Today on the podcast I’m sharing my recent trip to Telluride, why I think journaling is so helpful, being grateful every day, and why positive self talk can change your entire life. Oh, and we are going to manifest some shit together, my friend.
Don’t forget to check out my fitness programs on and use the special code for podcast listeners UNCENSORED10 for 10% off at any of my programs! Power Program 2.0 has launched with 12 weeks of intermediate and pro workouts! To find out what program is right for you, check out this post –
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I love podcast episode 207! Funny how the universe has a way of bringing people into your life/ path. I have followed you for years and have always loved your humor, sarcasm, rawness. You make me laugh so much at just how much I can relate to you! I have always known I have a “gift” but always kind of brushed it off, never really honed in on it. Recently, I too have gotten into diving for a closer look at spirituality and learning how to read my intuition better. I love that you have shared this information. So helpful!
Thank you for sharing your journey with us. Last night was my first attempt at meditating and I really enjoyed it. I have a very busy mind and was concerned I wouldn’t be able to focus but I put on the Solfeggio Healing Frequencies and it helped tremendously. Keep on sharing because you are probably helping more people than you realize.