Oh lord. I just woke up to our internet not working this morning. I have a feeling it’s going to be one of THOSE kind of Mondays, especially since they say snow is coming. NOT HAVING IT, COLORADO! Go to your room!!

That felt like a dad joke and now I’m disappointed with myself.

Anywho, the more workouts I’ve been sharing on instagram lately, the more I’ve noticed how many people out there workout from home! Good for all of you out there because that can definitely be a challenge. If you’re a person who works out from home OR maybe you just want to make that transition since it will be easier with your lifestyle, well I have a few pieces of equipment that have made a difference in my own workouts lately. Recently, I haven’t been lifting over 25 pounds which means my workouts barely need any extra equipment. You truly can get such a great workout in with minimal equipment, so I’m linking some of those pieces here in case you’re trying to figure out what to put in your home gym without breaking the bank!

And if you’re still not feeling super motivated in the gym or in your home gym, be sure to check out my instagram! I’m sharing new workouts every 2 days and I already have so many different workouts on there to choose from! That way you don’t even have to think about what to do in the gym! I got yo back!

Sunday – Boxing Class at Fly Kickbox through Class Pass

Monday – Lower Body Workout

3 rounds of:

  • 20 Alternating Side lunge with Reach @10# DB
  • 1 Box Jump into 2 Jumping Lunges x 10

3 rounds of:

  • 20 Alternating Walking Short Stride Lunge @2×10# DBs
  • 20 Alternating Step Up Kickbacks

3 rounds of:

  • 10 1 1/2 Hip Thrusts @85#
  • 12 Weighted Step Ups @2×15# DBs

1 round of:

  • 20 frog pumps
  • 20 glute bridges
  • 20 45 degree hypers
  • 10 Single leg hip thrusts (each side)
  • 10 donkey kicks (each side)
  • 10 fire hydrants to kick (each side)
  • 10 weight lateral leg raises (each side)

Tuesday – Rest Day

Wednesday – Upper Body Workout – video coming soon to instagram

3 rounds of:

  • 10 Barbell Pull Ups
  • 10 KB Row + Clean + Press
  • 15 Ball Slams

3 rounds of:

  • 10 Jumping Pull Up to Deficit
  • 8 Two Handed KB Clean + Bicep Curl + Halo
  • 10 Split Knee Ball Slam (each side)

3 rounds of:

  • 6 Froggy Push Up to Kick Through
  • 8 Chin Ups
  • 12 Tricep Push Downs

Thursday – Lagree Class at Transform through Class Pass

FridayCrossFit Broadway Class

For Total Push Ups:

  • 60 secs of Max Push Ups

30 secs rest

  • 45 secs of Max Push Ups

30 secs rest

  • 30 secs of Max Push Ups

– Rest 90 secs then repeat once more

I got 96 reps (most push ups on my knees)

3 Rounds For Time (15 min cap)

  • 20/16 cal Row
  • 20 Burpees
  • 300m Run
  • 20 Pull Ups

I got 2 rounds + 100m run

Saturday – Rest Day


PaleOMG Free Travel Workout

On Sale Activewear:

lululemon Align Pants (20% off)

Nike Open Back Tank (33% off)

lululemon Gym Bag (30% off)

Adidas Racer Sneakers (31% off)

Nike Metcon 4 (10% off)


I may be compensated through affiliate links in this post, but all opinions are my own. This compensation helps with expenses to keep this blog up and running! Thank you for your support with PaleOMG!

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  1. Jodi says:

    I’ve been LOVING when you post your workouts on Instagram. They give me direction for days when I want to work out, but I’m sometimes not sure what gameplan I want (and it’s the WORST to go when you’re like, da hell i wanna do?). They also give me confidence to try things I never have before, and remind me that i’m allowed to start at whatever weight I need to and build from there.

    I wonder…do you think you’d consider creating a post (either on IG or here) about how to formulate a full workout? Of course there are tons of resources online that give you exact things to follow, but I’d love to be able to put my own thing together from time to time and am never quite sure where to start.

    Either way, thanks for everything you do! And psyched about the new Four Athletics apparel. I get compliments on what I already own all the time!!

    1. juli says:

      yay glad you like the workouts Jodi!! And I’ll definitely try to put together a post about that soon!! And thank you so much for the support with the Four Athletics gear!!

  2. Bethany says:

    Thanks for all these great workouts, Juli….you’re the best!! Seriously, you’re the friend who keeps on giving and giving. Like a exercise Santa Claus! ?

    1. Bethany says:

      AN exercise Santa Claus! Jeez. It’s Monday ?

    2. juli says:

      hahahaha i’m here for you Bethany!

  3. Cass says:

    Missing your ‘what I ate in a day’ s. Turns me on to new product out there! And I know you’ve got good taste!

    1. juli says:

      i’m sorry Cass!! i seriously always forget to do it each week and i also never want people to compare to the amount of food i’m eating in any way. i just know it can be unhealthy for some people and i don’t want to create that kind of space. i hope that makes sense!