Got any apple tartlets sitting around? Or leftover pie? Probably not. Guess you’ll have to make them again. Darn. Well, my mom taught me it was ok to eat pie for breakfast, so I’m doing it. She’ll be so proud that I listened to at least one thing she’s told me my entire life. I’m such a good daughter. Anywho, I put it in overnight chia pudding and topped it with leftover apple tartlets and BOOM, it’s breakfast. Because I ate it in the morning. And afternoon. And while slightly intoxicated. Then hungover. It’s quite satisfying.

Speaking of alcohol, Thanksgiving started off on the right foot: with mimosas. It’s become an annual tradition at our gym, CrossFit Broadway, that we have a Thanksgiving partner workout then drink a lot afterwards. Burn the calories then drink the calories. Makes perfect sense. I don’t know what’s more fun, hanging out with everyone from the gym or the buzz you get from champagne after sweating your balls off. I’m going to pick the buzz. Mostly because then you don’t question the things you’re saying to people you coach. Alcohol is fun in situations where you usually have to be completely professional. That’s why our Christmas party is the best night of the year. People’s true colors come out. And you end up in really random places. One year I ended up at a gay bar down the street. Before that night, I had no idea it was a gay bar. I’m pretty sure I got kicked out. Meaning I’m positive I got kicked out. I love Christmas parties. Just so many shenanigans to be had. I’m not really into holidays, except when shenanigans will occur. And I plan on getting super shenanaganny this Christmas.

Guess what? I’m back in California. I think I had 3 weeks in Colorado, then I had to come back out to this sunny state to work with George from Civilized Caveman on our cookbook The Paleo Kitchen. I can’t complain because it’s 70 degrees here and it’s suppose to drop down the teens in Colorado. Gross. We are almost done with our cookbook. Couple more recipes to go then we start the writing process. I’ll probably only have to come out here once more, which is wonderful since my body is finally coming back down to a happy state. Creating a cookbook, cooking 5-6 meals a day, means lots of eating. Waaayyyyy more eating than usual. Way more eating means wearing lulus more often. And I have invested a good amount of money in real people clothes the past year. I need to wear them. Can’t wait until you guys get to see the recipes we’ve made for you! Don’t forget, you can order the book now on amazon!!

Oh. Random thought. Like all the thoughts I have on here. I watched the first 2 seasons of Homeland in one week. Hashtag obsessed.

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Leftovers Apple Tartlet Breakfast Chia Pudding

5 Stars 4 Stars 3 Stars 2 Stars 1 Star

4.9 from 7 reviews

  • Yield: 3-4 1x




  1. Blend together coconut milk, almond butter, vanilla extract, and maple syrup in a blender.
  2. Place the blended mixture into a resealable large jar then add chia seeds. Seal jar and shake.
  3. Place in refrigerator overnight.
  4. Top with chopped leftover apple tartlets
  5. Eat up. Breakfast is served.

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PaleOMG Thanksgiving Leftovers: Apple Tartlet Breakfast Chia Pudding


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  1. Kate says:

    Oh man, if I ever had leftover apple tartlets, this would be first on my list.

    And I’m super jealous of your California trip — I live in Central Idaho, and it looks like we’re going to get the same front you’re talking about in Colorado. Ugh.

  2. Farrah says:

    Hey Juli, How long will this keep in the fridge?

    1. juli says:

      a while. i had mine in the fridge for over a week in a sealed jar

  3. Purelytwins says:

    have fun with the cookbook!!

    this chia pudding sounds great

  4. Faith says:

    Didn’t have tartlets, just made the pudding and DAAAAAMN girl!!! The pudding is the bomb on its own!!!

    1. juli says:

      yay!! glad you still made it!

  5. Gabrielle says:

    fun fact: I too am obsessed with Homeland. The third season takes a real turn down hill tho. Such a shame!

  6. alexis nicpon says:

    Have you tried it with almond milk?

    1. juli says:

      yep! delicious!

  7. Elizabeth says:

    Yum!!! I actually had a few tartlets left (I made a double batch), so I had to try this. I just licked the bowl…

  8. Ann says:

    Your site is so much fun, not to mention that you’ve really got talent putting flavors and textures together.
    When I saw this on the public radio site today, I wondered if it would be something you’d be interested in, or in changing to make it your own. A Whole Foods near me does something like this with figs, maybe dried figs. It’s nice to get a bite of something sweet now and again, without dipping into the sugar jar.

    Thanks for your humor, honesty and the great recipes.

  9. Mary says:

    Just had this for breakfast. Yummy way to start the day. Lots of energy to go clean out the green house and rake some leaves!

  10. Chris Zaccharia says:

    Very delicious. I tried this before and I gain weight 🙂