Goooooood morning!! This whole time change is throwing me the F off. I went to bed at 8:30pm and woke up at 4:15am this morning and strongly thought it was 5:15am, especially since we haven’t changed the clocks in our kitchen. And since I suck at going back to sleep once I wake up, I decided that it was time for coffee. I don’t know about you, but I wake up excited to get out of bed and have a cup of coffee. Usually not at 4:15am, but ya know.
Let’s get to what’s important here this week – movement. It can be pretty easy to fall off course. Whether we go through illness or tragedy or whatever it may be, sometimes our workout routine can somehow come to an end. And from that, it can be even harder to start back up again. That’s usually because we play the comparison game. We think about how in shape we were at one point and it’s nerve racking thinking about going back in and not feeling like that person anymore. We let our ego get in the way of getting back on track. Days turn into weeks then into months. And the longer we wait, the more intimidating it gets.
Stop waiting. Stop comparing. And get moving. No matter what got in your way in the past and held you back from working out, it doesn’t have to continue. You are the only person who can motivate yourself to get back on track. Movement and exercise is so incredibly important and just because you fell off the wagon at some point doesn’t mean you can’t get back on it. Start small and build up and before you know it, you’ll be back to where you started. Start today and you’ll be so happy how you feel after. You got this.
Sunday – Versa Climber Class at Transform through Class Pass
Monday – CrossFit Broadway Class
Deadlift: 5 x 3. First set at 80%, building – I worked up to 190#
Then 9 min As Many Rounds As Possible Of:
- 50 Double Unders
- 15 Push Jerk (135/95)
- 15 Calorie Row
I got 3 rounds + 5
Tuesday – CrossFit Broadway Class
Every 2 mins for 15 Rounds!
Rounds 1-5 = 12/9 Calorie Bike + 10 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
Rounds 6-10 = 12/9 Calorie Bike + 16 Wall Ball
Rounds 11-15 = 12/9 Calorie Bike + 8 Front Rack Lunges (135/95)
*score is lowest number of reps (after the bike) for each movement in any of the 5 rounds
I finished with 9 calories, 10 kipping pull ups, 16 wall balls and 8 lunges at 75#
Wednesday – Boxing Class at Compass Fitness through Class Pass
Thursday – Rest Day
Friday – Workout in Civana Carefree gym
4×5 barbell sumo squats @ 85#
Then 5 rounds of:
- 10/10 kettlebell one-legged deadlifts (single kettlebell)
- 10 American style kettlebell swings
- 10 crossfit style burpees
Saturday – Cardio Circuit class in Civana Carefree
On Sale Activewear:
Striped Tank (20% off)
Splits59 Pullover (40% off)
Onzie High Rise Capris (40% off)
Alo Yoga Pullover (40% off)
Nike Flex Running Shoes (20% off)
I may be compensated through affiliate links in this post, but all opinions are my own. This compensation helps with expenses to keep this blog up and running! Thank you for your support with PaleOMG!
“Goooooood morning!!”–I watch FedandFit’s insta stories regularly and she always starts with this, so I literally read this in her voice before realizing which blog I was on. =D
So true about getting out of your own way and just moving!! I had to take a month or so off due to a back injury. After my chiropractor cleared me to workout again (other than just walking), I was hesitant about doing ANYTHING for all of the above reasons you listed. I finally got over myself and have been back for two weeks now and feeling incredible.
that’s so awesome!! good work!!
Could not have read this post at a better time! Thanks for the motivation.
glad I could help Crystal!