Another gift guide, coming your way! In case you missed my previous gift guides, so far I’ve shared my Top 20 Gifts Under $100, Top 20 Gifts For Her, and Top 20 Gifts For The Home! I’m trying my best to give you all kinds of different ideas for the holidays, so today it’s all about that handsome mancake in your life. But honestly, any of these gifts would be good for anyone. I’m pretty selfish so I built this gift guide around things I would like or things I would like my husband to have. If you’re looking for something for the fisherman or hunter or really anything that has to do with outdoor things, I’m not your girl. My bad. Hope this helps, though! Below are my favorite 5 gifts from the 20 ideas, but you can see the entire gift guide at the bottom!
Breville Espresso Maker – I’ve heard so many great things about the espresso maker! It’s definitely more on the pricey side, but I’ve been told it’s totally worth it. I’m even tempted to get one for myself so I can make my own decaf lattes these days. Will I? Probably not. But a girl can dream.
Airpods Pro – This wasn’t really a dude gift idea, more so a me gift idea. I love my airpods so damn much and I wear them all day every day, but they don’t last the full day, so I think I need a second pair. And luckily dudes like headphones, too.
lululemon ABC Utilitech Pants – Brian wears these pants almost every single day! He will try different brands of pants, but then complains the rest of the day about how uncomfortable they are. Your husband or man friend or really any friend will love these. But beware, they’ll only want these pants the rest of their lives.
Putterball Golf Pong Game – My friend brought this game over a while back and I, surprisingly, loved it! I was never a beer pong player in college (something about the whole “drinking beer” thing after each cup was infested by dog hair and cigarette buds never really resonated with me), but this game kept me entertained the entire time! It’s beer pong, but for old dudes!
Traeger Grill – We have a Traeger Grill and my husband absolutely loves it! We cooked our Thanksgiving turkey on it, but my favorite thing is just a simple roasted chicken. It makes the juiciest, most tender chicken! And it makes some fabulous ribs, too!
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If you want to level up on the pants. Kit and Ace was founded by the founder of lululemon. Luxurious and functional. We’ve got like 8 pairs between my husband and i.