I’ve been thinking a lot about fitness lately, more so than usual. I think because I’ve been trying to identify what I want to do on this earth and how I want to make a difference. And for me, I want to be a great influence. Sure, I cuss a sh*t ton and I have an attitude more days than not, but I want that positive influence to come from how I treat my body, day after day. Because I want others to do the same. I want someone to see my regular workouts, the healthy meals I create, and the confidence I exude because of the choices I make day in and day out.

When we look at social media, we are drowning in images of lean people, strong people, people getting ready for fitness competitions, and so on, and so on. And for me, those images aren’t motivational, they are demoralizing. Because I know I’ll never get there. You know why? Because I don’t have the same genetics, I don’t want to injury my body more than I already have with some of my choices in the past, and I want to continue to enjoy my life with food, drink, and not much stress about being leaner.

When I look at fitness nowadays, sure, I want to be fit and feel fit, which I think are great things to strive for. But what I’m concentrating on even more so now is long term health. That’s what motivates me every day. I want to be able to get out of a chair easily, up and down stairs quickly, and I want to be able to take care of myself as long as possible. When people ask how to find motivation – that should be one of the factors. Your 60, 70, 80 year old self should motivate you to take care of your muscles today. It’s hard to know what the future holds, but working towards a healthier tomorrow will set you up for success.

Let’s work together to stop the obsessing over cellulite and worrying over the place you store fat the most. Let’s work together to prove that health is so much more than physique. It’s hard with social media nowadays, but remember that your healthy eating choices, your tough workouts, and your constant self improvement will pay off long term. Your 70 year old self is going to be hella thankful for the choices you’re making now. I promise you that! Motivate yourself today so you can feel fantastic 40 years from now. That’s what I plan on doing! Now…it’s time to work out! Happy Monday!

Sunday – Rest Day

MondayCrossFit Broadway Class

3 x 10 Single Leg Front Rack Step Ups each Side – All sets at 90% + of last times 10 rep weight. (13 mins) – I used 45#

Then 9 min Ladder Of:

  • 40 Double Unders
  • 3-6-9-12-15-18……Push Jerks (135/95)

I got through my set of 21 push jerks + 46 more reps using 55#

Tuesday – HIIT Workout – see movements here

6 rounds of 40 sec on 20 sec rest 

  • Lateral Lunge into Oblique Crunch (20 sec per side)
  • Rotating Mountain Climbers
  • Side Bounds
  • Burpee to Elbow Plank

Wednesday – Rest Day

Thursday – Lower Body Workout

3 rounds of:

  • 15 Hip Thrusts then 10 Pulses 
  • 10 Single Leg Hip Thrusts (each side)

3 rounds of:

  • 10 Box Squats 
  • 8 Standing Cable Hamstring Curl into Kickback 

3 rounds of:

  • 20 Walking Open Stance Lunges 
  • 10 Sumo Deadlift into Sumo Straight Leg Deadlift

Friday – Yoga Sculpt Class at CorePower Yoga

Saturday – Rest Day


PaleOMG Free Travel Workout

On Sale Activewear:

lululemon Tie Tank (40% off)

APL Techloom Sneakers (30% off)

LNDR Leggings (25% off)

Nike Odyssey React Sneakers (50% off)

Nike Pro Shorts (25% off)


I may be compensated through affiliate links in this post, but all opinions are my own. This compensation helps with expenses to keep this blog up and running! Thank you for your support with PaleOMG!

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  1. Sue says:

    Thanks for this post Juli! I’ve always appreciated your openness on this blog, and it’s been amazing to watch the transformation of your relationship with food and your workouts, and how you do what’s best for you (so awesome!). I think you’re a great role model as someone who has a healthy balance with fitness, food, and living their damn life!

    While this article isn’t fitness related, I thought it had some poignant topics with regards to what we consider “wellness” in our modern-day society and how we can be accepting of who we are. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/06/08/opinion/sunday/women-dieting-wellness.html

    1. juli says:

      thanks Sue, I’m constantly working at it and trying to find that daily balance. and my friend just recommended this article. SO GOOD!