Are you asking, what the hell is up with that cover photo? Probably not. But that’s ok. My job has become answering questions before they are asked. You know what that cover photo is? It’s of a dance festival I went to last week. Two nights in a row. You know why I made it my cover photo? Because dancing 12 hours total was my favorite exercise of the week. Eff CrossFit, I just wanna dance. Why did I have to hate jazz dance class so much that I quit it? Why, God why?? If I would have stuck with it, I could have later joined a hip hop dance class then became a super good dancer who had super great abs and skillzzzzz. But alas, I hated my jazz dance class outfits so damn much, that I quit that class within my first recital. Don’t the instructors know that outfits are just as important as the dance? Or really, even more important. Especially when you’re 6 years old and suck ass at any sort of dance moves. I didn’t even have a sweet (now back in style) tutu. Black tights with neon socks. Gag me. Anywho, I danced my freaking face off last week. At one point, I was dancing so hard, I thought I broke my foot, then I just kept dancing.

Dancing is truly the most fun thing in the world. And at dance festivals, people are truly dancing like nobody is watching. It’s fantastic.

Sunday – Rest day! Driving 8 hours back from Nebraska after holiday break. You can imagine how incredibly healthy I felt that day. Not moving for 8 hours while eating trail mix really makes you feel amazing.  Aw well. Jackson and I napped in the back seat. He is my all time favorite cuddle buddy.

Monday – Back at it. After not working out for 5 days while in Nebraska, I knew this workout would be tough. I ate pretty much whatever I wanted to eat and definitely felt it the whole time. This workout was pretty good to come back to because I was able to stay light on the squats and I love double unders, even if I felt like a marshmallow. Plus, I got it done early in the morning so I had no excuses later in the day!

1. Back Squat: 5 x 5. All sets at 82% – I used 115#  – Between Sets: Max Effort Strict Pull Ups – I did 34 pull ups

2. 5 min AMRAP of: 30 Double Unders and 7 Power Cleans (155/105)


5 min AMRAP Of: 30 Double Unders and 9 Push Jerk (155/105)

I got 5 rounds on the first AMRAP

I got 4 rounds on the second AMRAP

Tuesday – This workout was much harder than I expected. Especially since I can’t do handstand push ups to the floor, so I modify them a lot which makes a workout a little bit easier sometimes. Anywho, this workout kicked my ass. But what really kicked my ass was the 6 hours of dancing later.

1. Power Snatch + 2 Hang Snatch – 12 mins to find heavy complex. – I got to 105#

2.  For Time:
500m Row
15-12-9-6-3 reps of;
Power Snatch (135/95)
Strict HSPU
500m Row

I finished in 15:39 using 75# and 1 ab mat + 5# plate

3. 6 hours of dancing to Armin Van Buuren, Zedd, and Disclosure – If you’ve never jumped up and down for 6 hours straight to some of your favorite music, I highly recommend it. I slept around 2 hours that night because my ears were ringing so bad, but it was totally worth it. It was nerds theme night. Guys did a much better job than girls, but man did I rock my suspenders. And fanny pack. AND PIGTAILS. Man do I want to wear suspenders all the time. Genius.


Wednesday – 2 hours of sleep and a large meal of meat and potatoes later, I decided to get a workout in. Which sucked because no one else wanted to workout. Solo workout style Wednesday. I did a workout from a while back at our gym then did a quick clean complex to top it off. Not really worth my time, but I guess it’s better than no workout at all!

1. 8 minutes AMRAP: 10 pull ups, 20 burpees to a plate, 30 hand release push ups, 40 wall ball, 500m row – I got 1 round exactly

2. clean complex: 10 minutes to find a complex of power clean into hang squat clean into full squat clean – I got to 140#

3. 6 hours of dancing to Deorro, Kaskade, and Big Gigantic – Our last night of dancing festivities meant gold. Because ya know, we decadent. Deorro is pretty much my favorite dj ever so if you have ever seen my cooking videos, you can imagine how hard I danced the second night. By the end, I could barely move my feet because my legs and feet were so sore.


Thursday – Slept almost the entire day. Ate a gluten free cinnamon roll. Then slept again. Best New Years day ever!

Friday – Back to normal life of working, working out, and not dancing. Ugh. The worst.

1. Every minutes on the minute for 9 minutes: Push Jerk into Split Jerk. Adding. Start at 65% of Split Jerk. – I got to 125#

2. 4 x 40 sec Handstand Holds. 20 sec rest between sets. – Did all sets without coming off the wall, hyperextended elbow and all.

3. 12 min Clock:
1000m / 900m Row
28 KB Swings (70/55) – I used 45#
18 Hand release push ups
8 Power cleans (185/125) – I used 105#

I got 2 rounds + 21 reps

Saturday – This workout was really fun. You should do it.

As Far As Possible in 16 mins:
1 Round Of Cindy (5 pull ups, 10 push ups, 15 air squats)
2 Power Snatch (155/105) – I used 85#
1 Round Of Cindy
4 Power Snatch
1 Round Of Cindy
6 Power Snatch
1 Round Of Cindy
8 Power Snatch

I finished my 12 snatches and got 19 more reps in Cindy


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  1. Michele @ paleorunningmomma says:

    Fun! Dancing really is the most fun way to get a workout in, although I never do it anymore, and my kids yell at me to stop now if I try 🙂

  2. jeni says:

    I am so happy that you posted your love of dance. I am a huge music fan and typically rock out to Phish, SCI and many more. Totally into The New Deal these days. It’s seriously the best workout. Crossfit is just my training ground so I can dance for long show runs….In my 40’s and dancing harder than most. 🙂 We just came home from a 4 night run and it was amaze.

  3. Natural Bio Health says:

    Dancing is a great way to get in exercise! I didn’t get any workouts in this weekend due to my Cedar Fever – thanks, Austin TX 🙁 lol but still felt productive making lists, planning workouts, and looking up recipes! 🙂

  4. Kate says:

    Dancing is by-far the best kind of workout! ;D

  5. Chelsea F says:

    Sometimes it’s the unconventional workouts that are really the best! For me, swimming is my favorite. Not lap swimming – I mean, my niece and nephew want to splash around/be chased/be thrown/swim in general. Those are the best. 🙂
    I suck at dancing, but that dance festival sounds RAD!

  6. Sheila G says:


    I was wondering what formulx products you use. If it’s only the protein powder or if you use any supplements (Aminos, etc,). Thank you!

    1. juli says:

      i personally only use the protein powder, haven’t tried their other products!

  7. Hollie says:

    WOW you had some amazing music to dance to last week! Paleo EDM lovers unite!

  8. Eric says:

    Was this Decadence in Denver? I was there too! That was such a great show; Big G, Grizmatik, and Flux P were all amazing.

    1. juli says:

      yes!! deorro was my favorite. my face almost melted off, it was so great!

  9. Lala says:

    AAAwwww. You went to your first rave massive. 🙂
    I can’t stand crowds like that anymore. I is teh old. Glad you had a blast. I do miss those 8 hour workouts I did in the 90’s.