughs} Yeah.
Juli Bauer: I like cocktails.
Carra Roth: Not a big wine guy.
Juli Bauer: Not a big wine guy.
Carra Roth: I don’t know how to pronounce this person’s name. “After mentioning that eggs make you have face/chin breakouts, I think I’m in the same boat. What are easy grab and go or work friendly breakfasts you’d recommend that still include protein? I know you have a lot of casseroles and prepare sausage and veggies for yourself in the morning. But that’s not always easy for a traditional commute/office setting.”
Juli Bauer: Well that’s thing. It’s not going to be that easy. If eating healthy was super easy, then everybody would do it. But it’s not easy, and it’s not convenient. So you have to get over that. But I just make; imagine what you put in an egg casserole. You can just make that without the eggs. It’s like just making a hash. So, I would just make; say a breakfast casserole with sweet potatoes, sausage, kale, whatever other vegetables. Mushrooms and peppers. You just cook that all in a pan. Put it in a dish, and take that with you. So you can’t eat it as easy as an egg casserole, but you’re still just eating with a fork. It’s not that inconvenient compared to an egg casserole.
Carra Roth: Yeah. Plus it will last you a few days, too. You could probably extend it a whole week, right? Or close to.
Juli Bauer: Totally. Three or four days.
Carra Roth: So just a little bit of meal prep.
Juli Bauer: Yeah man. If it was easy everybody would do it.
Carra Roth: Am I right?
Juli Bauer: Am I right.
Carra Roth: Tanium.
Juli Bauer: Taintium? Taint?
Carra Roth: No. Tanium. “Paleo can be very high calorie form of eating to avoid the word diet. What are some things you do to offset balance?”
Juli Bauer: Honestly, paleo is not super high calorie if you’re eating it correctly. You’re thinking more of keto most likely, where that’s high fat and so it’s higher calories. But if you’re eating foods rich in greens. If you’re eating clean proteins, that’s not a very high calorie diet. It’s very normal and easy to monitor and regulate our weight with that kind of diet. It’s when you get into baked goods and super heavy starches and you’re overeating in general. That’s when you get to the higher calorie. So I have to disagree with you there because I haven’t had any issue with paleo being super high calorie. It’s just when I’m doing baked goods and eating stuff like almond flour or a ton of almond butter. Things like that where it’s higher.
Carra Roth: Ok. Sarah wants to know; or says; “I have my days where I eat for boredom, stress, etc. Do you have any tips or tricks to help me avoid this snacking, and be better at listening to my body?”
Juli Bauer: Drink a sh*t ton of water.
Carra Roth: That’s a good one. That’s hard.
Juli Bauer: It’s super hard. But a lot of times, and I find this in myself. There’s a difference between being thirsty and being hungry. And it’s hard to decipher that reading in your brain of what that feels like. So a lot of times, we’re just thirsty and we’re not actually hungry. So drink a sh*t ton of water. And just be aware of it. You’re obviously already aware of it. So when you’re thinking; I just want to snack. Ok, am I actually hungry or do I just want to eat this because I’m bored? Because I do that all the time. I just did that. I just emotionally ate because Jackson puked all over our house and I’m about to leave town. So I was like; hmm, I’ll eat a muffin. I’m not hungry whatsoever, but I’m getting boke right now.
I think just being aware of it. Drinking a lot of water. And really thinking about it. Am I actually hungry? Or would I be good to wait another hour, and kind of decide from there.
Carra Roth: Interesting. The whole water. Am I thirsty or hungry?
Juli Bauer: For real.
Carra Roth: I’m definitely thirsty.
Juli Bauer: Yeah, you don’t drink any water.
Carra Roth: Ever, ever.
Juli Bauer: Literally at all.
Carra Roth: I know.
Juli Bauer: Like, you have a tablespoon a day, maybe.
Carra Roth: Maybe. It’s bad. I’ll go the whole day and be like; I didn’t drink any water today.
Juli Bauer: Your body is like 75% water. So yours is probably 4. So you are literally dead already.
Carra Roth: {laughs} Oh no!
Juli Bauer: Yep. Dried up.
Carra Roth: Dangit. Nicki Green. “Do you have any healthy suggestions for weight loss? I’ve done Whole30 and transitioned into a mostly paleo lifestyle. And while it makes me feel the best I’ve ever felt, sleep, anxiety down, skin is good, I can’t seem to lose weight on it. And yes, my body is about 30 pounds over weight right now. Do you have any good suggestions while still staying close to paleo eating?”
Juli Bauer: So number one; the biggest thing for me is when I worry about losing weight, I can never lose weight. When I stop giving a f*ck and stop thinking about it, and just taking care of myself and stop messing with my hormones by worrying constantly about what I weigh.
Carra Roth: Stress.
Juli Bauer: Yeah. The stress leads to weight gain. Or it leads you to not being able to lose weight. So I would stop stressing about that and continue to eat healthy. Our bodies will even out when they want to, and we’re going through different things all the time. But if you are eating healthy, and you’re sticking with some sort of fitness routine, and you’re staying away from sugar and alcohol. Which are the two biggest things I see when I have friends who are constantly telling me they need to lose weight. Those are the two things they have not given up. They eat healthy, say 80% of the time, and that 20% completely ruins their diet and their ability to lose weight.
So take a look at those two things. If that sugar and that alcohol is a piece in your life that is still prevalent, it’s important to kind of take that away. But just don’t worry about 30 pounds. Worry about eating healthy. Planning ahead. Packing your food. Getting your workout in. Doing things that are healthy for you. Minimizing your stress. Sleeping. Getting a good amount of sleep in.
Because a lot of times, say we’re doing everything right and can’t lose weight. What are those stress factors that are huge in our life? Are we not sleeping? Are we going through a divorce? Whatever that stress in your life is is going to hinder you from getting down to that weight that your body is supposed to be at.
Carra Roth: Ok. That wraps up the food section.
Juli Bauer: OK.
2. Listener Questions: Beauty [16:54]
Carra Roth: Moving on to beauty!
Juli Bauer: Yay!
Carra Roth: Ashley Hubbard; “Did your light Profractional treatment hurt? I love learning about all the facial treatments you get.”
Juli Bauer: So I just recently did a light Profractional. I’ve talked about Profractional all the time on the podcast. And on my blog. It’s my favorite treatment, I f*cking love it, I swear by it, it’s life changing. And I did a light one recently with a nano peel. A light nano peel, a light Profractional. I got a numbing cream on it 30 minutes before, and it did not hurt.
Carra Roth: And it wasn’t even too scabby.
Juli Bauer: No. It was just peely.
Carra Roth: Yeah. And you looked like you were that young 65. {laughs}
Juli Bauer: Yeah. Young 65-year-old self.
Carra Roth: Just for a couple of days.
Juli Bauer: Yeah. And then it just peeled off. And then my face was glowing. And it was perfection. And then we went to Aruba and I f*cking ruined it all.
Carra Roth: {laughs}
Juli Bauer: All my dark spots are back.
Carra Roth: Worth it.
Juli Bauer: Worth it!
Carra Roth: Ok. Columbus to the Coast. “Love all your info on the anti-aging procedures. Would you ever try fillers? My dermatologist loves Voluma for contouring, but I’m a little freaked out about fillers.”
Juli Bauer: I don’t personally want to do fillers until I absolutely have to. I’m doing all these things now so I don’t have to do fillers. I’m getting all these treatments so I can get rid of those fine lines and wrinkles, and they won’t set in as early and I can stay away from fillers in general. It doesn’t mean I won’t do them someday. Totally pro.
Carra Roth: Just don’t go to the Situations doctor. {laughs}
Juli Bauer: Yeah, man. He’s got some weird f*cking filler. So weird. We haven’t watched that show in a while. F*ck.
Carra Roth: I know.
Juli Bauer: Goddammit Jackson! No, I feel bad. I would totally do filler. But just not yet.
Carra Roth: Just when we need it.
Juli Bauer: When the time is right. When we start to sag.
Carra Roth: Chelthie Woods. “How do you afford being able to get all your skin procedures done every month? My husband and I both have high paying jobs, and I really want to start getting more facials, etc., to take care of my skin. But it seems like it’s always going to cost a sh*t ton of money to get everything done that I need. And then I go into panic mode.”
Juli Bauer: So luckily have worked with my esthetician for years now, and I have sent her so many clients that she does a lot of these treatments. And I will talk about them for her, and give her promotion. So that’s been an awesome trade, and it’s been super helpful.
And I’ll talk to friends about this. I think it’s figuring out your budget and figuring out how much you’re willing to spend per month, or maybe per year on treatments.
Carra Roth: Well, and what’s going to be the best treatment. If it’s a deep Profractional that they need to do once, or however often you do it, versus a facial ever week. Or every other. What their end result or goal is.
Juli Bauer: Yes. And it’s going to be so different per area, too. Somebody reached out to me and said that the three Profractionals they were going to do was going to cost them $12,000.
Carra Roth: What!
Juli Bauer: And my girl is not that expensive, by any means. And she’s amazing.
Carra Roth: So look around.
Juli Bauer: Look around and talk to people. Do your research, and know that you can trust the person. But I think with anything, like in college when I was making barely any money to get by, I still figured out how to pay for a CrossFit gym. I stopped going out and having drinks. I stopped going out to eat. You just change your money to do whatever you need to do. It’s just like if you need to save for a house, you stop going out. If you need to save for certain things, you just figure it out. You have to be willing to put money into your beauty. And not everybody is willing to do that. So you kind of have to decide on that.
But I’m lucky that I’ve sent my esthetician probably over 200 clients. She sees 2-3 people from me per day. And so she has benefitted from me, and I’ve benefitted from her. Which has been awesome.
Carra Roth: Great. Will Will Pill. “When you use tanning lotion, do you notice that it stains your clothes or sheets, even after the first day? I know you said your sheets get stained, but I didn’t know if that happened continuously. About how long would you say your tan lasts after using it?”
Juli Bauer: So I’m actually doing. Oh, f*ck. I still have to write that tomorrow. But I’m doing a post tomorrow about how to prep for a spray tan, or tanning at home. But, it does usually still stain your sheets a little bit. I recommend darker sheets. I don’t know how people have white sheets. I don’t get it. People are dirty anyway, no matter if you shower. You still have skin cells coming off all the time. So, you put tanner on you, you’re going to have your tan come off. Because your skin cells are coming off all the time.
So it does lessen after the first day. I haven’t had any staining on my clothes.
Carra Roth: So, the San Tropez, or whatever we use, is sugar based. So it washes out. Because it’s always on my clothes, the first day I wear it. It always rubs off on my clothes, but it always comes off in the wash. Because it’s sugar based. So it doesn’t stain. I haven’t noticed any staining of my clothes when it rubs off.
Juli Bauer: OK. That’s good to know. Because I haven’t even noticed any staining on my clothes. But I don’t wear a ton of white, so maybe that’s why. But other than the white sheets; I feel like my white sheets never came back from that. But I feel like white is always dirty. No matter if you f*cking bleach it. I’m like; what kind of bleach do people use? In these f*cking Like to Know it home photos; I’m like, what bleach are they using.
Carra Roth: Those are just staged.
Juli Bauer: Yeah, that sh*t ain’t real. F*ck those people. I hate those people. I have three puke stains on my current rug. I’m going to f*cking Like to Know it that sh*t. This rug is not even available anymore.
Carra Roth: Dangit.
Juli Bauer: Ugh.
Carra Roth: Hannah E. Mullens. “I know you did a podcast about breast augmentation. How did you decide on the size, shape.” {laughs} You can choose your shape?
Juli Bauer: Mm-hmm. They have like tear drop. I don’t remember the other ones. Or like high profile, so they poke out more.
Carra Roth: {laughs} What?
Juli Bauer: Yeah, so if you want like porn star boobies.
Carra Roth: Interesting. “I’m about to get it done and I’m nervous.”
Juli Bauer: Oh! Well, I listened to my doctor. {laughs} So if you have a doctor you trust. Which, god I hope you do if you’re about to get them done. I listened to my doctor, what he recommended size-wise and shape-wise. I just trusted my doctor. I told him what I wanted. I didn’t want huge boobs, I just wanted to feel like a woman.
Carra Roth: You just wanted boobs?
Juli Bauer: Yeah, I just wanted more than a f*cking nipple. Like; whoa, so much to ask for in this goddamn world. I remember going through puberty and like; I don’t know, when you’re going through puberty your boobs fill a little in and you’re like; yes, this means they’re about to come in. And then they never did, and I was like; f*ck this.
Carra Roth: You had such high hopes.
Juli Bauer: Such high hopes. I was so excited. I was like; I’m going to become a woman. I’m going t look like a woman.
Carra Roth: The biggest letdown of your life.
Juli Bauer: And I’m like; I just have these big ass hips, and now these nipples. Ugh. Such a bummer. So listen to your doctor. Don’t ask what other people have, because it doesn’t matter. My girlfriend went to the same doctor, and she has 100 cc more than me. And her boobs don’t look f*cking massive.
Carra Roth: She’s also taller.
Juli Bauer: Taller and a different shape.
Carra Roth: So it fits her body.
Juli Bauer: Exactly. Your doctor will know what is best for you. So listen to them. If you don’t trust your doctor, then get the f*ck out of there. Go find a doctor you trust.
Carra Roth: Allison Kelly. “Can you give us more details on your Invisalign?”
Juli Bauer: So I did Invisalign. It’s probably been a year since I did it. I did it for 6 months. I had those little nubs on your teeth. They put these cement nubs on your teeth for the Invisalign retainers to stick to to help shift your teeth. So that’s not fun, and cute. Like little pills on your teeth. It’s not cute. So I wore Invisalign for 6 months, and my teeth are straight. And I wear my retainer every night. And I loved it. So glad I did it.
Carra Roth: Hannah E. Mullens back.
Juli Bauer: {laughs} She’s back!
Carra Roth: “Best teeth whitener? Your teeth are so white.” Lightroom? {laughs}
Juli Bauer: So first and foremost. Yeah. I have this photo editing software called Lightroom, which I edit my teeth.
Carra Roth: They are super white.
Juli Bauer: Oh thanks.
Carra Roth: Even though she says she whitens them, I feel like once a week I’m like; your teeth are so f*cking white.
Juli Bauer: That’s the best.
Carra Roth: I always compliment you. On your teeth.
Juli Bauer: You’re the best. I like Crest Whitestrips. I probably use them once a year. And I’ll use three or four strips. And they clean off the coffee stains off of it. Even after one, I can see the difference. So Crest Whitestrips are awesome.
Carra Roth: Did you ever get them professionally whitened?
Juli Bauer: I did. I got them professionally whitened. I think we were living back in the apartment. So it had to have been like 4 years ago. And I personally didn’t; I think you can get just as good, if not better, results from Crest Whitestrips. And after I got it done, you get these little zingers in your teeth. I don’t know what it is, but it feels like a lightening bolt goes through your teeth.
Carra Roth: Because I think it; doesn’t it take off the enamel? Like the first layer of the enamel so they’re sensitive until it grows back or something.
Juli Bauer: Yeah, it’s not fun.
Carra Roth: Science.
Juli Bauer: {laughs} It’s science. And you don’t get that with the Crest Whitestrips. Or I didn’t. And my teeth haven’t become more sensitive, but they have a less sensitive Crest Whitestrips. So I did the professional whitening once, and I just honestly, get the f*cking strips at the store. And while you’re doing your makeup, put a strip on.
Carra Roth: Hannah again.
Juli Bauer: Oh, Hannah!
Carra Roth: She’s so curious. “Your hair has grown so fast. Other than collagen, anything else you recommend for hair growth?”
Juli Bauer: Not for hair growth that I know of. I just take collagen.
Carra Roth: OK.
Juli Bauer: I wash my hair once a week.
Carra Roth: {laughs} Maybe two?
Juli Bauer: Maybe.
Carra Roth: Good.
Juli Bauer: Yeah.
Carra Roth: Ok. {laughs} Seriously; cannot.
Juli Bauer: I saw that one! I liked that name. Seriously cannot.
Carra Roth: “Have you tried Botox?”
Juli Bauer: F*ck yeah.
Carra Roth: {laughs} “Or any other fillers. If so what is your experience/opinion?”
Juli Bauer: So I’ve done Botox since I was 25. And now I’m 30. I started getting wrinkles pretty early on. The eyes; what is that?
Carra Roth: Don’t they call that the 11?
Juli Bauer: Oh yeah, the 11.
Carra Roth: Right between your eyebrows.
Juli Bauer: And when I lift my eyebrows, I usually have at least 5 lines. Sorry, I spit on you.
Carra Roth: {laughs}
Juli Bauer: I have an incredibly wrinkly forehead. And those lines all started to set in. So I’ve been doing Botox for 5 years. I got it just a week and a half ago; look at me.
Carra Roth: No lines.
Juli Bauer: No lines, b*tches. And I love it. It’s my favorite.
Carra Roth: It’s also preventative.
Juli Bauer: It’s magic. That’s what it is. Magic.
Carra Roth: ER Wentworth. That’s fancy. “How do you know when is the best time for Profractional? My esthetician doesn’t think my skin is “bad enough” for it yet but I’m very self-conscious about recent redness, wrinkles, and scarring.”
Juli Bauer: Well, shoot. I mean, you should trust your esthetician, first and foremost. They’re the professional.
Carra Roth: But the person probably notices it more on herself more than anybody else will.
Juli Bauer: Totally.
Carra Roth: Because you get stuff done, and I’m like; I didn’t notice that before.
Juli Bauer: Totally. We always notice stuff more on ourselves. I think Profractional is awesome; no matter what’s going on, because it’s regenerating new collagen in your skin. So it’s getting it; just like the collagen we’re putting in our bodies we want it to do, this is doing it directly on your face. So I don’t think it’s ever a bad time to do that. But you’ve got to talk to your esthetician at the end of the day. And trust their opinion. I wouldn’t want someone forcing me into a super expensive procedure or treatment when I didn’t need it, either. If you’re going to spend $1500 on a treatment, your esthetician should say that you really need it.
Carra Roth: And I think you’ll probably want to see noticeable results after a treatment like that. And if a person is not bad enough, she might not notice any sort of drastic result, or the result she’s hoping for.
Juli Bauer: Yeah. And it’s hard because it gets better every month. So you don’t even see it as much the first month versus the sixth month. It’s crazy.
Carra Roth: Interesting.
Juli Bauer: It’s the best. Listen to your esthetician.
Carra Roth: Ok. Lily Barrett. That’s probably not the answer she wanted.
Juli Bauer: Goddammit. Sorry.
Carra Roth: Lily Barrett. “What is your must have skincare product? Also, I have the Tula trial kit, but what’s the one Tula product that’s a must? So far I’m liking the cleanser the best.”
Juli Bauer: OK. I love, for the Tula product, first and foremost the illuminating serum. It’s my favorite. Yours is the toner, right?
Carra Roth: Yeah, I really have been liking it.
Juli Bauer: Carra loves the toner.
Carra Roth: I have the cleaner, but I haven’t tried it yet.
Juli Bauer: The illuminating serum is money. I wear it every single day. And your face is glowing.
Carra Roth: I used that today. And I didn’t wash it after the gym.
Juli Bauer: Yeah, f*ck that. I haven’t showered since the gym either. So I love that. And then my go-to, I feel like I always use no matter what is the Vivant skincare or there is Beyond Complexion. I use those interchangeably of mendelic acid facial pads. It just kind of clears your skin, and it’s great for dark spots and wrinkles. Getting off any excess and kind of exfoliating your face. So I love those pads and I use them daily.
Carra Roth: Are those the ones that we?
Juli Bauer: You have, yeah.
Carra Roth: I really like those too. It’s just like an extra cleansing pad.
Juli Bauer: Yeah.
Carra Roth: Real Food Homeschool Mom. “Would you ever do plastic surgery, like on your face? Beyond your esthetician. Like hardcore face lift?”
Juli Bauer: Jeeze. She’s down.
Carra Roth: {laughs}
Juli Bauer: F*ck yeah, I would totally get a face lift later on.
Carra Roth: Absolutely, why not.
Juli Bauer: Heck yeah. If my face ever needs it, doing it. Pull that face up.
Carra Roth: Pull it up.
Juli Bauer: Pull it up, pull it back. What’s that one chick who is old in every movie? {laughs}
Carra Roth: Jane Fonda?
Juli Bauer: Yeah.
Carra Roth: She looks good.
Juli Bauer: She looks f*cking good.
Carra Roth: She looks like a young 65. {laughs}
Juli Bauer: Yeah, young 65. She has that face high and tight.
Juli Bauer: While I take this much needed coffee break, let’s talk about this weeks’ sponsor, Fab Fit Fun. Fab Fit Fun is a seasonal subscription box with full size beauty, fitness, fashion, and lifestyle products. It retails for $49.99, but always has a value over $200. Use code PaleOMG for $10 off your first box at
If you haven’t seen my past posts about Fab Fit Fun on the blog, you’re missing out. Because this seasonal box is filled with so many amazing products. I’ve received three separate Fab Fit Fun boxes, and I think this summer one is my favorite so far. There are so many cool items in this box, including a huge Yumi Kim makeup bag that also comes with a little gift card inside, which is so cool. This bag is the perfect size for makeup, or any toiletries while you’re traveling. I’m a huge makeup lover, so I’ll be using it for that when I take my upcoming trip to Aruba. Because it fits perfectly in my carryon suitcase.
But if you’re also a makeup lover like me, you’re going to be obsessed with the Tarte pro-glow powder and cream set. It makes contouring and highlighting super easy. Plus they have skincare products like ELEMIS papaya enzyme peel and Vasanti brighten up face rejuvenator. I’ll be trying out both of those as soon as my face heals up from this recent peel. I’m always loving trying new products. Especially ones that I wouldn’t have picked up at the store, alone.
What’s so cool about Fab Fit Fun is you’re going to get over $200 worth of products, and find some new brands you never may have heard of before, all for $49.99. But today; if you use coupon code PaleOMG you’ll get $10 off your first Fab Fit Fun box. That means you’ll be able to try out the summer box for only $39.99 with over $200 worth of items. It’s so cool. It’s so fun getting the box every season, finding new brands and products that I’ve never tried before. I’m even excited to try the Foreo facial cleansing brush that links up to your smart phone. So freaking cool. So many items.
So to get your own summer Fab Fit Fun box, head to and use code PaleOMG and you’ll get $10 off your first box.
3. Listener Questions: Fitness [35:24]
Carra Roth: OK, moving on to fitness.
Juli Bauer: Fitness.
Carra Roth: Get your fitness on! Brittany. “I’ve been doing CrossFit for almost four years, and my shoulders and arms are getting bulkier.”
Juli Bauer: Oh, Carra can relate.
Carra Roth: Thank you, Brittany! {laughs} “Bulkier than I would like. I have small arms, but I love your arms and shoulders. Any tips?”
Well, Juli is trying to get bulkier arms and shoulders. {laughs}
Juli Bauer: Yeah, I love big arms and shoulders. So here’s the thing; we always love something on someone else but then we don’t love it on ourselves, necessarily. So I don’t think Carra ever looks at me and is like; gah, Juli’s shoulders are gross.
Carra Roth: Never. {laughs}
Juli Bauer: But she doesn’t want to have more muscular shoulders. At the end of the day, stop comparing yourself to anybody or thinking; oh, I want to have arms like her. Because you will never have arms like her, because you don’t have her arms. You have only your arms. And your arms develop and they change depending on who you are, and your genetics, and what you’re eating. And I can say my arms are not nearly as lean when my diet is off. Which my diet has been off for months now, because I’ve been traveling full time and emotionally eating on the side.
Carra Roth: We’ll get to that later. {laughs}
Juli Bauer: {laughs} Let’s have a cry sesh! So, when my diet is in check, and I’m just working out on a normal basis, that’s when I think my arms are the most cut. But stop comparing yourself to other people. That’s it, at the end of the day, I can’t tell you what’s going to be best for your arms.
Carra Roth: Can she do lighter weights at CrossFit? To stop from getting bulkier?
Juli Bauer: It just depends.
Carra Roth: Asking for a friend.
Juli Bauer: {laughs} The thing with CrossFit is it’s different for everybody, especially with your genetics. The owner of our gym, is fiancé is a beanpole, and she’s one of the strongest chicks at our gym. And she’s super f*cking skinny. And she can lift weights, and her muscles never get huge. She never gets “bulky”. And she’s one of the strongest people.
Me on the other hand, the heavier I go, the bigger I get and I’m not comfortable with that. So I don’t go crazy heavy. And I say I go moderate weights. I challenge myself, but I’m not just going the prescribed weight. I never really go the prescribed weight at the gym.
Carra Roth: Me either. {laughs}
Juli Bauer: Yeah, goddammit Carra and your 45-pound deadlift.
Carra Roth: {laughs}
Juli Bauer: Get out of here.
Carra Roth: My coach always tells me that I’m slacking. But I just don’t want bulky arms, ok!
Juli Bauer: Ugh.
Carra Roth: Salve Smith. “I have problems taking rest days, and it’s honestly because I love working out.” Gross.
Juli Bauer: {laughs}
Carra Roth: “But I know 6 to 7 days a week of strength circuit training isn’t ideal. How many days a week do you rest, and what do you do on these days?”
Juli Bauer: I rest two days a week and I don’t do sh*t on those days. So, I used to workout like that. I worked out multiple times a day. I worked out 7 days a week. I felt guilty about resting. I didn’t want to; I was like, I don’t need rest. Why would I need to rest? I’m just going to work out. I’ll just do a, what is it called? Stupid working out rest day. They’re like; it’s my; dammit, what do they call it? Where people act like they’re resting.
They’re like, I’m going to go run 5 miles. Or I’m going to row a 2K. I’m like; f*ck you. Let your body rest. Let it heal. I’ve been there. I’ve been that person. And I know it’s hard when you workout that many times a week to say; it’s ok to have a rest day doing nothing. But it really is ok.
And when I started taking more rest days, that’s when I actually saw my muscles start to shape more, because they were able to heal themselves and I stopped getting injuries like I had before. So I take two rest days a week. Everybody is different. I think two days is awesome. I work out three days on, one day off, two days on, one day off. And love it.
Carra Roth: On your rest days, you still take Jackson for walks, so you’re still kind of active.
Juli Bauer: Ok.
Carra Roth: But I’m just saying, that person could go for a walk if they feel guilty about not doing anything.
Juli Bauer: Yes. Just remember not to feel guilty. My reason for going outside is because I go insane working at home all day, and Jackson does too. But for me, I don’t feel guilty about not doing anything, because your body is made to work and it’s made to rest. That’s what it was made to do, from the beginning. So take that time to rest and let it heal itself. You have to do that.
Carra Roth: Second question. “What should someone look for in a CrossFit gym? Certifications? How do you know if it’s good programming?”
Juli Bauer: So, don’t even care about the programming at first, when you’re first starting in a CrossFit gym. Number one, make sure they have an on-ramp program. Like…
Carra Roth: {laughs}
Juli Bauer: {laughs} I thought I wouldn’t yawn because you were here. But I just always do. Make sure they have on-ramp or an elements program. Some sort of beginner program that you’re in a small group or one on one learning all the moves. You’re learning snatches. You’re learning pullups. You’re learning everything. If they don’t have that, don’t go there. Because you should not be thrown into a class where they’re doing snatches and double unders and you’re like; I literally don’t know what a snatch is and I’ve never heard of a double under before. That’s f*cked up.
Carra Roth: Interesting.
Juli Bauer: You should not throw someone into that. Not to say that you won’t feel uncomfortable the first time you go into a real class, because it’s always intimidating. But make sure they have an on-ramp or elements program. After that, it should be about the people in the community. Are people friendly when you come in? Do people talk before and after class? Is there some sort of community based around that?
And then after that, the programming, I think, is super important. But if you’re just starting out in CrossFit, and you just want to get more fit. No matter what you’re doing, you’re going to get more fit. And the programming can come later. But if you have great programming, but you don’t have an elements program and you don’t have community, then what the f*ck do you have at this gym other than good programming that nobody can do or nobody is excited about? So look for those things, for sure.
Carra Roth: Lauren. “What steps would you take when you realized you’re at or near adrenal fatigue? To get to a normal place where your body is healing. I still want to exercise because I like it; but is there a good process to heal?”
Juli Bauer: So, adrenal fatigue is different for everybody. And for me, I had to eat more carbohydrates. I had to workout way less, way lighter, take more rest days. A lot of people can’t workout at all. Maybe they’ll do yoga, and they’ll have to eat a higher fat diet; more of a keto style diet. So everybody is a little bit different. At the end of the day, you need to take more rest. You need to do less high intensity workouts. And you just need to deal with your stress.
So say you’ve got stress going on at work, you shouldn’t be putting your body through stress in a workout. And a lot of people think; oh, I had this stressful day at work, I need to go to the gym. But you’re just putting your body through another fight or flight. So you’re putting your body into more stress. So you just had double the stress that day instead of dealing with the stress at hand, and then working out the next day when you’re better and more regulated.
So I would recommend just listening to what your body needs. Taking more rest days, and working out at less high intensity is first and foremost.
4. Listener Questions: Travel [43:22]
Carra Roth: OK. We are now onto travel.
Juli Bauer: Travel!
Carra Roth: Yay! Vicki Lee. “Will you do a group trip to Costa Rica again? I would love to go somewhere tropical and rad to meet you.”
Juli Bauer: So I’ve been talking with that company that I did the Costa Rica trip; the Under 30 experiences. And we’ve been talking about a France trip. But I just don’t know if that’s going to come altogether, just with everything that’s going on in life and the travel I’ve been doing. I just don’t know if it will actually happen. So, maybe. It won’t be Costa Rica most likely, since I’ve done that before. But we’re in talks with a France trip. But still not totally sure yet if I’m sold on it.
Carra Roth: TBD.
Juli Bauer: TBD.
Carra Roth: Tish. “I’m curious about the husband. I know when you got married, you addressed it a little bit, but it’s so cryptic and weird, IMO.” What’s IMO?
Juli Bauer: In my opinion.
Carra Roth: Oh.
Juli Bauer: {laughs}
Carra Roth: “Why doesn’t he go on trips with you? Don’t you wish he was with you?”
Juli Bauer: {laughs} My husband has a fulltime job. So he can’t just get up and leave like me. So a trip comes up to Aruba a week ahead of time, I can just leave and do it and my husband can’t do it. He has a f*cking fulltime job. So it’s not weird in my opinion.
Carra Roth: IMO.
Juli Bauer: IMO.
Carra Roth: She did follow up with this question and say; “Weird was the wrong word.” She was cute about it. She was like; “But is he just sitting in the corner?” {laughs}
Juli Bauer: Yeah. So my husband; he works Monday through Saturday pretty much every week. He leaves usually; right now it’s 6:45 in the morning, and he doesn’t get home until 7:30. So, he works all the f*cking time. And he can’t just take time off. Especially on the whim. So he couldn’t go to Aruba, so we planned a trip to Cabo, just the two of us. A lot of these trips come up last minute, and sometimes they’re canceled. And so it doesn’t make sense for him to go.
Carra Roth: And sometimes you have obligations there that he wouldn’t necessarily be interested in. I don’t think he would have been down for paddleboard yoga. You know what I mean?
Juli Bauer: Yeah.
Carra Roth: There are some trips that he’s more interested in than others. And some are just really good to go with girlfriends.
Juli Bauer: Totally.
Carra Roth: Or your sister-in-law.
Juli Bauer: Yeah. And you who knows my business, and knows that I have to get certain photos done. And just stuff that he’s not interested in.
Carra Roth: Yeah. Because he would have to take photos.
Juli Bauer: Yeah. And thank god he was not trapped in the airport in Miami because he would have been; oh my god. He would have had a heart attack of stress of needing to be back at work. So I’m so glad. He just can’t take that much time off. We have to just pick our trips.
Carra Roth: Yeah. And as far as you keeping it so cryptic, I feel like it’s just kind of a joke at this point. Like, that part of your life is private. But it’s kind of more funny now.
Juli Bauer: Yeah. At the beginning I just decided not to put his face out there, because I’ve seen. I don’t know; I feel like everybody uses their Instagram to be like; my life is f*cking perfect and everything is great all the time! And I’ve seen behind those closed doors of how it isn’t. Not with my personal relationship, because we’re perfect.
Carra Roth: But we are perfect.
Juli Bauer: But other relationships where everything is like…
Carra Roth: Seemingly perfect.
Juli Bauer: Seemingly perfect on social media, and then it’s a sh*t storm behind closed doors. And I just never wanted to be that person. And I also have had people say terrible things to me on the internet. And if anybody ever said something mean about him, I would f*cking lose my sh*t. I would stab a human.
Carra Roth: {laughs} Oh, got you.
Juli Bauer: I would cut someone. So, it just became this ongoing thing. And then people are so nosy, so then I was like; mind your f*cking business.
Carra Roth: {laughing} I’ll share literally every other thing, detail of my life with you.
Juli Bauer: Yeah. Stop creeping!
Carra Roth: {laughing} But not that.
Juli Bauer: Yeah.
Carra Roth: Ok. Lily Barrett is back. “What is your dream trip if money weren’t a factor?”
Juli Bauer: If money and time weren’t a factor; I’m going to put time in there because I’d really like my husband to go with me.
Carra Roth: {laughs}
Juli Bauer: I really want to go to Greece. I mean; there’s a lot. I want to go to French Polynesia. I want to go to the BVIs. I want to go to Greece. I don’t know. I think there are so many. But those are my top three that I really want to go to right now.
Carra Roth: Ok. Jordan Gilmore. ”Hi Juli!”
Juli Bauer: Hi!
Carra Roth: “I know you travel solo a lot, so I was wondering what your top travel destination would be for a single female traveling solo. Love your podcast. Thanks!”
Juli Bauer: So everybody knows, Jackson is trying to find a spot to lie on the carpet where there’s not puke everywhere.
Carra Roth: {laughs} Nope, puked there.
Juli Bauer: He’s like; oh, can’t lay here, there’s puke. So gross. So I’ve actually answered this once before, I think, on the podcast. Someone had a similar question. And one of my favorite places I traveled solo. And I met a bunch of people while I was there. But Santa Ynez Valley. And that was my favorite. It’s wine country. And I drank a bunch of wine there. Loved it. It’s different when you’re in wine country compared to out of dinner. I don’t want a sh*tty glass of wine that costs $47 at this goddamn restaurant.
Carra Roth: Because you bougie.
Juli Bauer: Because I’m bougie. I like wine country. And you can have rose. I like rose, and I like champagne. So Santa Ynez Valley is like wine country, but it’s super safe. You can walk around there. Everybody leaves their car doors unlocked and houses. It’s just a super safe area. And they have just different amazing hotels. Different places to eat at, like really farm to table, amazing restaurants. And everybody is so friendly. I made friends. I was just at a coffee shop when I was there, and this girl was like; oh my god, I love your shirt, or something like that. And we were talking about shirts, and it grew into my blog. And then she started following my blog, and wrote on my Instagram that day. Just really friendly, nice people. I love that. Santa Ynez Valley.
And I feel like everybody goes to Napa for wine country. This is just tucked in the valley there. It’s beautiful. Love it. Outside Santa Barbara.
Carra Roth: Ok. Carolyn. “I listen to your podcast every week, and I laugh my ass off. Where is your next vacay? I’m vacation-envious of you. Just wanted to say you’re killing it, and keep doing what you’re doing.”
Juli Bauer: Well, I leave for Myrtle Beach tomorrow. Not sure how I feel about Myrtle Beach. Because, I’ve heard mixed reviews about it. So we’ll have to see. I have Myrtle Beach, and then I have Leavenworth, Washington. And then Cabo, Montreal, San Juan Islands, Tahoe, Charlotte. Yeah.
Carra Roth: That’s a lot.
Juli Bauer: It’s a lot, man. I don’t like travel anymore. {laughs}
Carra Roth: {laughing}
Juli Bauer: I just want a dog who is well and to be fit again. {laughs}
5. Listener Questions: Random [50:42]
Carra Roth: Ok, now we’re onto random.
Juli Bauer: Ok.
Carra Roth: Do we have time?
Juli Bauer: Throw it at me. We do.
Carra Roth: There’s a lot of randoms, and they’re all like really long questions.
Juli Bauer: OH, sh*t. Ok.
Carra Roth: So bear with me.
Juli Bauer: OK. We’ve got like 25 minutes.
Carra Roth: Lindsey. “Hey girl! I’m wondering how do you get motivated after a lazy day? How often do you just shut everything off and just relax? I always find it super hard to get back into the groove after those kind of days. Also, would love to know your typical morning routine. What time do you get up? Do you have any tips or tricks on waking up motivated and getting to work? I’m sleeping through my alarm, and wake up completely unmotivated and kind of blah. Thanks, love!”
Juli Bauer: Ok. So I wake up pretty much every morn 5:45 to 6:15. Somewhere in that region. I’ve always been a super early riser, so that’s nothing new to me. I post my blog every morning, so I get up, I make coffee, I sit on the couch, and I finish my blog post for the day and post that. And then I usually walk Jackson, and then just get to work on whatever I need to do. Whether it’s food photos, new recipes, prepping a blog post, outfit photos done. It’s kind of all over the place. It’s just a sh*t storm every day.
Oh, I should be doing emails! {laughs} That’s forgotten about. I mean, for me, I don’t ever feel like I’m like; ok, I need a super lazy day today. Because usually I’m like; ok, I could do a half lazy day. Where I get some stuff done, but I’m not going to get everything I want done with that day. And that’s ok. Because I worked a little bit ahead of time.
I build in my rest days, and I try to be a little bit lazier on Fridays because I’ve finished up most of my work that day. And on those rest days, I can get a little bit more work done, and not have to go to the gym and worry about that.
But if you’re not feeling motivated in the morning, I think finding something that motivates you. Whether it’s your dog.
Carra Roth: And having a plan. You have to plan out your day. And figure out what you need to do that day and have a plan. Because if you just go into it, and you’re just winging it and you don’t have a plan, you’re not motived.
Juli Bauer: Yeah. I plan everything. It’s like, hour by hour.
Carra Roth: And if that’s what she needs to do; say this time from this time. I don’t know what she does; work from home maybe, has a blog. It doesn’t say. But she definitely needs to plan her day. And hold herself accountable to it.
Juli Bauer: Especially if you work at home. If you’re working from home; I have that hour by hour plan already written down in my phone. And I know what I need to get done, and I know I can move things around as need be. But if I have something written down, I’ll get it done.
Carra Roth: OK. Hope that helps. The Paleo Runner. “Big fan of your blog, and especially your podcast. What do you do when you start getting those bad habits, bad feelings towards yourself and body image? How do you move past it without going back to old habits of body shaming or feeling guilty after having a certain food that is clean but not the best for you> AKA, paleo dessert treats? Thank you so much.”
I feel like this is appropriate, because I feel like we were kind of talking about this in Aruba.
Juli Bauer: Yeah. And it’s something I go through all the time.
Carra Roth: I think everybody does, no matter what.
Juli Bauer: Yeah. You and I were both feeling not our most fit, because we’re not our most fit right now. I think everybody goes through those ups and downs. We just think people don’t go through it because what Instagram looks like and how we perceive others versus how we perceive ourselves.
So it’s something I deal with every single day. And when I’m having a hard time with it, I have to look myself in the mirror, and I have to say a compliment to myself. I have to say whatever; you look great. You’ve worked really hard. Go out and crush the day. Something stupid as that completely changes my mindset, and I’m able to move forward and not think about it at all anymore.
So it’s constant work. And putting more guilt into something I eat just isn’t how I want to live my life at this point. I know that I’m going to gain weight from some foods, but I know I want to enjoy those foods, and I want to enjoy those times. So I think it’s weighing what your priorities are. Sometimes, it’s being your most physically fit and other times it’s enjoying your life. But at the end of the day, you have to be happy with who you are at whatever size you change into. And you’re going to change all throughout your life, and everything that happens.
Say you’re in a car accident, or you have a child. There are all these different things that play into changes in the body. And you have to be happy at all stages of life. So it’s really talking yourself into when you’re not.
Carra Roth: Brooke Marriott. “What did you major in college? What was your initial career aspirations prior to now?”
Juli Bauer: I majored in health and exercise science. And I was in health promotion, and I did some corporate wellness after college. And I always thought I would open my own gym. Maybe I will someday.
Carra Roth: Maybe. Amy Marie. “Did Carra get the job? I loved her being on your podcast.”
Juli Bauer: So Carra, you’ve interviewed for multiple jobs.
Carra Roth: Yep.
Juli Bauer: How many?
Carra Roth: Like 4 or 5 at this point.
Juli Bauer: Sh*t, son! That’s crazy it’s been that fast that you’ve had that many interviews.
Carra Roth: I know.
Juli Bauer: So we’re waiting to hear back still. For now I can still force her into recording a podcast. I’m like; hey, I’ll pay you to record a podcast with me. {laughs}
Carra Roth: Sure be fit. “Love your blog, podcast, and you. How did you convince Brian to get Jackson?”
Juli Bauer: Ok. So this is how I did it. I sent Brian a picture of a Frenchie every single day.
Carra Roth: {laughing}
Juli Bauer: For a good solid year. This poor man. He was getting Frenchies in clothes. Frenchies in floaties in the pool. Frenchies eating. Frenchies sleeping. Baby Frenchies. Adult Frenchies. I sent him anything I could.
Carra Roth: Subtle hints.
Juli Bauer: Subtle hints. And then one day he showed up at the doorstep with Jackson, and it was the best day of my life. Literally.
Carra Roth: Jade Groves. “Have you ever thought about vlogging? I always look forward to your Instastories because you’re honest, real, and hilarious. Just wondering.”
Juli Bauer: I just don’t know how people vlog. I did video in Guadeloupe. And I did video in Aruba. And it’s; how do you just talk to a camera when you’re around human beings? I’m like; hey I’m at the beach. Hey, I’m at the beach, and I’m talking to a camera instead of people around me! It’s so awkward. So I would love to get more into vlogging, but I’m more so interested in cooking videos, and teaching videos than just being like; hey, here’s my day. Here’s the vomit on my couch from my dog. That doesn’t interest me as much. Vlogging is hard, man. It’s hard.
Carra Roth: Boris and Nat. “Have you posted or talked about your purple pillow?”
Juli Bauer: No, I haven’t. I’ve talked about it on the podcast a little bit. I have the purple pillow because I was having neck issues. Love it. It’s the best. And now my husband is even into it now.
Carra Roth: Cool. Carina Carina. “How did you learn to not give a f*ck about the sale and stop obsessing about your image in the mirror every day? And to listen to what your body needed? Was it a gradual mental shift? I know you’ve mentioned in another podcast that the turning point to a better you. I’d love to hear about that journey.”
Juli Bauer: I think it has to do a lot with my husband. Because he’s just so great, and so positive. And he just doesn’t obsess over body stuff. And I’ve boyfriends in the past who were really obsessive about that. I think it led to more obsessive behaviors in me. So I can definitely thank my husband for a lot of that.
But I finally just had that moment; I just didn’t want to be unhappy anymore. And I didn’t want to feel this way. And everything I was doing of hating myself working out all the time eating “super clean”, it was not leading to weight loss. So I finally just had this f*ck it moment. I just want to be happy. And I don’t have a scale. I don’t get on the scale. I know kind of what weight I’m in between, and I know when I’ve gained weight. I can just tell; I can physically see it. But I just don’t; I try not to get wrapped up in it.
And Carra knows I get sad sometimes, and I get self-conscious. Because I’m posting f*cking swimsuit photos online for the world to see, so it’s easy to get wrapped up in it.
Carra Roth: And judge, and criticize.
Juli Bauer: Yeah. But at the end of the day, I want to live a life where I’m just walking on the beach and not giving a f*ck. Because those people are the most attractive people all the time. No matter what size they’re at. Look at Ashley Graham; this plus-sized model. She’s hot as f*ck because she is confident as f*ck.
Carra Roth: She crushes it.
Juli Bauer: Crushes it.
Carra Roth: She’s from Nebraska.
Juli Bauer: Is she really?
Carra Roth: Yep. Laura. “If you could give your 22, 23-year-old self any advice when you first started the transition to eating clean paleo and training what would it be? Or any post-college life advice, really. I truly enjoy following your blog page. Very inspirational. Thank you.”
Juli Bauer: Man. I would just; my 23-year-old self.
Carra Roth: Stop it, you idiot. {laughs}
Juli Bauer: Yeah. I mean, I was just so obsessive and mean to myself all the time. So just don’t be so hard on yourself, and enjoy such an awesome time your life. Being 23 is so awesome, and you have no responsibilities and life is so good.
Carra Roth: Yeah. I was drunk my whole 22, 23. {laughs}
Juli Bauer: Yeah, 24/7. I was sober as f*ck just training. Never going out on weekends.
Carra Roth: We lived such different lives.
Juli Bauer: I was too broke to go out on weekends. Like, Laura would go out every weekend. I’m like; how do you guys go out and drink? I’m making $1 an hour.
Carra Roth: {laughs}
Juli Bauer: What the f*ck. Just don’t be so hard on yourself. But at the end of the day, you learn as you go and I don’t regret anything I did when I was younger. Because it’s led me to where I am now, and I’ve learned so much from my younger self. So f*cking go with the flow, man. Learn as you go.
Carra Roth: Mama Cass. “How do you get your husband to be ok with your shopping? You have the freaking cutest clothes, and so many of them. My husband would probably tell me I have way too many and try and cut back my shopping. Super jealous. You go girl.”
Juli Bauer: Well here’s the thing. Brian and I have separate accounts. {laughs}
Carra Roth: Well and it is part of your business. And what he doesn’t know won’t hurt.
Juli Bauer: No. So, first of all, this is part of my business. So I make money off of posting outfits. So when I post an outfit, I’m going to make that money back. And so that makes it way easier. But we also have separate accounts. We’ve just been too lazy to put our accounts together. So he buys all his golf sh*t, and I buy whatever I want. We don’t see it, and then when we need to put money in savings, and put money in our 401K or whatever the f*ck we have to. Step IRAs. I don’t know what this sh*t is. But we just do that. So have separate accounts, maybe?
Carra Roth: {laughing} Start hiding your spending from your husband.
Juli Bauer: But budgeting spreadsheet, I’ve been doing that lately and seeing; ok, this is how much I’m making, this is how much I’m spending. And I think that’s a huge way to show; I’m not going to be eating out as much because I’m going to buy clothes a little bit more. Or whatever it is. But showing that to your spouse, I think is important, and talking over those things.
Carra Roth: OK. Sweetie. “I’d love to know how you store your wardrobe and accessories.” {laughs}
Juli Bauer: Oh.
Carra Roth: Sensitive subject right now.
Juli Bauer: Oh.
Carra Roth: “I’m constantly trying to figure out the best way to get my closet organized, and with all your fashion inspired posts, you must have an organized closet.” {laughs}
Juli Bauer: Oh, honey. No.
Carra Roth: “Nailed down at this point. I’d love to hear any pointers for that.”
Juli Bauer: Oh sweetheart, no. So we have our closet; my husband and I share, that’s like a walk-in closet. Nothing crazy sized. It’s a decent sized closet. And I have all those clothes that are not stuff I’m selling online, that are newly in stock. And I can just go back to stuff that I love and I always go back to. And then my office is where I take my food photos and store any of my photo sh*t. But then I have; now we have a two-level clothes rack. And I’ve been storing sh*t there.
But I know one of our friends, she did an Ikea closet, and loves it. For their storage of clothing and organizing everything. They did Ikea. Or you can do container store, and have a revamp of your closet.
Carra Roth: I think that’s maybe the route we should go.
Juli Bauer: No! It’s such a sh*t storm. It’s just I feel bad turning an office into a closet.
Carra Roth: Just one side of it.
Juli Bauer: Oh, it’s such a sh*t storm. Literally, my office is just clothes everywhere, shoes everywhere, just piles.
Carra Roth: Yeah. We’re in the process of now getting it more organized.
Juli Bauer: Will you do that while I’m gone. {laughs}
Carra Roth: Just organized, not more organized. Because it was …
Juli Bauer: Just organized.
Carra Roth: Just organized.
Juli Bauer: It’s a sh*t storm. So I wish I had more advice for you. But I know Ikea has great storage; like closet storage. And you can do container store. I know Ikea is a little bit cheaper and you have to put it together, you know.
Carra Roth: Pinterest that sh*t.
Juli Bauer: Yeah. Pinterest man.
Carra Roth: Ian Daughtry. “Have you changed your mind about having a baby?” {laughs}
Juli Bauer: {laughing} No.
Carra Roth: {laughing}
Juli Bauer: I have noticed as I’ve turned 30 I find kids a little bit more cute. I’m just like; oh, look at that cute little baby. But it’s not like I’m; a lot of people are like, oh my ovaries are aching! I’m like, that’s disgusting, number one.
Carra Roth: {laughing}
Juli Bauer: Keep that to yourself, you disgusting son of a b*tch. But, for me, my ovaries don’t hurt. They don’t feel the need to squirt eggs out or whatever the hell ovaries do. {laughs} But I have no interest in having a child, especially after Jackson has puked 7 times in our house and ruined two rugs. Kids are much dirtier than that.
Carra Roth: {laughs}
Juli Bauer: I told Brian this morning; I was like, this is a good reminder that I’m not ready to have children, because I don’t want to be up like this every night. And he’s like; that’s just what parents do. I was like; why are you defending a child we don’t have? And then he was like, I’m going to leave. I was like; I think that’s a good idea.
Carra Roth: {laughing}
Juli Bauer: I was just such a b*tch. Such a b*tch. I’m so glad I leave out of town for my period. Thank god.
Carra Roth: He is too.
Juli Bauer: He is too.
Carra Roth: He got the brunt of it, I feel like, already though.
Juli Bauer: Yeah. Poor guy. He’s so nice.
Carra Roth: We’ll make him tacos tonight.
Juli Bauer: Yeah. And watch The Bachelor.
Carra Roth: {laughs} His favorite! Just for him.
Juli Bauer: Just for him.
Carra Roth: DB Paleo. “Any tips for someone who started a blog a year ago and doesn’t seem to grow any audience?” Be more funny? {laughs}
Juli Bauer: {laughs} I think that’s really hard. It’s a hard space to be in now with so many blogs out there. But at the end of the day; I had my web developer on the podcast, and he talked about, if you are starting a blog, do the blog for you not anybody else. Because if you’re hoping to grow this huge audience, it’s probably not going to happen that way.
So continue to do what you love. Continue to share that information and it just takes one person sharing with another person who shares it with another person. And that’s how that organic growth happens. Just continue sharing what you love. If you don’t love it enough, and you’re not getting any feedback and it’s frustrating, then maybe don’t do the blog, at the end of the day. But continue sharing what you love. Because other people connect with it. It just might take longer than you want it to.
Carra Roth: Ok. GG Chahill. “Do you deal with going through phases of not liking your body, and then the next week or so loving it? Your best tips for body image?”
Juli Bauer: I definitely can say I’ve never been like; I love my body.
Carra Roth: That is so annoying to me.
Juli Bauer: Shut up. And I think a lot of people go through it. I’ve never looked in a mirror and I’m like; I am perfect. {laughs} I would not change a thing! I’ve never felt that way. And I constantly feel like I wish I had different things. Or things were improving quicker, or I was seeing results faster than a person who, I work at the gym with incredibly muscular people. People who have been in sports before, or people who have the genetics to build this muscle, and it’s taken me 8 years to get to where I am now. So I just get frustrated. But at the end of the day, I’m just going to continue to work hard. Because that’s what life is all about, working hard to get to the end result. Which you may never get to, jokes on you b*tches! That’s life!
Carra Roth: {laughing}
Juli Bauer: {laughs}
Carra Roth: Kate and Kale PDX. “If you didn’t meet your husband through CrossFit, and you were single right now, would you use Tinder or Bumble? Or does online dating weird you out?”
Juli Bauer: I think I would totally do it.
Carra Roth: I feel like you totally would.
Juli Bauer: Yeah. I did for a hot minute. Before I met my husband. And it was a nightmare. The dates I went on were the worst. One of the guys, on the date, told me he had a really small penis.
Carra Roth: {laughs}
Juli Bauer: Do you remember me ever you telling you that story.
Carra Roth: Yeah.
Juli Bauer: Like, what the f*ck? What the f*ck? And one guy was at coffee, and I talked about how important CrossFit is to me. And I was competing at that point, and this guy was like; yeah, I hate CrossFit.
Carra Roth: {laughs}
Juli Bauer: I was like; why are we out on a date? My main picture is of me f*cking snatching, like an annoying f*cking b*tch. So I would totally do it.
Carra Roth: She says, “I kind of wish you could go on dates with randos, because I bet the recaps would be hilarious.”
Juli Bauer: Oh my god. Whenever I’m fighting with Brian, my blog is so much more funny. And back in the day when I was dating, it was way more hilarious, because it was just the annoyances of life. And now I’m like; oh, I have a great husband and a great dog and my life is good. There’s nothing to complain about.
Like today on the blog, I talk about budgeting. Ew. Oh my god. So annoying. So yeah, I’m so happy to have my husband, but my blog would have been golden. And I’m sure there are many blogs out there recapping their Tinder nightmares.
Carra Roth: Oh man. The next part of the question says, “Does your SIL use apps? Have you nominated her for the next Bachelorette?” No, and no.
Juli Bauer: Ok. Carra doesn’t do apps. Carra is like the most chill. I was like, a super psycho single person. I was like; I’m literally never going to find anybody. I’m never going to be married. I’m going to be alone forever. Nobody likes me. I was the most annoying f*cking b*tch. I have no idea why Brian ever liked me. He saw something, a diamond in the rough or something like that. But Carra does not do dating apps. She’s the most chill human being about dating. She’s annoyed with the guy she was dating, and she’s like; whatever, I’m not going to call him. I’m like; oh my god, how do you not call somebody? And she can be so stubborn. You’re just so good at dating. You play the game.
I would never nominate Carra for the Bachelorette, because that show is a f*cking joke. And it’s the best to watch.
Carra Roth: Oh my god, it’s like my worst nightmare.
Juli Bauer: Worst nightmare. Ew, no. Why would anybody who is looking for long-lasting love, other than Shaun and Caitlyn, go on the Bachelor.
Carra Roth: {laughs} Yeah.
Juli Bauer: By the way, there’s a guy who looks just like Shaun at our gym, but is shorter, nerdier version.
Carra Roth: Gross. {laughs}
Juli Bauer: Like ugly; tall socks. White tall socks.
Carra Roth: Those are ok now.
Juli Bauer: No; I know the 90s are back in. But the gym shorts. But he has a really great hairline.
Carra Roth: Cool.
Juli Bauer: I want to show you a picture of him.
Carra Roth: Ok do.
Juli Bauer: OK.
Carra Roth: That was the last question.
Juli Bauer: Oh sh*t!
Carra Roth: Yeah.
Juli Bauer: So there’s this guy at the gym yesterday who used to have a Bachelor podcast with his dudes, and he’s straight. And I was like; wait, who am I going to talk to about this. So I go up to him; I don’t even know his name. Which I feel really bad; oh, maybe it’s Alex. Super cute guy. Cool, super easy to talk to. And I’m like, oh my god, I have to tell you something. Because I know nobody else watches the Bachelor in here. I’m like; do you know Shaun and Caitlyn? And he’s like, yeah, duh. I’m like; doesn’t that guy look like Shaun? And he’s like, yes, he does! I was like, thank you! Ugh! It was just about to explode out of me. I wanted to go tell him, and I knew he would have been like, go away you psycho, psycho person.
But yeah, that’s cool.
Carra Roth: Cool.
Juli Bauer: I have to pee really bad.
Carra Roth: Ok, well.
Juli Bauer: Ok, it’s perfect timing because we have to go back to the emergency vet where they’ll probably tell us nothing, give us nothing, and we’ll probably spend $200.
Carra Roth: Yeah. And you’ll probably have a pukey panda still.
Juli Bauer: Yeah.
Carra Roth: Hopefully not. Fingers crossed.
Juli Bauer: Well, I won’t. You will. {laughs}
Carra Roth: {laughs}
Juli Bauer: Ok, just so you guys know, this puke soaked into this thick rug. So there’s no getting the puke out. So I’ve just put paper towels over it. {laughs}
Carra Roth: Don’t step here.
Juli Bauer: And I honestly want to share this photo of how Jackson puked on the couch, because it is such an intense puke. So imagine you fell asleep on the couch drunk as f*ck, you’re super f*cked up, and then you’re like; oh sh*t, I’m going to puke. And you don’t know what to do because you’re so drunk so you just lean over the side of the couch and just puke down the side of the couch.
Carra Roth: Yeah, no effort to get up.
Juli Bauer: No effort, you did not even try. That’s what Jackson did to our couch. He just puked down the side, onto the rug, onto the wood floor, under the couch.
Carra Roth: {laughs}
Juli Bauer: It was such a good stream.
Carra Roth: It makes me feel so bad for him. Like he was so;
Juli Bauer: So didn’t feel good that he didn’t.
Carra Roth: He couldn’t get off the couch. Get out of his nest.
Juli Bauer: And it’s the only reason I can make jokes about it is because he seems fine right now. And he’s like; hey, you want to go to the vet? I’ll go to the vet!
Carra Roth: {laughs} What? Go somewhere?
Juli Bauer: Yeah, look his head just perked up! He’s like, I’ll go to the vet.
Carra Roth: His ears just perked up. What, where are we going?
Juli Bauer: You want to go? Ok. Well thanks for listening guys. Thanks for adding in your questions. You’re the best.
Carra Roth: Thanks guys, you’re so cute!
Juli Bauer: I’m so glad Carra was on again today. I’m hoping we can continue this bout of podcast, because alright I have to pee really bad. You guys are the best. I love you. Thanks for listening. See you next week.
Carra Roth: Bye.
Juli Bauer: Bye.
I think i asked my question too late to get on the podcast but I need help! Recently started cooking and baking and I cannot get my pots and pans and baking sheets super clean without marks. Do you have any tips?
i wish i had the answer but all my baking sheets and pans are constantly dirty no matter what. they never look like they did when i first purchased them sadly. sorry i don’t have a cure for you!
Loving these podcasts with your SIL!! You two are great together! Also, I can’t believe that you said you never look in the mirror and love everything about your body. WTH You are seriously smokin and people would kill for your body! Own it girl!!!
you are way too nice, heather!
Do you have a recommendation for an at home facial peel? Something I can use to smooth the texture and maybe brighten my face? I can’t spend money on an esthetician, and I don’t want a $100/oz bottle for a peel lol. but anything you have for a suggestion?
i don’t, i’m sorry! i haven’t tried one at home but as soon as i do, i’ll share it on the blog here!
Hey Juli! Too late on the questions! But what is your take on fillers? Thinking about them under my eyes!
i think you have to do what is best for you and your goals. i’m doing pro fractional regularly in hopes of not having to get fillers until later on in life. but i think fillers can be awesome and beautiful if done right
I heard in one of your podcast episode you wil be traveling to Montreal soon! I live in Maine which is basically Canada so I wanted to recommend a few MUST go to places to eat.
Schwartz’s deli for their smoked meat— I’m not sure what type of meat it is but I can’t get enough of it (cash only if I remember correctly)
Nouilles de Lan Zhou— spicy beef noodle that will knock your socks off
Au Kouign Amann – crossiants, I need not say more
Enjoy your trip, Montreal is the best ???? ????????
thanks for the recommendations!
Hi Juli,
I always want to ask, but keep missing your posts for listener questions. Do you use an app like tailwind or something similar to schedule your instagram posts? I have a (VERY) small business and I am trying to manage my social media a little better and still build my IG following. I’d love any advice.
i know the app Later is a great one! i don’t currently use any scheduling apps but my friend uses that one and loves it!
Who does your Botox? I can’t find it anywhere on your blog or I just didn’t look hard enough.
Marcy Tarango at Cherry Hills Facial Aesthetics 720-459-7960