Good morning from Queenstown, New Zealand! This trip has been absolutely fantastic. After this is over, I will be saving all my pennies to come back here again one day and experience more than just Queenstown and Wanaka. This place is pure magic.
Just a heads up, I’m keeping this post rather short today so I can continue to enjoy these last few days. Definitely trying to stay in vacation mode while I’m here. This last week of workouts has been all about working out when I feel like it, staying active in different ways other than a normal workout, AND eating every single piece of food I see. Yes, I’ve gained weight, yes, I feel a little self conscious about it, but I know I can get back to my routine once I’m home. I have PLENTY of time in Denver to watch what I eat and work out. What I don’t have in Denver is the breathtaking views, the amazing experience and the fan-freaking-tastic food that New Zealand has to offer. I don’t have a whole lot of experience in this world, but I know from previous years that I will never regret enjoying every single minute of a vacation. The only thing I will regret is saying no. I will definitely regret saying no to a homemade gluten free twix bar. So I ain’t doing it.
Back to routine next week, back to home cooked meals in Colorado, and back to my puppy. Until then, it’s time for a wine tour
Sunday – Rest Day/Traveling to New Zealand
Monday – Rest Day/Traveling to New Zealand
Tuesday – Rest Day/Traveling to Wanaka, NZ
Wednesday – Workout at CrossFit Wanaka
5 rounds for time:
- 5 squat cleans
- 600m run
- 8 push press
- 10 pull ups
- 8 burpees
Thursday – Workout at CrossFit Wanaka
15 minute AMRAP of:
- 7 power cleans
- 7 devils press
- 50 double unders
Friday – Short hike in town
Saturday – Workout in town in Queenstown
2 mile run + hill sprints, stair sprints and jumps, and band work on the stairs
Plus mountain biking for 2 hours
Saying “yes” to life is lovely. 🙂 I’m happy for you that you had this amazing experience!
thanks Carrie!
Kia Ora. Welcome to my homeland. You picked one of the most magnificant areas of New Zealand to start in. Enjoy.