Helloooooo out there! And happy Monday! I am feeling refreshed and excited to get back to work after 4 full days off. Whenever I travel, I almost always work the entire time. But this vacation to Cabo with my husband was just about us. I did a tiny bit of work in the mornings before he woke up, but the rest of the trip was about bonding, catching up and relaxing like crazy. And that’s exactly what we did.

But before we left on vacation, I had a pretty insane week. So insane that I had to take 3 full days off of working out, which usually doesn’t happen. But as I’ve entered my 30’s, I’ve learned to listen to my body more and what it needs. At the beginning of last week, I prepped for cooking videos all day on Sunday, then I filmed 8 cooking videos on Monday followed by 5 workout videos on Tuesday. In the past, I would think that I was fine to go workout afterwards. But as I’ve gotten older and I understand adrenal fatigue a tad more, I now understand that putting my body through stress in a workout after it being in a state of stress all day while filming is a recipe for disaster. And that’s because I’ve tested that theory. I’ve worked out right after filming cooking videos and I found myself having a hard time getting out of bed the next day, or opening my computer or even having the energy to comment back to anyone on instagram. That’s how exhausted I was.

But it took me a while to understand what stress even looked liked. We are often taught what stress should feel like, but life stress doesn’t always fit those qualities that we’ve been taught. But if our body is in a constant state of fight-or-flight during a huge project or a life event or maybe even travel, the last thing we need to do is add stress on top of it. And at the end of the day, working out IS stress. You are stressing your bones, your ligaments, your joints, your brain…and your adrenals. And that constant state of stress WILL kick your ass at some point. You may feel exhausted, depressed, get sick…there are a lot of different ways it may manifest itself.

So instead of stressing your body more, give it some rest. Missing a couple workouts won’t ruin your goals or your plans. But constantly draining your body’s energy and beating up your adrenals will someday take it’s toll. So listen now, accept that life throws your curve balls, and then get back to your routine once everything calms down. Your body will thank you in the long run!

Sunday – Rest Day – Video Prep Day

Monday – Work Day – Cooking Videos

Tuesday – Work Day – Workout Videos

Wednesday – CrossFit Broadway Class

Deadlift : (16 mins)

  • 7 @ 73%
  • 6 @ 78%
  • 5 @ 83%
  • 4 @ 88%
  • 3 @ 93% – I got to 185#

+ 5-10# each set from last time.

Then 8 min As Many Rounds As Possible Of:

  • 60 DU
  • 12 Front Rack Lunges (135/95)

I got 5+13 DU using 75#

Thursday – Rest Day – Traveling to Cabo

Friday – Workout in Cabo at The Resort at Pedregal – see video here

7 rounds for time:

  • 10 DB bicep curls
  • 20 side skater jumps
  • 10 DB front squats
  • 20 frog jumps

Saturday – Workout in Cabo at The Resort at Pedregal

Five 3 minute rounds with 1 minute rest between each round:

1 minute sprint on the woodway followed by 2 minutes of burpees until the 3 minutes is up.

Rest for 1 minute then repeat 4 more times!

I got 23-26 burpees each round


Free Travel Workout:

See Friday & Saturday Workouts

On Sale Activewear:

adidas Pureboost (30% off)

Zella Midi Leggings (40% off)

Beyond Yoga Wrap Tank (40% off)

Nike Power Tights (40% off)

Nike Flex Shorts (25% off)


I may be compensated through affiliate links in this post, but all opinions are my own. This compensation helps with expenses to keep this blog up and running! Thank you for your support with PaleOMG!

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  1. Jennifer says:

    I saw your IG stories last night and I’m excited about your get back on track post that is coming. I think sometimes the biggest struggle can be where/when to start. I’m excited to see the groceries, the food, increasing water, all the good stuff.

    1. juli says:

      excited to share it!!

  2. Lindsay says:

    You’re so right about listening to your body! Also I’d love to hear your thoughts on the curved treadmill in a future podcast 🙂

    1. juli says:

      you got it!!

  3. Brooke A. says:

    Yes! I would love to know what you thought about the curved treadmill as well 🙂
    I loved reading all the comments about the guy in the background of your video. What the heck was he doing? LOL!
    So I did that same workout in my house because it’s so hot here in the summer and I was too tired to go to crossfit and workout with no AC. My side butt is sore from those skater lunges, I love incorporating lateral movements as well since I think CF lacks in that. Thanks for all the inspiration!

    1. juli says:

      yeah i was pretty annoyed with everyone in that post. he had just been doing sprints on the treadmill and was honestly just stretching out with a weight. and people gave him so much shit for it. THIS is exactly why people feel intimidated to go workout. they think others are judging them and my followers were proving that point. it was pissing me off. but i’m glad you enjoyed the workout!! so simple and so effective!

  4. Madi says:

    Seriously love when you talk about stress and adrenal fatigue. About a year and a half ago I was DEEP in that shit and would literally start crying to my coach and boss at the gym like once every other week (I’m not a crier normally) and like flipped shit on my girlfriends when we’d go out if they couldn’t get their shit together. I’m normally such an easy going person that these outbursts legit scared me. It wasn’t until my now fiancé convinced me to quit my job at the gym, take several WEEKS off working out, and take my goddamn depression meds that I finally started to feel normal again.

    So preach it from the high mountains. Oh and I also started leaning out once I stopped working out 2-5 hours a day and actually had some semblance of a sleep schedule.

    Love the blog, podcast, and you. And I know you aren’t feelin Insta, but you can’t stop posting!! I wouldn’t know what to dooooo!

  5. Kate says:

    Thanks Juli. I think overtraining and adrenal fatigue are things people don’t really talk much about. Probably because we don’t always recognize it. Took me til I was mid 30’s before I figured it out for myself and your blog really helped me with that. Now I’m pregnant with our second and need to be even more conscious with how training makes me feel.
    The woodway treadmill is amazing. That Saturday workout would have been tough. Can’t wait to get back into these sort of workouts next year once baby is born.