Today on the podcast, I’m sharing my honest feelings about Thomas Shelby then my SIL drops by to share her current experience with quarantine.



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  1. Christine says:

    Omg I died when you said you felt SO ALIVE when you first cursed. Fuck yeah. Bout that life.

  2. jenn says:

    Hey Juli,
    I’m a mom, a fitness instructor, and a montessori preschool teacher-that swears a FUCK TON! (not at school, obviously). However, nothing brings me more joy than when a little three year old yells “fuck” or “shit”. Kids that swear are a gift from the gods and I love them so much more than the non-swearing kids 🙂
    Thanks for all that you do. I send out a weekly email to my students and their families to help stay connected and sane during this pandemic and always link a few of your recipes or fitness plans. The families have sent me so many pictures of their kids making your treats. You are loved and deeply appreciated Juli. THANK YOU!!