My weekend really wasn’t that thrilling. I consumed more fat in one night than I should be consuming in one month, I worked out with good looking men (but when does that not happen within CrossFit), and I learned how to improve my always awkward body movements through my Gymnastics Seminar with Carl Paoli. Wow, he’s good looking, but we’ll get into that later.
I actually want to touch upon a restaurant I tried last week but didn’t talk about much because I was going through my emotional roller coaster. Anywho, I was able to try out the restaurant Table 6 in Denver last weekend. Here comes some frustration, brace yourself. So I was pumped for this restaurant, everyone had good things to say about it and I was ready to rock out on some good food. Well, our server sucked and the food was average. We were first served some cantalope and melon with salt on top, bomb-you should try it, then we ordered some lamb bacon, I got a plate of meats and Dom got the ever-famous Haute Pocket (which has been featured on The Food Network, Best Thing I ever Ate). Ok so the meats were good, I won’t lie. The Haute Pocket was stupid. And the lamb bacon was greasy, so yes, it was good. But it was totally overpriced for the service you get and the portion sizes you’re served. My lord I’m being a food snob, aka fatty. But really, they just overprice the food because they use words on their menu that you’ve never even seen in the English language. Well, maybe your vocabulary is broader than mine, but I don’t care. Like Duck Confit. That’s duck cooked in duck fat. Awesome, I know, but why can’t they just say that? Dumb. Ok, I’m being such an Ammmrrrican right now. I’ll stop.
Let’s get back to this weekend. It was uneventful except I purchased a bag of dark chocolate covered walnuts, ate it all, and felt bloated. It was a pretty awesome Saturday night. Thank god I’m so incredibly cool or that would seem pathetic…wait…sh*t. Anyways, I was able to take part in the Gymnastics Seminar at CrossFit Verve with the incredibly awesome coach Carl Paoli of Gymnastics WOD. This guy knows his sh*t. He was a fabulous speaker, knew exactly how to help each individual, and was extremely personable. That’s what I strive to be like as a coach. AND…..he’s beautiful. Super good looking. CrossFitter, gymnast, coach, and overall a badass dude, what more can you ask for? Well, someone who is single would be a plus, but whatever. Us ladies can gawk in awe for now. And we did. But back to the story. I got to practice a ton of body weight movements like pistols, hollow rocks, muscle ups, ring dips, handstand push ups, and more. Pretty freaking awesome if you ask me. If you haven’t checked out his blog, DO IT!! He has progressions, workouts, skill review, everything you could ask for to improve your skills which will truly transfer over to improving your CrossFit wods. Ok, I’m done promoting.
I finished the weekend off with making stuffed peppers, broccoli soup, and chicken pesto. Yes, my kitchen was hot as sh*t. Yes, I splattered a crap ton of oil on one of my favorite shirts. Yes, the food tasted delicious. And yes, I ate even more fat than I should have. My lord Juli, control yourself. Laughing Giraffe Organics just ignites my life. I’m single remember, gotta get my thrills somewhere.