Hello out there!! And happy Monday!! I hope you had a weekend full of delicious food, sweaty workouts and amazing people. Mine was filled with all three. The only problem is I have a sick puppy at home…again. Not sure what’s going on with him at the moment but he’s been sick, having trouble breathing and has no energy. So I’m finally taking him in to the emergency vet today. Hoping to get some answers and help him feel better ASAP. It’s been a tough couple months for the little guy.

And since I’m not sure I’ll have time to make it in to the gym today, I’ve been thinking up some things I can do at home. I talked about affordable fitness equipment a couple weeks ago and it’s had me thinking about other equipment I want to invest in to have at the house when things aren’t going to plan. And I think it may be time to grab a couple kettlebells. I’ve been using kettlebells for years now in CrossFit, but just recently I’ve been incorporating lighter kettlebells in to my own exercise routine and I’ve been LOVING it. It’s amazing how great great of a workout you can get when you’re using just 25#! And it got me thinking how easy it would be to put together your own home gym with some simple equipment. So many people out there have the excuse that they can’t make it to an actual gym, but what if the gym was in your home? And I’m not even talking about barbells and plates and all the extra shiny stuff. I’m simply talking about some kettlebells, dumbbells, resistance bands, and a few other items! I’m going to link some of my favorites below that you could use to easily incorporate some of my workouts in to your own home routine! Hope this helps you out in 2019!

Sunday – Versa Climber Class at Transform through Class Pass

Monday – Workout by Myself – see some movements here

3 rounds of:

  • 15-12-10 Single arm kneeling lat pulldown (increasing weight each set)
  • 15-12-10 Alternating hammer curls with hold – each side (increasing weight each set)
  • 30 Crab kicks

3 rounds of:

  • 15-12-10 Behind the neck pull down
  • 15-12-10 Bicep cable curls
  • 20 Front kick sits

3 rounds of:

  • 10 Broad jumps
  • 20 Lying leg raises
  • 20 Plank shoulder taps
  • 10 Running man lateral jumps

Tuesday – Rest Day

Wednesday – Workout by Myself – see workout here

3x through –

  • 8/8 Half Turkish Get Ups
  • 20 Total Alternating Single Arm Lateral Lunge Swing

*30 kick sits and 30 bounce tucks once 3 rounds is finished

3x through –

  • 10/10 KB Swing to Curtsy Lunge
  • 20/20 Banded Jumping Lunges (20 total facing one direction then another 20 facing the opposite direction)

*30 kick sits and 30 bounce tucks once 3 rounds is finished

3x through –

  • 8/8 Kneeling Squat Lunge to Knee Drive
  • 5/5 Banded Pistol into Knee Tap

*30 kick sits and 30 bounce tucks once 3 rounds is finished

3x through –

  • 15 Pause barbell hip thrusts
  • 15 Cable rope pull throughs

*30 kick sits and 30 bounce tucks once 3 rounds is finished

Thursday – Boxing Class at Compass Fitness through Class Pass

Friday – Yoga Sculpt Class at Core Power Yoga through Class Pass

Saturday – CrossFit Broadway Class

20 minute partner AMRAP, alternating rounds (one person working at a time):

  • 3 hang squat cleans (205/145)
  • 5 pull ups
  • 5 burpees
  • 15 air squats

We got 17 rounds + 16 reps using 85#


PaleOMG Free Travel Workout

On Sale Activewear:

Zella High Waist Leggings (40% off)

Nike Tank (52% off)

Marika Ankle Leggings (58% off)

Nike Legend Shoes (45% off)

Nike Hyperwarm Top (15% off)


I may be compensated through affiliate links in this post, but all opinions are my own. This compensation helps with expenses to keep this blog up and running! Thank you for your support with PaleOMG!

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  1. Kate says:

    Hi Juli. Sorry to hear about Jackson. Hope you get some answers soon. Keep us posted.
    With the workouts you do by yourself, how long does it take you to get through it all including warm up, any stretching etc? Also, do you have any tips for being efficient in the gym and squeezing more in? Thank you 🙂

    1. juli says:

      thanks Kate!! they usually take 1.5-2 hours, but that’s with my long warm-up and often with a cool down. and the only way i really know to be more efficient is taking less rest in between rounds and sets

  2. Kate O. says:

    I literally have one set of 20# dumbbells and a 25# kettlebell and I get the best workouts in every day from home! You really do only need a few essentials!

    1. juli says:


  3. Erin says:

    Would LOVE to see more about how to set up a home gym with minimal equipment and what workouts would be a good fit for it. It would also be helpful to list an estimated time for the workouts you post. Thanks for all your hard work and inspiration!

    1. juli says:

      sounds good, i may talk about that in the future!

    2. Penny says:

      A couple years ago I went through all Juli’s Monday posts and wrote down her at home/hotel workouts that she puts at the end. I wrote each workout on an index card using a black sharpie. Each day I pick a workout, put the index card on the floor of my home gym, and get at it! I have a whole stack of them! They’re the hest! (Thanks Juli- muah!)

  4. Andi says:

    My husband’s health history is making it medically necessary for him to work at home right now and we as a family need to be away from the public as well because of the virus at hand. We will be inside and in our back yard (as weather permits) with two two-year-old girls. I am ordering a jump rope and hoping to order some resistance bands too. Any recommendations for a beginner as to what bands to order? Do you have any workouts you could link me to of any such workouts? Thanks a million! God Bless & stay healthy!!