Today I’m talking about the 5 steps to becoming more confident in 2019. These 5 steps have helped me out so much and I continue to work on them daily. You can also read more about those steps here!



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Episode 122 Transcription Coming Soon!

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  1. caren magill says:

    Hi Juli,

    Just sitting here listening to your podcast and I really resonate with your messages about not listening to everyone else. I don’t have this issue with fitness, but I do with blogging. Everyone has an opinion of what works and what doesn’t and it just overwhelms me so much, so I appreciate your thoughts around just going with what works for you.

    Also, social media is a total anxiety cocktail, I completely agree.

    PS – your work is amazing, so don’t waste a moment worrying if it’s not up to snuff. It is the snuff!


    1. juli says:

      oh man, so true. that’s something i struggle with too when i’m around a lot of bloggers. and it’s another reason i’m not in any blogger groups. it’s like politics – everyone thinks they are right in everything. so i just try to keep my vision forward on what I’M doing, not what everyone else is doing. and thanks for all the love Caren! i really appreciate you listening to the podcast!

  2. Bethany says:

    I couldn’t agree more about Adam Levine ;-D My hubby and I both think he’s a major D-bag!

    Isn’t the Cold podcast amazing? I’d heard about the Susan Powell case before (so, unfortunately, I know how the story ends 🙁 but this podcast is such a deep-dive and so well done.

    1. juli says:

      omg, his performance was icky. he thinks he is so damn hot lol. and yes, the podcast is so detailed. i’ve heard the story before, but never in depth like this one. so so interesting and upsetting.

  3. Skyler says:


    I love love love this podcast. I have definitely been struggling with confidence lately and I really appreciate the simple steps to help with those things. I feel like I am trying to live my best life and not appreciating the wins as I should be. I think social media is so important to limit. It’s not good for any of us and the comparison game. Thank you so much for your thoughts and insight!

    PS. I love these motivational podcasts!

    1. juli says:

      it’s seriously the worst!! but it’s so addicting and I find myself looking at it, even when i’m not interested. glad this episode could help you out in some way!

    1. juli says:

      this is magical and SO DAMN TRUE lol