This is not like most of my podcasts I share. This was a rough one. After the Atlanta and Boulder mass shootings, I wanted to share my thoughts about our current climate and share some info about the victims. I haven’t spoke about this must on social media because it’s hard to share these types of feelings or thoughts in 15sec bouts or a small caption. It just felt right to share it here instead. And below are some organizations and different sites/links to help you figure out how you can support the Asian communities around you as well as some of the victims families. Thank you so much for listening to this tough episode, I really appreciate it.

Asian Americans Advancing Justice –

9 Asian American Groups to Support –

68 Ways to Donate to & Support Asian Communities –

How to Help Victims Families of the Boulder Shooting –


Support the podcast by clicking the Subscribe button on iTunes and please a review only if you love the podcast! There is enough negativity in this world, don’t spread more. I love hearing about what YOU want me to talk about so feel free to leave on comment here or on social media with topics you’d like me to cover! And don’t forget, some posts have affiliate links which I may be compensated from. This compensation helps with keeping this blog and up and running! Thank you so much for your support, you guys are amazing!

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  1. Renè says:

    Thank you for your latest podcast.

    1. juli says:

      thank you for listening, Renè

  2. Bethany says:

    Juli, you have such a tender heart, and a good heart. I’m so sorry people feel the need to come online and tear you down. It is not your job to educate people on current events and issues. I’ll never understand people who think…’you know what I’m going to do? I’m going to go on (fill in the blank’s) website/Instagram/Twitter/Facebook) and tell them how wrong they are, how uneducated they are, how ignorant they are. Because I’m right and I know everything.’ Because that’s all it is, if you think about it. Who cares what these strangers think. Care about what Brian and Carra and Jess and Laura and Lexi and Cassy Joy (and Gene and Carol, LOL) think about you. They all think you’re pretty terrific, because they know you, and they know your heart. These hateful commenters don’t know you. Hell, I don’t even know you but I know the names of these friends and family because you talk about them so often with such affection and gratitude.

    I saw this link on my local Castle Rock Nextdoor page to a Go Fund Me for Officer Talley’s wife and 7 children: This latest Boulder shooting has definitely hit me hard – just thinking about Officer Talley running into danger to save the lives of complete strangers…and regular people just going to grocery store…it just gets to me. When you spoke of the incredible women in Atlanta who were just working hard and trying to better the lives of their families…it just hurts. Your podcast was a beautiful tribute to these lovely people whose lives were cut way too short.

    1. juli says:

      thank you for listening, Bethany. and thank you for sharing this gofundme page

  3. Rikki says:

    I’m currently listening to this podcast. I’m crying with you. You SAID THEIR NAMES!!! You are kind and caring for using your platform to talk about this horror. I appreciate you ❤️

    1. juli says:

      thank you for listening, Rikki

  4. Sandy says:

    A national organization with local groups working hard to reduce gun violence in our country. There are many ways to get involved. It was started by a local stay at home mom out of Boulder after the Sandy Hook tragedy.

    1. juli says:

      amazing, thank you so much for sharing this organization Sandy

  5. Brittany says:

    I think what really puts people off is how you much energy you put forth into complaining about how you feel attacked and why you shouldn’t be subject to criticism , rather than examining the criticism from a place of self awareness and reflection . You managed to make a podcast episode about the tragic events , mostly about yourself? When you spend the first half of the podcast lamenting your own personal injury when your followers ask you to show support (really – that’s doing the absolute least, so your silence speaks volumes) it’s hard to tell if your emotions are actually about the real victims of these awful massacres, or if your emotional reaction is about your own ‘victimhood.’ Truly – that’s very off putting.
    It’s amazing to me, how some people who make their living in the “influencer” space, have adopted entire personalities around how they shouldn’t experience criticism. I’m not talking about responding to or engaging trolls who make comments about someone’s appearance or something- but folks are right to point out the cowardice that seems on display when an influencer flat out refuses to acknowledge issues that greatly impact the community they claim to care so much about cultivating. Or are the white members of your community who are so privileged that they are able to ignore these issues completely , the only ones who matter?

    1. juli says:

      i’m sorry you feel that way, Brittany.

    2. Erica says:

      Feel better about yourself Brittany? Practice what you so smugly preach, and channel your assumptions, negativity, and self-righteous judgement into something good and of use.

  6. Montana says:

    Juli I just really wanted to say thank you for this podcast. It left me speechless. I think that was the best way that you could have used your platform for good.
    Sending as much love and positivity to you (and Brian, and Jackson) as possible.

    1. juli says:

      thank you for listening, I really appreciate it

    2. Kate says:

      Juli, you’re my favorite person to listen to and I loved your latest podcast. I was crying with you! It is beyond words for you to dedicate your entire episode to the victims and I believe you are doing your best. Thank you for giving me space to reflect on the actions of others and push myself to always be better. You’re truly so thoughtful, caring, and empathetic. I will always be your fan.

      1. juli says:

        thank you so much for listening, Kate

  7. Kathleen says:

    Thank you, Juli. You did a great job addressing this. I cried along with you.

    1. juli says:

      thank you for listening