Happy Saturday! Today I am chatting all about macros, supplements and protein powder. All things I know nothing about. But I’m telling you my experience with some different products and what I’ve found to work for me! I haven’t tried macros myself because of my tendencies with obsessive behaviors, especially towards food. But I’ve still been able to lose weight just listening to my body, eating real food, and staying away from alcohol and sugars most of the time (while still enjoying life)! Feel free to ask any questions below and I’m happy to answer them here! I had a hard time sorting through social media questions the other day while dealing with a loss of a friend so I’m sorry for not answering questions very well. Working on it!


Here are some links to the talking points I chatted about!

Again, feel free to ask any questions below or leave a comment with your own experience when it comes to macros, supplements and protein powder! Excited to hear your own stories!!

Episode 6 Transcription:

This is Juli Bauer from PaleOMG and you are listening to PaleOMG Uncensored.

Juli Bauer: Hey guys! It’s Juli from PaleOMG. How’s it going? I hope you’re having just a fabulous week, and things are just getting brighter and brighter. I have had a really weird couple of weeks and extremely stressful. I lost a friend this week, very unexpectedly, and I’m still trying to process that, and I’m having a hard time with it.

But I told you guys I would get this podcast done and I’m trying to get it done. So I hope I do my best on this podcast. I’m just a total mess. It’s just been a really f*cking weird week, and I’m just crying a lot and I just had a dog who rolled himself in goose sh*t, and I about f*cking lost it. And all he did was rub himself in goose sh*t! He’s done that many times. But since there are so many things going on and so many stressors, I was so mad at my poor dog. It’s just been a weird f*cking week.

But, I want to get on with this. I asked on Instagram if anybody had questions about macros, or supplements, or protein powder, and there were like 120 questions. And what’s so sh*tty about that, is I know nothing about macros. Yeah. So we’ll just get that out there in the open; I know nothing about macros. They know nothing about me, I guess. I don’t really take any supplements, and I barely drink protein powder. So you know what; I’m going to be really f*cking helpful on this subject. Sorry about that.

So if you want some real knowledge bombs and that kind of sh*t, for any amount of time, but I like to talk from experience. Going back in the past, what has worked for me. Because macros is this huge thing right now; you’re seeing a lot of people get super lean doing macros, and I have had really obsessive behaviors in the past, and I’ve been able to have my weight go up and down not counting food at all and have lost weight without counting whatsoever. So I just want to talk about that today, but if you want science facts, get the f*ck out of here. You don’t want anything to do with me.

But; let’s go back in the past. So I counted calories in the past. I remember in high school I had my little planner, and I would count however many calories, and this was not when I was eating healthy. I mean, I was eating those 100-calorie snack packs, and just starving myself. I was starving myself as much as I could. Oh my god, if I burp a lot in this podcast, it’s because I’m drinking kombucha. Are you cool with that? You feel me? You cool? Ok.

So, in this planner I had when I was a teenager, and I was like 14-15, whatever, I was counting calories, and I remember starting at 1500, and then I was like; ok, I could eat less. And then I would try to go down lower and lower; 1000, 750. And by the end I was trying to eat under 500 calories, which is like, probably less than what I eat for breakfast now a days. So I was f*cking crazy, you know. Just normal, depressed, awful teenager who was trying to starve themselves. Because I saw other girls, other peers that I looked up to, I saw them do it as well, and a lot of them were really skinny, and I wanted to be skinnier. So I was like, ok well I can starve myself.

I could never eat nothing because I loved food so much. I was like; what do you mean? I remember I there was a girl in high school who would eat just a couple of grapes per day. It was f*cked up. F*cked up. So that was kind of the start of my obsessive behaviors and counting. Then I got away from that, and I kind of did on and off diets growing up. And then I found, when I first started Crossfit, just kind of my own Crossfit at the gym, I started reading into paleo because they had this PDF; I’m sorry, swing back. I meant to say I started getting into Zone; the Zone diet. And they had this PDF on the Crossfit website that I used; it was like this printout of multiple pages, and it showed you how many grams, how many ounces, how many cups. It was kind of like Weight Watchers where Weight Watchers had points; Zone had blocks. So I would count out a certain amount of blocks.

And I saw really great results with it, but I was still eating sh*tty food, so I was still eating bread, I was still eating oats, I was still eating just sh*t I shouldn’t be eating. But I was seeing results, because instead of having a whole sandwich I was having like an open-faced sandwich. I was just regulating my food intake more than ever.

So I saw results with that, and then I decided to go paleo, and then I did Zone paleo, and it was just obsessing, obsessing, obsessing. And now I do paleo, but I also still have some gluten free stuff. So I have gluten-free granola, I have some gluten-free bread that I eat sometimes. I just try not to overdo it with gluten-free stuff, because I feel that addiction coming on where I feel like I need it all the time, and it doesn’t satisfy me like real food does. So I feel hungrier earlier; so I just kind of try to stay from that.

And just for me, now, it’s just eating a balanced diet. So I always have protein at a meal, I always have carbs, whether that’s a starchy carbohydrate or that’s a green vegetable. And I have some kind of fat, because I cook either the meat or the veggies or carbs in; oh Jackson. What a rude. So whatever I cook that fat in, I have that fat as my meal.

People ask me all the time; how do you know what your body is craving? And that is eating clean for the past 6 years, 6-plus years, I’ve been able to find what my body is wanting, what it’s craving, what it doesn’t need, what it does better with. So it’s a lot of trial and error, and being in tune with your body. And I know; for some people, that’s hard to understand, but the more you become in tune with your body and what it wants and what it needs and what didn’t work and why maybe you’ve gained weight or you’ve lost weight, it becomes easier and easier to really figure out what your body needs.

But, again, that’s always changing. Because our lives are changing, our stressors are changing; everything changes and we have to keep that in mind. (Phone is going off.) We have to just keep that in mind as we age.

But let’s kind of talk about macros; if you’ve never heard about macros, let’s just talk about it. Because I hadn’t either, so I had to actually do some research for this post! And believe me, it is minimal f*cking research. So again, go out, do your own research. Whenever people ask questions, I’m like, hey, you could figure out just as much as I could because I’m figuring out from the professionals out there.

So macros concentrates on getting enough protein, carbs, and fat depending on what your goals are, whether you want to lose weight, gain weight, or maintain, or whatever else. And you can put your information into this calculator. So I went to this website called IIFYM, if it fits your macros. I f*cking hate that hashtag because I think it’s annoying, but I’m a bitch so whatever.

But, this calculator, you can put in your weight, and you put in your height, your activity level, your goals, if you want to lose weight or gain weight or whatever, and it kind of gives you a breakdown of how many calories per gram of protein, fat, carbs, and it kind of broke it down. So I just put mine in there, and what I think is a little bit sketchy, what can happen with macros just based on my experience with obsessive behaviors, I would be like; well, I weigh myself maybe once a year, and I would put that weight in there and be like; well, I guess I need to lose weight, I don’t know. I don’t care about a number on a scale so maybe I need to lose weight a little bit, get more lean, and it asks your activity level. And I mean, I do Crossfit, but that’s 30 minutes of work, so how much activity level, how active do I say I am? So I think it can get a little bit hazy depending on your obsessive behaviors. Because I feel like I wouldn’t give myself enough credit and I would beat myself up and cause myself to have some issues with that.

So you can kind of adjust your calories from fat, and it just gives you a breakdown. So here it gave me grams per day; I need 93 grams of protein, 48 grams of fat, 265 grams of carbs; it says fiber. Suggested calories are 1860, and then two things I don’t understand. I don’t know what those words mean. So it gives you all that information and you can start calculating that sh*t, and I’m sure there’s all kinds of apps and calculators out there to help you gauge all this stuff.

But what I think can get so sketchy is; I mean, I want to go out with friends, so am I going to calculate that all the time? Am I going to calculate that every day at dinner? I mean, plenty of people do that; for me, that just leads to very obsessive behaviors which are going to make me f*cking crazy, which are going to lead to a release of cortisol, stress hormone, which I’ll probably gain weight, maybe while I’m losing weight. So this isn’t for everything, this is what I’m just saying would probably happen to me based on my experience in the past. And cortisol is a real f*cking thing and can’t be forgotten about.

And the other problem I see with macros, is I believe in eating real food. I think real food should come first and foremost to get all your needs for the day; get your vitamins and minerals. You need to eat real f*cking food; not these little things that are packaged as fat free waffles or fat free whipped cream or all this bullsh*t. why is a food; how did a food become fat free? Think about that. Like milk. I don’t know what they add to milk to make it fat free, do they add just water? So you’re just drinking down watered-down milk? Why couldn’t you just f*cking do that yourself? That’s gross anyways.

But, think about all these things they’re making fat free. So if it fits in your macros, and you find yourself eating fat free waffles with fat free whipped cream and fat free syrup or fat free caramel on top because it fits your macros, are you actually getting the food that your body needs? The answer is f*ck no. your body needs greens. It needs good meat; it needs good protein. It needs fish. It needs good fats in your diets. Those are the foods you need; not these f*cking fake foods that are on the shelves. Stay away from those.

So I think people can really get wrapped up in it; they’re like, oh well I have this left in my macros, so I’m going to have an entire, whatever those Halo-top ice creams are. I’m not hating on that brand; but I’m going to have this entire ice cream with a huge dollop of peanut butter on top and this fat free whipped cream on the side. It’s like; what the f*ck? What happened to just eating healthy food and taking care of your body? Because I can promise you, if you’re eating healthy food; so you’re eating your greens, your starchy carbs if you need those, your protein, your healthy fats; if you’re eating those, your body is going to have a much better reaction than eating sh*t food.

It’s just like f*cking Diet Coke. I hate when people are like; oh, well it’s diet. Ok, have you done any sort of research about how these fake sugars affect the body? Do your research; figure sh*t out! Don’t listen to just what it says; fat free, or sugar free, or all this bullsh*t. eat real food; eat food that you can read the ingredients, because it’s an only ingredient. The only ingredient is chicken! The only ingredient is kale! Figure it out! Ok, I’m going off on a tangent. I’m trying to keep this under 45 minutes today. So, that’s what I think about macros.

If you’re eating; I think if you’re doing macros and you’re eating real food, I think it can be incredibly helpful because sometimes we just don’t know how much our body needs and we can overeat and over indulge. But I think if you eat real food, the food that your body needs, your body tells you when it doesn’t want to eat anymore. So last night, I’m eating salmon and kale, and I have a big plate and I end up not finishing my plate because my body is telling me, “I don’t need it.” It’s not saying, “Gimme, gimme! More, more, more, more, more!” Like sugar tells our brain to do. It’s saying, “Ok, that feels good, I’m feeling satisfied.” It can comprehend real food better than it can comprehend fake, sugar-filled, sh*t food. Does that make sense?

Oh my god; you guys, I create a, I don’t know, description of what I’m going to talk about and different talking points, and I never stay on them.

But, at the end of the day, I do not do macros because I know I would abuse it. I think I would be really abusive with it, and I would have another abusive relationship with food, which I’ve finally gotten away from, so I stay away from macros. Ok? It doesn’t mean it’s wrong. I’m just telling you that.

Let’s move on to supplements! There are like a million supplements out there and I know nothing about supplements. A lot of people {laughs} were asking me about BCAAs. Is that called something else? I have no idea what that is. Here, I’m going to Google it. Because I just don’t care. I am a person who believes in real food, and believes that I am getting the right nutrients if I’m eating a vast array of different foods every day. And I’m a person who gets my blood work checked, and I figure out if I’m missing anything in my diet, and I haven’t come across that yet. So I’m not a person who cares about that.

So, ok, branch chain amino acids. It feels like I’m back in college; I don’t remember any sh*t from f*cking college. Ok, so let’s talk about supplements real quick. I’ve only dabbled in fish oil; I’ve taken cod liver oil. I only took cod liver oil because I was trying to clear up my acne, and that sh*t is f*cking gross. Like, I was taking; I don’t know if you’ve ever taken cod liver oil in gel; they have like a cinnamon gel form that my friend Liz told me would probably help with my acne. It didn’t, but my acne was f*cked up. But that was the grossest thing I’ve ever put in my mouth, probably. That was so gross, I don’t know how people do that.

So I took cod liver oil and fish oil; fish oil is awesome for inflammation. I highly recommend it for people who train intensively and have any sort of inflammation in their body. If you’re beating your body up every day, you have inflammation. So fish oil is awesome for that. I don’t take it on a regular basis because I just don’t care. I have other sh*t to do and food to eat. Like, this week has been so stressful and my eating has been terrible because I haven’t had much of an appetite or when I do have an appetite I’m eating sugar to get endorphins because I’m depressed, so my eating has been all off. This is when fish oil would probably be really smart. But I’ve never seen enough of an impact when I’ve taken fish oil, feel enough of an impact to want to stick with it.

Ok, vitamins that I do like; these are gummy vitamins, I think they taste good. I’m not all about eating gummy vitamins every day, every second, but I think they’re tasty. These Smarty Pants vitamins; I posted once about them, and I think they’re prenatal vitamins or something. Prenatal are good for your hair and nails, so why wouldn’t you take it, you know? I just take them sometimes. Sometimes when I’m like; hey, I want dessert but I don’t want to eat a dessert, I’ll eat a gummy vitamin. But again, I don’t take those on a regular basis because I just don’t care. But when I get my blood work done, everything looks good to go and I don’t feel like I’m lacking anything. So that being said; cool.

Now let’s talk about protein powder. Oh my gosh, protein powder, you guys. Here’s the thing; if you, and I’ve said this on Snapchat. If you want to become a millionaire or billionaire, you should start a protein line. Because people eat that sh*t up. No pun intended. Or drink that sh*t up; whatever. People love meal replacements. And I’m here to tell you that you should not be replacing your meal with a sugary drink, ok. I don’t know why you think that’s good, but it’s not. I don’t drink protein powder on a regular basis. I like to make shakes as a snack once in a while; or if I’ve had an incredibly, incredibly hard workout, and I can’t fathom eating yet, I’ll make a shake. But this is not something I have every day or after every workout. I don’t see a need for it. I see a need for real food. But if my body is craving something; if it really feels like sh*t after a workout, then I’ll have it.

I’m not a person who is doing endurance; I’m doing Crossfit. I’m sure; there are plenty of crossfitters out there who drink a protein drink after every workout, like my coaches at my gym, and I’m a person who I don’t think I need that. I don’t think I really earned that always. And it’s not like a crazy; that sounds kind of crazy, but it’s not that. It’s just, sometimes I just haven’t worked hard enough to really need a protein shake. I’m going to eat a meal not soon thereafter, so that’s where I’m going to get the food and energy to replenish what I just put out on the Crossfit floor. That sounded stupid.

But I just don’t think I need to drink protein shakes. And I find that when I do drink a protein shake, I find myself very hungry pretty soon thereafter. Like it just spiked my insulin and made me hungrier earlier, and I don’t always want to feel like that. So I don’t drink shakes very often; I just drink them when I feel like I really needed one, or I worked super hard, or I just want a treat. Like if I want ice cream, sometimes I make one of my shakes. Because it’s just like having a little milk shake, but added protein in it.

So I don’t believe in meal replacements. I had a couple of comments, “If you’re in a rush is a protein shake a good replacement?” And I don’t think so whatsoever. I think you should be eating real food. If you have the ability to buy expensive protein, you have the ability to buy actual food and eat that food. You’re lucky enough that you can afford protein in the first place; oh, I’m getting deep in there. But, I’m saying, eat real food first and foremost guys. Eat real food.

I do love; I have a protein powder, Primal Kitchen/Primal Fuel, and a lot of people are asking me the difference between plant and whey. I don’t believe in plant-based protein powder. I’ve seen people have so many issues from that, and I’ve had issues from that, so I stay away from that. I think this is a whey protein, and it just tastes good. I told you, I don’t do protein shakes on a regular basis, but this one tastes good and is from a great company. So I like that.

If you are trying to stay away from lactose, or whey or whatever; f*ck, I’m trying to stay away from science. Sometimes when I’m trying to stay away from it, or I just want flavorless protein, I’ll use collagen. So Vital Proteins and Great Lakes collagen; please don’t ask me the difference because I think they’re both awesome. I have both in my kitchen, and I use both. I find that Great Lakes doesn’t have as much of a flavor to it. But it’s not as beefy; Vital Proteins has a little bit more of a beef flavor, and that’s just me. But that’s just my taste. So I like both of those, I use both of those on a regular basis. You can use those in protein shakes. I use those all kinds of times, so that’s a great option as well.

So those are the main things I use in my own diet. And that’s what I like the best. So I don’t think that’s helpful whatsoever, but I’m going to go through just a couple of questions with macros, and in this post I’ll link kind of where you can do the macro calculator and where you can find a little bit more information on it since I’m full of absolutely no information!

Let’s see; “favorite post workout meal?” So, favorite post workout meal, I usually don’t want to eat right after I workout, so I just have a meal because I tend to workout at like 4:30 most of the time, or say I’ll work out at noon and I’ll have lunch; 4:30 I’ll have dinner afterward. So that’s my favorite post workout meal, is food.

“Favorite meal when you really want to blow out your macros?” This is from Tai. You know, I just don’t want to blow out anything. So I stay away from totally sh*tting on my diet when I’m “sh*tting” on my diet, I’m having Mexican food where I’m having corn tortillas, but I stay away from gluten, I stay away from flour still. And I’m still feeling comfortable when I finish eating. I’m never overdoing it. That’s what I’m trying to not do, and not overdo it on sugar. So I try not to blow out anything.

“Do you use any fat burners?” No. I don’t know what a fat burner is, and it’s probably not natural. You can burn fat by working out and eating healthy.

Let’s see; there are so many questions. I feel like an asshole; I’m like, “Hey, do you have any questions, I’m going to answer three.”

So this question is, “How much cardio do you do? What do you estimate your caloric intake to be?” So, I have no idea with cardio. Crossfit is like lifting and cardio at the same time. When I think of cardio, cardiovascular, I think of breathing extremely hard and I do that every single day that I do a Crossfit workout, which is 5 days a week. Whether that’s a 30 minute workout or it’s a 6-minute workout like I did yesterday, and thought I was going to die on the floor afterwards. So I’m always doing a cardiovascular workout, but sometimes that will be a 6-minute workout and sometimes that will be a 3, but I workout 5 days a week.

And we were; I was talking to a couple of girls at the gym yesterday who, we have this women’s transformation challenge going on at the gym, and they were talking about what their caloric intake had to be, and this girl was like; “I still have to eat 800 calories tonight. I feel like I’m eating all the time.” And I was like, I honestly could not even guess what I eat in a day, and I think it’s very different. Some days; I literally have no f*cking clue. So I couldn’t even guess that; every day I think is a little bit different, especially when I’ve had some stress going on, it’s different. So I have absolutely no clue, but I’ve been able to change my body and lean out with not knowing that information whatsoever. I have no idea of how many grams of protein, fat, carbs, whatever I eat. I just listen to my body.

“How does a person even start counting macros?” Like I told you, this website.

“Honest opinion on collagen?” So, somebody asked. “I’m starting to see wrinkles; is collagen really a big deal?” One of my friends; she’s 10 years older than me, and she’s like, “Take your collagen every day!” And she really recommends it for skin and it’s awesome for hair and nails. I have no idea, because I’ve only been taking collagen for about a year and I don’t even take it consistently. But from what I’ve heard from someone who is 10 years older; she says, “Do it!” So, I would recommend it. I mean, it’s not going to hurt by any means, that’s for sure.

“Do you try to eat carbs post workout or do you eat carbs throughout the day?” I eat carbs throughout the day. A lot of people will do post workout, they’ll have a higher carb intake. And a lot of times I’m just eating fat after a workout, because say I have to coach afterwards, and I just have, like, some kind of bar with me. I’m having nuts and some have dried fruit, so I’m having fat and carbs. But, I don’t do extra on my workout days. I just eat carbs whenever I want throughout the day.

Ok, I’m doing pretty good on time; I’m impressed with myself right now. Let’s see; ok. Sorry, these are just a lot of the same questions over and over; sorry if I’m missing anybody’s question. Again, BCAAs, whatever those are called, I have no idea. I don’t take those.

Thanks for the love on my profanity, guys. I had a couple of mean emails last week, and this is very helpful. And, I found out my dad was listening to my podcast! Dad, why are you doing this to yourself? Hopefully my mom doesn’t, because my poor mother will be so disappointed in me. But dad, stop listening! You’re daughter is better than that. Just picture her better than the cussing words that you tried to get her not to say. Love you dad.

Ok, “Is this success only for the young with macros? I’m 57 and eat paleo most of the time and need to lose weight.” Absolutely not. I mean, a healthy diet is for everybody no matter what age. My friend Clark has the coolest parents on earth and I think they’re in their late 60s or 70s, and just a few years ago they decided to start Crossfit and they started eating paleo. I don’t think they do macros, but they just started completely changing around their diet, and their bodies completely changed, and they Crossfit 6 to 7 days a week, and they’re so f*cking badass. And they have all these friends who will never listen to what paleo is, and will never open their mind. But it’s so cool if you’re able; especially when you’re older, to start looking at diet and how you eat in a different way. That is so f*cking awesome. So if you’re 57 and you’re eating healthier and doing better, and you need to lose weight; definitely look at macros. But know that you are a step above by eating paleo in the first place and taking responsibility for your own health. So go you, you badass woman! Who are you; Shelby! You little doll face!

Ok, I’m trying to keep it a little short so I don’t make this file too big. I don’t know how to shrink file sizes. It’s f*cking hard. “Pre and post workout meals and timing.” So, Crossfit, I always try to eat something about an hour before I Crossfit, and it’s always different because depending on what I’m doing or maybe I’m just snacking because I’m making something for the blog. But I’ll have; and it always ranges. It could be plantain chips to a sheep’s milk yogurt to half a Larabar. Just getting something in my stomach that’s not overbearing. And half a Larabar is a very small amount. And that just settles my stomach so I don’t have too much in there. And then post workout, like I said, I eat a meal with post workout. So I just have a regular meal.

“Natural pre workout food or drink instead of powders.” I had another question about energy drinks, and I was talking to my coach at the gym about this. He’s like, “What do you think about energy drinks?” To me, I used to drink energy drinks all the time in college, before I started eating paleo, because I was f*cking tired all the time. And you’re sitting in accounting class; so tear my eyes out. So I drank Monsters and all that sh*t. and once I started eating clean on a regular basis, I had more energy than ever. So what I recommend is eating clean, making sure you’re working out, and getting enough sleep and you’re going to have more energy. If maybe you’re not, having something like coffee, but I do not believe in energy drinks. They’re filled with weird sh*t; I can’t pronounce that stuff; I don’t know what any of that stuff is, and I don’t know, it’s just kind of sketchy to me so I kind of stay away from it. That’s just my personal opinion, not blasting companies, I’m just saying what works for me and what doesn’t work for me.

Oh, “What do you think about intermittent fasting?” I feel like I might have talked about this somewhere. Intermittent fasting; I tried to do when I first started paleo, and all I was doing was starving myself. I was like, “What am I doing? I’m trying to tell people to eat a healthy lifestyle and then I’m starving myself because it’s “intermittent fasting”? And I get where the process of fasting, where people think it’s important. Again, I was really inappropriate with my fasting, I would just starve myself, and that was f*cking stupid. So I stay away from that; but it works for some people. I mean, some people are like, “I intermittent fast until 10 a.m.” I’m like, isn’t that just not eating breakfast until 10 a.m.? Why do you have call it something? It’s just, hey I had a f*cking busy morning, I’m not eating until 10 a.m. I don’t know, people have to call something everything.

Ok, let’s do two more questions. I think I answered a lot of these. “How to eat to stay strong in a workout?” Eat paleo. Boom!

Oh my gosh, I have a whiney dog. I let him outside, and now he’s sad that he’s outside! And that he doesn’t smell like poop anymore!

I think I answered most of these questions. I think I did it guys. I think we got it today. So let’s just recap; I don’t count macros, I’m not blasting macros, I think they can be really helpful. I just don’t think they’re safe for people who have obsessive behaviors. So if you are one of those people, keep that in mind. And don’t be naughty about those macros. So if you find yourself eating total sh*t food because it fits within your macros, maybe you shouldn’t be doing macros. Just keep that in mind; I think healthy food is the way to go.

Supplements; I don’t do. I love Smarty Pants supplements. I love Vital Proteins and Great Lakes collagen; both are awesome. I add those to protein shakes whenever I make protein, and I use Primal Kitchen Primal Fuel protein powder. Do you guys; do you wish I had a 45-minute list of things? I don’t. I just don’t, guys. So that’s it today for the subject. Sorry for the little depressive news at the beginning. I’m still just having a really hard time, and I’m so glad I can just talk to you guys and get my mind off of it for a little bit. You have no idea how helpful that is. So thank you so much for listening.

If you are enjoying this podcast, please leave a review. I’ve been loving reading your reviews. I don’t know if I can write back at all, I haven’t seen that. I don’t really know how iTunes works, but I’m seeing all your reviews and you’re f*cking awesome; thank you so much for leaving them. And please visit me at www.PaleOMG.com. I’m still working on getting this podcast up on Stitcher. I just, with the craziness that’s been happening this week, I haven’t been able to. But if you have other sites that you like to listen to your podcast on, please tell me about them because I don’t know all about them. And then leave a comment on my blog on this podcast, let me know if you have any other questions, or you found a product you really like and you want to share with people. Let’s talk about it guys; let’s talk about it.

Next week, I’m going to talk about how I became a blogger full time, because I get that question a lot and I want to just kind of share it, and then maybe other people can share their experience. And that’s all I got. So thanks for listening today guys; thanks for being my therapeutic session. Thanks for talking to me, and being awesome, and supporting me while I learn all these new things like a podcast and why I still don’t have a microphone. I have no f*cking clue, but I’m going to get one! So this will actually sound better someday. We’re going to be professional, ok? We’re going to be pros. Ok I love you! If Jackson were here, he’d give you a big old kiss! A big old goose-poop smeared kiss! Ok bye!

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  1. Nicole says:

    Thank you!! I know I am late in the game, but this has been bothering me for awhile! Seeing fitness ladies posting a whole tub of Halo top with a whole tub of fat free whip cream saying “it fits my macros and I am loosing weight” and it just bothers me. But at the same time it makes me feel like I am being too picky or strict with my healthy eating since I am staying away from them for my own personal health reasons. And other people sort of judge me for not being “balanced” since I am trying to stay away because it doesn’t work for me on numerous levels. Thank you for your words! Thank you!

  2. Jeanette says:

    Just going back through some of your posts and I have a question. What are your thoughts on a ketogenic diet? My husband has been doing some research and seems to think it’s going to be the answer to all my problems. I’m 44 and my hormones are all over the place, tired, headaches, etc. I’m a little skeptical but willing to try it. We eat very clean diet already but do have the occasional cheat day. I’d be interested in your viewpoint. Thanks!

    1. juli says:

      i don’t do it and i think it’s a bit of a fad/easy fix. it will definitely help you lose weight but keeping it off longterm will be more difficult. i don’t do it myself

  3. camarin says:

    Juli, if we do a crossfit workout in the morning right after we wake up, what do you suggest eating before that? I don’t think half a larabar would suffice…. 😐 what else would you suggest?

    1. juli says:

      i’m not great for that sort of info because i do well on a small amount of food like 1/2 a larabar before an early workout. i don’t like having a full stomach on any workout, i just like my stomach settled. so i can’t really suggest anything other than you finding out what works for you and your needs!