Ugh. I got talked into a CrossFit competition. Again. Gosh dang it. I slightly, meaning really, hate going to CrossFit competitions. It reminds me of what it was like to walk into my college recreation center: lots of dudes in annoying shirts, who all think they are the sh*t and are looking to prove something. Along with the females as well. And there is so much neon. And those neon shirts all make jokes about snatches. We get it people, you like vagina innuendos. No need to prove it to your mother who is watching the competition. And I may sound like a b*tch, but I used to be one of those people. Minus the vagina shirts, that just wasn’t my thing. But the point is, that’s just not my thing anymore. Spending my weekends making baked goods and half assing my workouts is much more my speed.

BUT I do love being around my friends at the gym. They are pretty much the greatest people ever. And I would do anything for them. Including partake in a competition with males wearing “do you even wod, bro” shirts. Yes, I will put myself through that shame just for them.

And now that I have a competition to not disappoint my teammates at, I have to actually make goals. Which is somewhat of a pain right now because I’m traveling for work and pretty much working all day long. I mean, I still workout while traveling, but they are half assed to the max. Soooooo it’s hard to make goals when I don’t truly care. Jeez, I need to care. What are you guys caring about nowadays? Have you made any goals you’re trying to accomplish? Or not completely disappoint your friends at? Tell me all about it, pumpkin.

Sunday – I’ve talked about having a hard time on being motivated on Sundays…and this was that Sunday. I did not warm up, I did not go fast, and I did not care. I barely broke a sweat, but at least I got my ass moving, right? Right.



Handstand push ups

Toes to Bar

Monday – Rest Day. I work Monday mornings at the gym so I usually don’t feel like going back at night. Especially when it’s a 1 rep max on a front squat. Let’s be real here, I do not care what my 1 rep max is on lifts anymore, especially when it comes to squats. I’d much rather do light weight with multiple reps. Just personal preference. So instead, I got a sh*t ton of work done at home. Beauty.

Tuesday – I can finally tell my strict handstand push ups are getting stronger! I don’t fully care about them being stronger, but it’s nice to see an improvement in something!

Deadlifts: 7-7-7. Each rep lowered under control and reset on floor. (12 mins) – I got to 175#

4 Rounds For Total Reps -Alternating

Muscle Ups or Bar M.Ups or Strict Pull Ups or Raised Ring Rows
 – I did strict pull ups since my thumb is still healing

Strict HSPU / Max HS Holds – I did strict handstand push ups a smaller platform lower than an abmat

1 min Rest between rounds.

I got a total of 52 reps


5 Rounds For Time:

10 OH Squats (135/95)
 – I used 75#

40 Double Unders

I finished in 6:39

Wednesday –  This workout was deceivingly hard. Like, really hard. After the plyo push ups, your shoulders and chest just shut down. My boobs were so sore the next day. I’m not into that muscle being sore.

Power Snatch: 6 x 2. Adding. Working on receiving bar in good half squat catch position. (14 mins) – I got to 105#

3 x Max Effort Sets Of Plyo Push Ups (men with 45# plates/women with 35# plates) – For Total Reps. 1 min REST BETWEEN SETS. –  I got a total of 44 reps only falling once on my face

For Total Rounds & Reps.

5 min AMRAP OF:

5 Power Snatch (135/95) – I used 75#

9 Toes To Bar


5 min AMRAP OF:

5 Power Snatch (135/95)

9 Burpees

I got a 8 rounds + 10 reps

Thursday – Rest day. There were thrusters and back squats in the same day. Are you high? No way am I going to show up on that day. And I had things to cook. I got sh*t to do, brooooo.


Power Cleans with Pause at the knee. 5 mins for lightish (no more than 60-65%) technique work. – Practicing at 105#

7 mins to find a heavy single Power Clean. ( no pause) – I got to 155#


For Total Reps:

With a 3 min Clock:

350/320 m Row

Max Front Rack Lunges (135/95) – I used 75#

2 min REST

With a 3 min Clock:

350/320 m Row

Max Chest 2 Bar Pull Ups

2 min REST

With a 3 min Clock:

350/320 m Row

Max clean and jerk (135/95) – I used 75#

2 min REST

400m sprint

I got a total of 55 reps and finished my 400m in 1:31


Saturday – This workout was seriously no joke. I was sore almost instantly after and the next day of traveling to Pittsburgh was quite painful. Everything hurt. But sometimes you just have to push it a little harder. This workout was just me and the owner of the gym in a early morning workout. Something you should know about Jason, the owner of Crossfit Broadway, is that he is a freak of nature. So keeping up with him in workouts is close to impossible for me. Unless I change my weight in workouts. So that’s what I did. I modified the sh*t out of everything and it was still the hardest workout I’ve done in months.

Something I’ve never been able to do is butterfly pull ups. And when I saw Jason doing them stupid fast, I decided I needed to give them another try pretty much because I was jealous. I have tried to do butterfly pull ups many many times, including when I was competing but I never could get the rhythm down while still getting my chin over the bar. But this day, I hopped on the bar and they were easy! They weren’t perfect but they were quick and I connected all sets of 12 reps. I was seriously so pumped!

Back Squats: 7 x 3. All sets at 85% every 90 secs


3 rounds for time:

500/460m row

5 clusters (squat clean thruster) (185/100)

3 rounds for time:

15 burpees

5 clusters (155/85)

3 rounds for time:

18/12 pull ups

5 clusters (135/75)

It took Jason 21:25 and took me 23:00

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  1. Sophia says:

    Congrats on the butterfly pull-ups!! That’s the best feeling ever!

    Mostly, I wanted to tell you how much your workout posts make me happy. They always make me smile as I read them; you’re hysterical and Crossfit is awesome. I really love your attitude towards it all too. Thanks for being awesome 🙂

  2. Courtny Kelly says:

    Hi Juli!
    Looks like you are still getting good workouts in even if you go light, you do what is right for you and work with what your body tells you. As for setting goals, my biggest goal is getting up and working out at 6am with the hubby and focus on my thesis and last semester of grad school the rest of the day. Since I made this a goal, I have been getting 5 workouts in each week which for me is huge, and the last four days I hit three PR’s after going almost 2 months with maybe 1 or 2 PR’s. I want to be stronger, but I want to make it work for me too. Congrats on your pull-ups, that is so exciting and I hope Jackson feels better soon, poor little guy looked so sad!
    -Courtny 🙂

  3. Holly says:

    Per your post I’m not sure you would be into this, but check out We’ve been working with them on pull ups, including butterfly, muscle ups (ring and bar) and it is so much fun! They are a great group of people and it’s a blast everytime.

    Clusters – that’s the first time I’ve seen that, what a cluster F. Those sound like a good time. No, not at all. I may have to try that Sat WOD sometime…

  4. Tom says:

    Hey Pumpkin!

    Congrats on the butterfly pull-ups! Interestingly, I think that doing them almost exclusively has made my shoulder mobility worse since you don’t get into the same extension as with kipping pull-ups. Weird, right?

    As for my goals, I’m trying to rehab a sh*tty right calf and work on hamstring mobility because my PT said, “I’m surprised you haven’t torn a hamstring yet they’re so tight”. What a dick, right? But he’s right. Ain’t nobody got time for a sh*tty calf or hamstrings!

  5. Crystal says:

    Half-assing workouts…yeah, that’s where I am too. I think I just got burned out and now I don’t feel like doing anything anymore. Except squatting. I really love squatting.
    I just got a waffle iron! So now I am going to find a waffle recipe on your website, posthaste!

  6. Alisha says:

    I literally had no idea what you’re talking about with your crossfit lingo, but squats I understand. I’ve been overweight for a lifetime (maxed out at 288lbs) and three months ago hired two personal trainers in exchange for weekly massages. That’s using the barter system to your advantage folks! I’m down to 262lbs, am stronger than I’ve ever been and went from barely being able to lift the battle ropes to rocking them for a full minute. It’s not impressive to most but it’s hella impressive to me! I even did 75lb lat pull downs yesterday! Anyways, that’s the sh*t I’m caring about these days and your posts keep that motivation going.