Happy Monday, you workout lovers, you! So get this: to reward you for loving working out and for finally looking at my Weekly Workouts post (I know you’re only here for the giveaway, you bastard), I’m going to reward one special person with a pair of Topo Athletic Shoes! If you haven’t seen these shoes yet, you need to. At first, I wasn’t sure I was going to like them. I’ve stuck with the same shoes for a long time and I’m quite comfortable with tying my own shoes. But these Topo Athletic Sante gym shoes are seriously fantastic. Super easy to tighten them (similar to snowboard boots), say to loosen them and they are wicked comfortable. They are a little wider in the toe area, which I find really comfortable and even better looking then skinny shoes. Skinny feet are weird looking.

Let’s do this!! This giveaway is for both men and women since Topo Athletic makes great shoes for everyone. AND the winner gets to choose what shoes they would like! So enter away! This giveaway is for US and Canada residents only. Sign up below! And while you’re at it, look how adorbs these ones are!


Sunday – Rest day! This was a day I planned on going to the gym, but after a night of Halloween party partying, I said no thank you. Alcohol ruins everything. It’s the worst.

Monday – Back on the wagon. I’ve been practicing my butterfly pull ups as much as possible and that’s exactly what I did this day. Since I had just been back for half a week at the gym, they were a little all over the place, but I managed to get a couple sets down pretty well! Hoping to have them down by the time I compete in a team competition this month. Gag.

Squat Clean & Split Jerk: 12 mins to find a heavy double. 20 sec between reps. I to to 120#

Front Squats: 6 x 4. All sets at 82% every 90 secs. – I used 95#

7 min AMRAP Of:

6 Power Cleans (185/135)

9 Burpees

12 Pull Ups

I got 4 rounds + 4 power cleans using 105#

Tuesday – I loved this workout. Any workout without squats in it is my jam. My jaaaaaam. Meaning I hate it less.

Snatch High Pulls with 2 sec Pause at Knee: 6 x 2. All at 80-90 % (8 mins)

Power Snatch: 6 x 2. With 10 sec Reset Between ( 12 mins) – I got to 105#


4 RFT OF: (12 min Time Cap)

10 HSPU or 3 Wall Walks

20 KB Swings (70/55)

40 Double Unders

I finished in 7:48 using a 45# KB



Wednesday – Yay! I can finally do some weighted pull ups! Not a ton of weight, but whatevs, I can still do it!

Strict Press : 3-3-3. Adding – I got to 85#

Then Push Press: 3-3-3. Adding – I got to 115#

In between every press set perform:

3 Weighted Pull Ups. Adding OR Max Effort Strict Pull Ups OR 7 x Bent Over DB Rows each side. Adding. (14 mins) – I used a 15# kettlebell to do my strict pull ups



12 min AMRAP OF:

200m Run

15 Box Overs (24/20)

15 Back Squats (135/95) – from floor

I got 4+100m at 85#


Thursday – This workout was holy hell uncomfortable.

EMOM For 9: 3 Power Clean & Push Jerks (225/155) or 75% of 1 rep max. – I used 115# and it was hell

For Total Ring Dips / Dips: (kipping or strict) – I did ring push ups because dips hurt my boobs. So do ring push ups. Boobs just aren’t suppose to do that sh*t.

60 sec work / 60 sec rest

45 sec work / 45 sec rest

30 sec work / 30 sec rest

15 sec work / 15 sec rest


21-15-9 Reps For Time Of:

Deadlift (255/175)

Hand release push ups

Toes to bar

I finished in 8:17 using 125# deadlift

Friday – I wasn’t going to take a rest day since I was leaving out of town soon, but then I did. And went to the dog park instead. That’s way more fun. I need small dog friends who want to play with Jackson because none of the big dogs want to.

Saturday – Talk about not wanting to do this workout. I woke up, saw this workout, and quickly regretted not working out on Friday. Shame. Because the sled push whooped my ass, especially since we only do them twice a year.

400m Sled Push With A Partner (empty)

Then on your own,

20 OHS (135/95)

400m Run

20 SDHP (135/95)

400m Run

20 Thrusters (135/95)

400m Run

20 Burpees

I finished in 19:23 using 65# for all of my lifts.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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  1. Penny says:

    I love your site! It’s a great combo of information, inspiration, and fun stuff. I’m super excited about the shoe/cookbook give away!

  2. Tanya R. says:

    I would love these shoes.

  3. Megan says:

    Ooooohhhhh! They’re just what I need!

  4. Sarah I says:

    These shoes looks awesome!

  5. Molly says:

    Super cute shoes! Love the wide toe box and easy tighten!

  6. Kate says:

    Hi Juli! Those shoes look AWESOME!! I just finished my first month of Crossfit and have been loving it and have been looking to get some new kicks, so even if I’m not picked I still may invest in a pair!! (I couldn’t like them on Twitter since I’m not on Twitter, but still liked them on FB!) Thank you also for amazing, simple recipes–I’ve been paleo for one year now and you have been a major influence from my first day. Love your site–keep up the good work!


  7. Matt says:


  8. Lori says:

    Random thought.. Wondering if you plan to or have thought about including what you are eating on your workout days? I feel like that is a huge challenge with most people – not knowing how to properly fuel their bodies before workouts and after. (Maybe you already have said something about it and decided it is a pain in the ass) I haven’t checked your blog out in a while – these workout posts (and fashion Fridays!) and even your transformation is incredible. Even though you are beautiful no matter what – feeling that way is what matters. I am glad I got back on the JB bandwagon 🙂 Always a good read.

  9. Shirley says:

    Got my first HSPU today with a kip… So stocked! I can do strict PU as well but the weighted PU is a whole another level of coolness!!! Gotta try that tomorrow!!!