It’s pretty awesome that The Paleo Kitchen, my second cookbook, has now already been out on bookshelves for almost 2 months now! It’s become a New York Times Bestseller, a USA Today Bestseller and we just found out last week that it also became a Globe Bestseller in Canada! It’s been pretty dang cool to see it grow and to see all the people on social media cooking up a storm with the book! If you haven’t added your pictures to instagram, make sure you do and hashtag #thepaleokitchen so we can see what your pictures look like! I love reposting my favorites!
I’m writing this post to make sure that if you haven’t found the book in your neighborhood, that you can find it easily! The list of the stores below are just SOME of the stores because it doesn’t include all the small mom&pop bookstores that you will find in your local stores. But if you stop in there, and they don’t have the book, make sure to request it so we can get it in there as well!!
Costco US (all stores)
Barnes & Noble (all stores)
Books-a-Million (should be all stores)
Indie Booksellers (Indiebound)
Costco Canada (all English language stores)
Indigo (Canada)
Be sure to check out your local bookstores for the book as well! Can’t wait to see some of your own Paleo Kitchen creations! And I hope you love every recipe you try! Thank you so much to everyone that has purchased the book and supported it all!! We couldn’t have done this without you!
Can you please tell me where I might be able to purchase your books in Australia other than Amazon. Thank you
check out
Just got mine from the library… I have fallen in love, thank you. Now I need to go buy one. Awesome!
This cookbook is amazing!! I love all the ideas & helpful hints in the book. And I love that you don’t have to be a chef to understand the recipes! We are starting on a few this weekend and are super stoked!! AND, my kids are gluten free because they celiac so it makes me super duper happy that they will be able to eat all the products! YESSS!
BTW: love this blog as well! You RAWK!
Question: for someone who is just getting started in the Paleo world, which of your two books would you recommend?
The paleo kitchen