It’s been fun to share what I eat. I don’t know why. Some people are judgmental. Some people enjoy it. Either way, I share so people know how I keep a healthy diet on a regular basis. I’m guessing people will freak out about my lack of greens today, but just hush now my child. Please and thank you.

So the other day, I started my morning off early, coaching the 6am and 7am classes. Whenever I work those morning shifts, I always wake up about an hour before so I can have my 4 sips of coffee with heavy cream and a couple drops of stevia. Then I sit on the toilet (lid closed you sicko) and think about putting on make up. Moving too quickly that early doesn’t work well for me, so I move nice and slow while I take my 4 sips of coffee. I always pack my coffee with me in hopes of drinking more, but I never do. Then I leave my coffee mug there and have to dump it out the next day. Gross. Heavy cream is gross the next day.

Once I got to the gym, I was in full hyper mode. I put on sweet jams, like this one (that song puts me in a good mood every time), and tried my hardest to make people smile and laugh. It works about 12% of the time. Mostly with the same people. I like those people the most. After coaching the 6am class, I had about 3 minutes to have a couple spoonfuls of my overnight chia pudding. Then back to coaching.


After the 7am class, I hung out with some cool people from the gym and watched them lift before I headed to the bank to write my deposit for my new apartment. WOOT WOOT. So excited for this new place, mostly because the kitchen is AMAZING. Seriously wonderful. After I deposited the check, I screamed a little (no seriously, I did) then headed to a restaurant near me called Wild Eggs for a celebratory breakfast. I created my own omelet with sausage, mushrooms, spinach and goat cheese. The omelet was HUGE and came along side potatoes and gluten free bread. I almost finished omelet, but not quite. Then ate a few of the potatoes and had a couple bites of the gluten free bread with some butter. I know, I know. I’m going to get hell for this breakfast, but it was the perfect ending to a wonderful morning. NEW KITCHEN AHHHH!


Once I got home, it was time to create some food. On the agenda that day, dark chocolate raspberry chia banana bread. I had tried to make it over the weekend, and it turned into banana bubble gum. Not my favorite recipe, but definitely went in my archives of ‘oops’ recipes. Can’t wait to share all of those with you someday. Anywho, after I made it, I had a piece. Can’t plug a recipe unless I try it, right?? Right.


Oh, I definitely licked the spoon a few times while I made that recipe. Let’s be real here.

Then I cleaned out the refrigerator. That sucked.

Then, since I had been pretty much only emailing a landlord all weekend long, I got back to emails most of the afternoon. Then I finished writing up the recipe and writing my blog post for the next day. It’s seriously crazy how much time emailing takes. My goal for the new year is to stay on top of my emails. But what do you do when you answer a ton of emails, think you’re done, and have responses back from all of them 10 minutes later, in turn pushing the ones you need to respond to back to the bottom?? It’s madness I tell you!! I wish there was an invention through gmail that put those new emails in a separate file…or has that already been invented and I’m too dumb to know? Hmmmm. I’m not sure if I want to know the answer to that.

Then I ran some errands out in downtown. While I was out, I suddenly realized I was starving. Probably because it was 4:00pm and I hadn’t eaten lunch. Oopsies. So I stopped at some italian pizza place and grabbed a salad. It wasn’t very good, so that’s why I’m not giving you the name. But I ordered a salad with chicken, bacon, gorgonzola cheese, sundried tomatoes, and artichoke hearts. Put some balsamic vinegar on top. How can you mess that up? No clue. But it kinda sucked. I ate as much chicken as I could before moving on.


I got to the gym for the 5:30 workout. The workout at CrossFit Broadway that night included:

Back Squats: 6 x 5, All sets at 80% of 1 Rep Max –I used 115# (this is not my 80% but I was feeling like gossiping and d*cking around more than squatting)

Max Strict Pull Ups / Ring Rows Between Sets


9 min AMRAP Of:

15 Power Cleans (115#/75#)

10 Burpees Over Bar (side on)

I did prescribed and got 5 rounds plus 7 reps.

After the workout, I headed off to ladies night. The Bachelor means ladies night. So we eat, drink, and do what every woman likes to do…make fun of women that seem crazy on tv. Even though we know full well that we have done some crazy sh*t in our day. We love to judge others and forget about our own imperfections for an hour or so. But the Bachelor is boring this year. I don’t understand all this ‘omg Juan Pablo is so hot’ shenanigans. Because well, he’s not. That’s my opinion, but you know it’s always right. Anywho, my girlfriend made my 5 Ingredient Spaghetti Pizza Pie for our ladies night. So I ate that along with some corn chips and salsa.


After I watched girls screaming and telling Juan Pablo they hope he dies, I went home and got myself some chocolate. A girlfriend from the gym brought me some chocolate called Ritual Chocolate, that I had never tried before, and I LOVED it.


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  1. Carolyn says:

    I love your blog. Your posts are hilarious. I am so not into Juan Pablo. He is not cute. I guess it is hard when you are stacked up against Sean Lowe the best looking Bachelor of all time.

  2. Rich says:

    I think you should coin the term ‘Flog’ for your Food Blogs.

    1. juli says:


  3. Terrie says:

    Love your blog! I am tyring to be strict Paleo. Do you know of any protein powders that I can use that are dairy/soy free? I know it’s a big stretch…

    1. juli says:

      dairy free is pretty tough, so no i don’t have any powders i like but i think you can find egg white protein powder

  4. Meg says:

    girl you are too cute. as i have told you many times, i love these posts 🙂 catching up with you all night 😉 it’s wonderful.

    you’re inspiring!

    and i totally feel ya on the email thing! TIME CONSUMING TO THE MAX

  5. Amy says:

    The link to the Happy video was enough for me to be hooked and come back for more. Thanks for sharing!

  6. Mandy says:

    I am a Paleo Newbie, today was my first day in fact, and I really have no idea how I came across your blog but here I am! You said you had your 4 sips of coffee with heavy cream and stevia. Everything I’ve read says no dairy and no sweeteners. I’m by no means calling you out or bagging on you but I’ve come across several discrepancies as to what Paleo should be and what people are eating. It makes trying to follow the plan a little confusing and frustrating. Again, being a newbie, I am still learning and wanting to do the right thing for my body. Guidance? Advice?

    1. juli says:

      No worries! I was totally in your position 4 years ago and completely confused with all the different information out there. it can be so confusing. a beginner book i recommend and loved reading is The Paleo Solution by Robb Wolf. He explains paleo and helps you start off with what you should be eating. I was completely sugar free and dairy free for a while, then I added some of those foods back into my diet and tested how it would affect my body. I can deal with a little heavy cream and good cheese and I can handle some sugar if i don’t go crazy. I would recommend removing some of that stuff to see what it does to your body when you add it back in. Paleo is cool because it’s a diet that you can create into a lifestyle of eating, instead of constant restrictions. hope that helps!

      1. Mandy says:

        Thank you so much for your reply! I think my problem is I’m placing too much pressure on myself to be the ‘perfect Paleo person’. I really don’t think there are many who fit that mold. I am doing a 30 day Paleo ‘challenge’, for lack of better term, and my thoughts are if I follow Paleo as closely as I can 85-90% of the time, I’m eating better than what I was! I’m actually looking at the 30 days as a cleanse or body reset. It can’t hurt, right? And the Paleo Police aren’t going to jump out and arrest me if I mess up!! Thanks again!!

        1. juli says:

          i’ve totally tried to be that person too. it just didn’t work for me. i don’t think i’m type a personality enough to be strict paleo. i think 30 days strict is a great start since it’s such a short amount of time then you can see how everything works with you body