Click Here to Join The Glow Pregnancy Program
I am 35 weeks pregnant and still going strong with lifting 3-5x/week!! It has been a struggle, I haven’t wanted to do it most days, but I’m so proud of myself for sticking with it! And I’m here to hopefully help you do the same thing! The Glow Pregnancy Program was created and tested by me throughout pregnancy. I’ve made sure all of the movements are safe for people who are comfortable with lifting weights and did some sort of lifting in the past. It’s not specifically advanced, but I created it for people who have some sort of experience in a gym setting. This program is 12 weeks and can be performed at any point in pregnancy, even done multiple times in pregnancy. It’s not a progressive overload program like most of my programs are, but it does continue to challenge you in different ways throughout while changing up movements based on the changes that may begin during pregnancy.
The reason I created this program is to keep women STRONG during pregnancy. Often times (not always thankfully) we are told to not pick up anything over 20-35lbs during pregnancy (the range will depend on the OB you talk to), but physical strength and bone strength are SO important for women, especially new moms. Hell, I’m often deadlifting a 150lb kettlebell and still hip thrusting over 200lbs. Sure, I’ve slowed down during pregnancy, but since I lifted before, I’m definitely not dropping down to only 20-35lbs. And that’s because I’m going to have heal from pregnancy and birth, carry a baby all day and while nursing, lift a stroller out of a car, carry a carseat, and do about a million other things once my baby is here…and you will, too! That means you should have the tools in place to help with that! Glow Pregnancy Program will help you keep muscle you had before and even build some muscle along the way. That way your muscles and your bones are strong and capable for your new adventure ahead. We lift heavy things every day and that shouldn’t change in pregnancy…it may just take more mental concentration and a little adjustments along the way. Here’s what to expect with the Glow Pregnancy Program –
You’ll need access to the following minimal equipment:
Range of dumbbells
Bands – short and long (handled bands also come in handy for certain movements)
Adjustable bench
Box (bench can also work, box is just more steady and sturdy for things like step ups)
You’ll receive lifetime Access to 12 Weeks of Programming:
The program includes 4 full body workouts per week for 12 weeks.
Day1 – Glutes /Shoulders/Biceps
Day 2 – Hamstrings/Back/Triceps
Day 3 – Quads/Chest/Calves
Day 4 – Glutes/Back/Core
Weeks 1&3 and weeks 2&4 are the same workouts. I do this so you’re able to practice movements over and over to really nail down your form while also hopefully increasing weights a bit as you build confidence in those movements.
New workouts are dripped each month so you’re concentrating on that month and your present goals, instead of jumping ahead.
Progress tracking sheets that you can download and print to help you track your weights each week.
For each workout, you’ll find a video that shares proper form for each movement. And then you will also find a GIF for each movement so that you can quickly watch and review each movement instead of the full video.
Modifications are given for many different movements so you have different options depending on your ability at that stage in pregnancy.
Private Online Discussion Forum and Community:
With your program purchase, you’ll receive free access into our private forum where Glow members can ask questions for me, support other moms through each workout, share your own progress, and get an added push of motivation with each workout.
Here is a sample workout from Day 1 of the Glow Pregnancy Program:
If you have any questions, please leave them below or send me an email at! Remember, you’ll have lifetime access to any of programs!
You look a lot better on that Greek yogurt waffle Insta video, without any plastic surgeries or injectables. I hope your daughter is not filled with the self-hate that you apparently are filled with. You cannot be a good role model as a mother showing her that kind of phoniness and plastic ideal of beauty. She may hate the gym, hate healthy eating, and wind up being 300 pounds- what would you do and how would you treat her then? Get real and strip down to natural beauty!
what I hope to really instill in her is kindness to others in case she experiences people who are struggling and in turn lash out at her with their projections.
Just wow. The abuse you have to endure is shocking and mind blowing. Thank you for your honesty, openness, and willingness to share. I am all for enhancing your natural beauty and I think you look amazing. I have taken a lot of advice from you over the years and I’ve been cooking your recipes for my family for years as well. My son is a lover of unhealthy food and your recipes have really helped me get him on the right path. So thank you for all of that.
just all part of the job, I guess haha!! but thank you for your kindness and for taking what you like and leaving what you don’t when it comes to anything i share!! and so cool to hear that i’ve helped both you and your son through my recipes!! thank you for being awesome!
Wow, this was so mean. Why would you waste your time trying to tear someone down? Juli has been an inspiration to many for years, and she’s never pushed people to do things that they’re uncomfortable with. Instead, she takes the time and energy to break down the things that have worked for her. I’ve always appreciated her stories and recommendations even if I do not pursue them for myself. Please take the negativity elsewhere 🙂
awwwww you’re so sweet! thank you for the love, Melissa! I personally love getting recommendations and advice from other people, even if i don’t use it! it’s always helpful to know how other people are living their lives, even if we don’t want to live that same way!
God bless you honey! Clearly you are fighting some Demons. Juli, thank you so much for this program!! I’m buying it right now!!
I just wanted to say how excited I am for you!! I’ve been following you for so long, have all your cookbooks, and I can’t wait to see you with your babe!! I also love all your positive energy!!
thank you so so much, Dru!! love the positive energy!!
Hopefully I only have a few days left of my pregnancy (im 40+4!) or else i’d grab this program right now! I’ll be back to get it ASAP if i ever become pregnant again.
That said, with your experience so far in pregnancy do you think you’d ever do it again? I love the idea of having two children but man oh man, i’ll have to wait until i forget how annoying the hormone shifts and body changes are! lol
it’s so hard to say when i’ve never actually had a child lol!! i still haven’t reaped the benefits of pregnancy so who knows! never thought I would have one so I’ve definitely learned to never say never!
Hi! I’m signing up for the Glow program and am excited. Thank you! Do you have your pregnancy-related recommendations and resources collected somewhere? I know you have shared a lot on Iag stories, but I haven’t captured it all. Thanks!
i have a blog post with my favorite resources!
Hi Juli! I’ve been reading your blog since 2011 and have never missed a post! I’ve made a lot of recipes and the chocolate zucchini bread was a favorite! I was looking at your fitness programs. They are very pricey. What fitness credentials do you have for making your programs? I was also looking at Mind Pump programs, which are a fraction of your cost. They each have multiple fitness credentials as well as decades of one-on-one in-person training so they know their programs work well. They also are constantly reading new studies and research on fitness and health. They have free forums to talk to educated professionals as well. Your programs cost a lot more, so I’m assuming you are constantly looking into new research and studies? I’m just looking for the best quality product to buy. Side note – I used Lily Nichols while pregnant too and I gained 14 pounds. I weighed less after right after delivering than my pre-pregnancy weight (114#, 5’5″). You work out so much you will barely gain any weight! Don’t worry about it! Just relax and know you won’t have to work to lose any weight. You’re doing great for you and your little one!