At the end of the day, I feel like all the frittatas I have made are slightly the same, but all so different. Does that make sense? Yeah, definitely not. This one is delicious, though. And it’s super filling have the sweet potato all throughout the frittata. Ok, enough food talk. Let’s move on.
So this is going to annoy some of you people, but remember everyone has to make there own choices depending on what suits their lifestyle. Big speech for such a small topic. We decided to get a little potty pad for Jackson (my 11 week old French bulldog) to put on our deck. You see, it’s been a little hard for him in our apartment which has a pretty long hallway before you reach the door then another long hallway until you get to the outside door, then a few flights of stairs. By the time we’ve reached downstairs, Jackson’s forgot the entire reason of going down there. Yes, he goes to the bathroom, but he has forgotten all about how to signal that he has to go. He never seemed to care much for the bell. So we decided to get him a little grassy pad for outside for him to call bathroom.
Well, it worked perfectly. He went straight to it to go to the bathroom as soon as we put it down. Now he just goes right to the door whenever he needs to go outside. I can’t say it’s worked 100% of the time, but I’ll give it 80%. He has good and bad days. Yesterday was bad. But we got through it with his adorable little face. It’s so hard to get mad at him when he is the most adorable thing ever. Except for the biting thing. I’m hoping that he can have more play dates with dogs soon so he can start learning when mean vs. nice biting is like. It’s just hard because most of our friends have big dogs that think baby Jackson is annoying and pretty much ignore him. Someday he’ll have a friend for life that is his own size. Hopefully he’s a frenchie too.
Ok, here’s more pictures of him since I know you were dyyyyying for some.
I can’t believe it’s already Thursday. I’m trying to decide if I should post a cookie recipe tomorrow. OK I DECIDED. I will. I missed you guys way too much while I was in Austin, I need to give you as many recipes as possible.!
Speaking of recipes, I’ve already decided what I’m going to make for dessert on my birthday on Tuesday next week. The only thing I’m going to say is that it’s going to have chocolate in it. Among many other things, but lots of chocolate and lots of other sweet stuff. I’m going to get lots of hate for this recipes but I don’t care. It’s my birthday and I’ll stuff my face with chocolate if I want to.
Bacon Potato Sausage Frittata
- Yield: 4-5 1x
- 1/2 pound bacon, cut into lardons
- 1 small sweet potato or yam, diced into small cubes
- 1/2 pound italian sausage (or other ground meat)
- 8 eggs, whisked
- 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
- 1/2 teaspoon red pepper flakes
- 1/2 teaspoon ground paprika
- salt and pepper, to taste
- Preheat oven to 325 degrees.
- Place bacon in a large cast iron skillet or in an oven safe sauté pan. Cook bacon until crispy. Remove and place on a paper towel lined plate. Remove bacon fat as necessary, leaving behind 3-4 tablespoons.
- Add sweet potato, coat in bacon fat and let cook for 10-12 minutes, or until the sweet potatoes are soft.
- Add italian sausage to the pan with the potatoes, break apart with a wooden spoon and cook until no pink remains.
- Once sausage is cooked through, remove pan from heat to let cool.
- In a bowl, whisk together eggs, garlic powder, red pepper, paprika and salt and pepper.
- Once pan has cooled, pour in eggs and add the bacon on top of the sausage and potatoes. Mix well to evenly distribute the eggs around the pan.
- Place in oven and bake for 12-15 minutes until the eggs are fully cooked in the middle of the pan.
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Breakfast Bacon and Maple Meatballs
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I may be compensated through my affiliate links in this post, but all opinions are my own. This compensation helps with expenses to keep this blog up and running!
I have to try very hard to like eggs, but not hard to like with this recipe.
Love the puppy pics, we have had toy poodle and Shih Tzu and both had taken about a year to housebreak. Just do whatever works for your household!
We now have larger dogs (Lab and collies) and they housebreak lots quicker, and can go 10-12 hours without accidents (i work from home so that hardly ever happens).
I adore your website, the recipes are great, its my “go-to” source for what to make Next!
Do you peel the sweet potato or cook skin on?
I cooked skin on
Bacon and Sausage are heavily processed foods. I see proscuitto on another recipe. I see cookies as well which contained milled flower, sugar (which is heavily processed, even “in the raw”), etc. Isn’t that pretty much all not paleo?
let’s get something straight, i think you’re trying to spell flour. FLOWER is a plant. the FLOURS I use are made from nuts or coconuts. if you are not a fan of a certain kind of sugar, use the kind you are comfortable with. if you are not comfortable with the kinds of bacon and sausage that are sold at your local store, find a farm to get unprocessed meat. finding foods that work for your body is what paleo is all about.
I just prepared this recipe. I’m still reveling in the glow. OMG this recipe is AWESOME!!!! I used one hot Italian Sausage and one mild from my local Whole Foods. The result was incredible. I’ve shared it with my other Paleo friends. Thank you SO much.
My boyfriend is highly adverse to sweet potatoes/yams (because he is an insane person) is there something that I could easily sub in for the yams? Love your recipes! Thanks!!
you could remove them. or use white potatoes
Jules…I like you. think you’re really cool. love the idea of most of your recipes, but good grief. I have been at making this stupid frittata for almost 2 hours. 325*…? it took the bacon almost 35 minutes to cook, then the whole thing wasn’t cooked after 20 minutes in the oven. what gives? this sucks! I can’t spend this much time cooking food… 🙁
that makes absolutely no sense. you should check the temp of your oven if it is actually correct. that can’t be right. are you using a super small skillet, because bacon should only take 15 min max
I hate to cook, first off. But something about trying your recipes makes me super excited. And I enjoy making them! Then, when they keep turning out to be life-changing, I want to cook more. So weird. This is no exception. So delicious. I love the red pepper flakes with the crunchy bacon chunks. Heaven.
woot woot!! glad i can keep you wanting to cook more!
I love frittatas because you can make them with whatever leftover things you have, and they’ll pretty much always turn out delicious! They’re fridge glue!My usual stuff I have on hand to make a frittata usually winds up being some breakfast sausage I have on hand (I get the Isernio’s Chicken Breakfast Sausage to make breakfast sandwiches), some pepperoncinis, red onion, topped with either Parmesan or goat cheese, depending on what I have.