It’s Christmas week! I’ve never been fully into Christmas, but I’m getting more in the spirit. For me, Christmas is similar to birthdays, it just gets less exciting as you get older. But as I get older, I also find more things to do. And have a new family with the boyfriend’s side, so we go more places, do more things and therefore, I like Christmas more.

This year, we overdosed on lights. We went to Zoo Lights and Botanical Gardens lights. Neither one are super exciting, but it’s pretty. And thankfully I drank a bit before Zoo Lights so putting up with children was easier. Last year, we went to Zoo Lights and NO ONE was there because it was snowing. So we were hoping for that again. No go. Children running wild. No wonder they sell apple cider and fireball at multiple stands.

We also decorated cookies. I told my mom not to worry about paleo or gluten free and she could make whatever cookies she wanted. So she made us a ton of sugar cookies and gingerbread cookies to decorate. Being a child again is so fun. But after decorating three, my ADHD set in and I started chasing my dog. I can’t concentrate for more than 12 minutes, as you probably know based on how my blog reads.

Anywho, to make up for all the holiday cheer (you gotta balance that sh*t out), we busted through a ton of Sons of Anarchy. We are in the final season and things are just insane. I have to close my eyes 1/3 of the time during the murder scenes, but other than that, I LOVE it. Who knows if it’s Jax (since he’s as good looking as my dog Jackson) or just the story line, but it’s so addicting! I don’t know what we are going to do after the series is over. Probably just get my life together. And finally crawl out of my pajamas.

Sunday – Rest day! Last week absolutely destroyed my legs so I ended up having to take 2 days off in a row because my legs weren’t functioning correctly.

Monday – Rest day! Still not functioning.


1. EMOM for 9:

Power Clean + Squat Clean. Adding. Quick reset. First set at 65% of 1 rep max Squat Clean.- I got to 140#

2. Strict Press: 4 x 3. Adding. (8 mins) – I got to 85#

3. 3 Rounds For Time Of:

30 Wall Ball

30 KB Swings (70/55) –I used 45#

I finished in 8:20

Wednesday – You want some sore hamstrings? I’ll give you some lovely advice: do this workout. It’s such a burner and you’re sore for days after. Everyone wants sore hamstrings, right? Right.

1. Deadlifts: 4 x 5. All sets at 85% of 2 Rep Max. No more than 2 min rest between sets. (12 mins) – I used 185#

2. 6 min AMRAP Of:

9 Deadlift (225/155) – I used 135#

9 Box Jumps (30″/24″)


6 min AMRAP Of:

6 Hang Power Snatch (135/95) – I used 85#

9 Burpees

I got 5+9 on the first AMRAP and 4+3 on the second AMRAP

Thursday – Rest day! Snowmobiling instead. I feel like I got a little core workout in just holding myself up on the snowmobile. But that could be me just making up sh*t. Which I like to do. I absolutely don’t understand how people snowmobile as a sport. That thing weighs approximately 1 billion pounds. How do people flip upside down, on purpose. It makes no sense. I still want to go tubing soooo bad.


Friday – Our coach is a tricky son of a b sometimes. If I would have known that the workout was a 20 rep max back squat, I would NOT have gone. But alas, he didn’t specify that on the website so I ended up there, unhappy as can be. Damn squats.

1. 20 rep max back squat – I used 135#


2. 30 sec Work / 30 sec Rest for 5 minutes of strict handstand push ups – I got 36 reps going to 1 ab mat

3. EMOM For 12: (alternating)

200m / 180m Row

14 Alt DB Snatch (Mod Heavy) – I used 35#

Score is lowest number of reps in a minute

My lowest row was 180m and lowest DB snatch was 10 reps


Saturday – My lawd. I haven’t done sit ups in FOREVER. We usually mostly do toes to bar. Well, my abs are sore to the touch. Like somewhere beat me with a hammer in my stomach. Sons of Anarchy style. Tabatas sit ups – you suck.

Partner workout:

20 minute AMRAP

For the first 10 minutes: while partner 1 is doing a (55/35) KB farmer carry for 100 metes, partner 2 is doing as many reps as possible of power cleans (135/95). Switch once partner is back from carry. At the 10 minutes mark, the power cleans switch to burpees, continuously switching from KB carry to burpees with partner. Score is total number of reps.

I did this workout on my own because we had an odd number and I was happy to half ass a Saturday workout by myself. I ended up with 130 reps using 35# kettlebells and 85# power cleans

Afterwards, we did tabatas sit ups: 20 seconds of work, 10 seconds of rest for 4 minutes. Score is lowest number of sit ups you get in one of your working sets. I kept my number at 13 reps the entire time.

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  1. Michele @ paleorunningmomma says:

    A full two days of rest sounds awesome! That may be coming for me this week with rain in the forecast and kids home from school. Not total rest, but still nice hopefully.

  2. Jeannine says:

    Tabata sit ups and 20 rep max squats ARE the worst! We’ve done both at my gym more than once and I always end up so sore!

  3. juli says:

    I don’t know, I just love to do it even when I complain, I still love it! and always looking to get ready for swimsuit season!

  4. Nicole @ Runs & WODs says:

    20 rep max back squat is one of the hardest things I’ve ever done!! I really thought I was seeing the light at the end. Awesome job! I did the same weight so I know how hard it is!

  5. Chelsea says:

    20 rep back squats are death. We did those for a series of 7 or 8 weeks, increasing weight each week. HORRIBLE.

    That hamstring-hurting workout sounds awesome! I love me some deadlifts! 🙂

  6. Meg says:

    Hey there, I would love am update on your hip pain and how you resolved it or if you have Any lingering issues you are working on

  7. Brooke says:

    I am enjoying your blog so much. I love your sense of humor! I love crossfitting, cooking paleo, spending time with my dogs, and am not planning on kids at this time (maybe not ever). So I crack up at your kid comments. Don’t get me wrong, I think other people having kids is great for them.
    Heck I take care of some of them for a living ( I’m a NICU RN). So I feel like I relate to you and how you are living your life. Keep doing what your doing!

  8. Kirsten says:

    Son’s of Anarchy ROCK, totally with you on that one as I keep staying up late thinking “just one more..”

    Loving your blog!

  9. Emily says:

    So glad I found this blog! I felt so along when I started weight lifting, because honestly, at most regular gyms women usually only do crunches.

  10. shelby says:

    Juli- can you remind me which Crossfit gym you go to in Denver?

    1. juli says:

      crossfit boradway