Yes, pumpkin granola is very important to me. That’s why I gave it away. Gave it a better home.
This is a random blog post isn’t it? Why yes, yes it is, but I’ve been cooking up a storm for my cookbook and those recipes are SECRETS so no Friday recipe for you. Hate me, do it. No please don’t. I like you. And I’m working real hard for you so hopefully you love the cookbook and the secret recipes when it comes out. Anywho, this blog post is about big upcoming stuff and cool sh*t around the CrossFit/paleo community. Ready? Ok!!! (cheerleader style!) I was never a cheerleader. F*ck skirts.
- So speaking of my cookbook, I’ve had some questions of when it will be coming out. April. April it is. April is my birthday, therefore it is the best month of the year. And now it’s even better since my book will be coming out. OMG I’M SO EXCITED!! I could just poo myself. Sorry I just said that.
- A wicked awesome event is coming to the Colorado area on Saturday September 29th from 9:30am-5pm. It’s called the Practical Guide to Paleo. You know why it’s wicked awesome?? Because 3 amazing women paleo bloggers will be at the event to inspire you to begin eating paleo and share their expertise on how they do it. Wanna know who those bloggers are!? Well I’m sure you already know them! Melissa Joulwan from The Clothes Make the Girl and also author of the Well Fed Cookbook, paleo blogger and paleo app rockstar Michelle Tam from NomNomPaleo, and Holly Woodcock from Holly Would if she Could. I will also be there to support these ladies and meet some of the cool people in the paleo community. If you would like to register, DO IT NOW!! Click that link dummy.
- Guess what I’m doing next week?! Teaching a cooking class! Pretty pumped. I like cooking. I like being awkward in front of large crowds. And I dislike not being able to lick my fingers in front of the class. That will probably still happen, but whatevs. I’ll be teaching MBS CrossFitters how to cook and how to eat at Back to Basics Kitchen. How fun is that? I should make that a career. And tie in my photography skills into the teaching. We all know you guys like my photography…that was a joke.
- If you live in Denver, or just want to come out for a lil fun in the sun vaca, there is an awesome event coming up on October 26th from 1pm-4pm at CrossFit South Denver. My friend and owner of CFSD, Clark, will be running a Bears for Kids Charity Competition. All proceeds go directly to the charity for Denver Children’s Home which restores health to traumatized children and their families. And for every $10 raised in donations, Clark and I will be doing burpees against each other to see who wins. Sign up ASAP and donate for a good cause. Please and thank you!
- And to top it all off, PaleOMG tanks are back in stock!!!! YAY!!! If you want to wear a super comfy tank that’s just pretty much the best shirt you’ve ever worn, then this shirt is totally for you! For reals. These shirts are pretty much all I wear. If you are friends with me on FB, then I most likely don’t know who you are since I know no one on my News Feed, and you’ve seen that’s ALL I WEAR. Ever. I need to go shopping. AND SO DO YOU!! Check out the tanks in stock and we just ordered new black headbands. Yay hooray!
That’s all I got. Are you annoyed with me babbling on? Did you skip that entire thing to read this last paragraph? That’s what I would have done. That’s probably why I did poorly on tests growing up. No, that’s exactly why I did poorly on tests. I’m just kidding, I’m a genius.
**Ready? Ok!!! (cheerleader style!)**
This happens all the time in my head. All. The. Time.
I was not a cheerleader, either, but I did some mini-camp dealio in 6th/7th grade where we learned a few cheers & performed them at halftime at a football game. I’m pretty sure I remember all of them – and the moves. That’s important stuff, really super glad it’s taking up space in my brain but I can’t remember my license plate number.
Yummy granola! Too much cinnamon though for me. I’d bump up the other spices a bit and cut the cinnamon by half. Love the versatility of the recipe. I added: hemp hearts, chia, walnuts, dried cranberries, sesame seeds…yummy!
When do we get to buy colored PaleOMG tank tops???? I need one. ASAP.