Good morning from Queenstown, New Zealand! This trip has been absolutely fantastic. After this is over, I will be saving all my pennies to come back here again one day and experience more than just Queenstown and Wanaka. This place is pure magic.

Just a heads up, I’m keeping this post rather short today so I can continue to enjoy these last few days. Definitely trying to stay in vacation mode while I’m here. This last week of workouts has been all about working out when I feel like it, staying active in different ways other than a normal workout, AND eating every single piece of food I see. Yes, I’ve gained weight, yes, I feel a little self conscious about it, but I know I can get back to my routine once I’m home. I have PLENTY of time in Denver to watch what I eat and work out. What I don’t have in Denver is the breathtaking views, the amazing experience and the fan-freaking-tastic food that New Zealand has to offer. I don’t have a whole lot of experience in this world, but I know from previous years that I will never regret enjoying every single minute of a vacation. The only thing I will regret is saying no. I will definitely regret saying no to a homemade gluten free twix bar. So I ain’t doing it.

Back to routine next week, back to home cooked meals in Colorado, and back to my puppy. Until then, it’s time for a wine tour

Sunday – Rest Day/Traveling to New Zealand

Monday – Rest Day/Traveling to New Zealand

Tuesday – Rest Day/Traveling to Wanaka, NZ

Wednesday – Workout at CrossFit Wanaka

5 rounds for time:

  • 5 squat cleans
  • 600m run
  • 8 push press
  • 10 pull ups
  • 8 burpees

Thursday – Workout at CrossFit Wanaka

15 minute AMRAP of:

  • 7 power cleans
  • 7 devils press
  • 50 double unders

Friday –  Short hike in town

Saturday – Workout in town in Queenstown

2 mile run + hill sprints, stair sprints and jumps, and band work on the stairs

Plus mountain biking for 2 hours


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  1. Carrie Boyd says:

    Saying “yes” to life is lovely. 🙂 I’m happy for you that you had this amazing experience!

    1. juli says:

      thanks Carrie!

  2. Audrey says:

    Kia Ora. Welcome to my homeland. You picked one of the most magnificant areas of New Zealand to start in. Enjoy.